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Adaface Sample SAP Basis Questions

Here are some sample SAP Basis questions from our premium questions library (10273 non-googleable questions).


🧐 Question


Spool Work Process Configuration
Spool Management
Output Requests
An SAP BASIS administrator needs to configure the spool work process for a newly implemented SAP system to ensure smooth handling of print and output requests. The system is small, serving only a single department with moderate printing needs. The administrator is considering the setup of the output device configuration to optimize the spool work process. Which of the following configurations is the most suitable for this scenario?
A: Set up multiple spool servers to handle output requests for redundancy.
            B: Configure a single spool server with a direct connection to one dedicated output device.
            C: Allocate all spool work processes to the application servers to maximize their utilization.
            D: Use load balancing across multiple output devices even though there is only moderate printing need.
            E: Configure each user's workstation as an individual output device with localized spool processing.


System Copy Procedures
DB Management
You are tasked with performing a system copy for an SAP ERP system, including database adjustments and post-copy tasks. Your SAP system runs on a traditional relational database, and you must decide which system copy method is most suitable for a minimal downtime approach while ensuring data consistency. Which method and post-copy step combination best fulfills these requirements?
A: Homogeneous system copy using backup/restore, followed by BDLS for logical system name conversion.
            B: Heterogeneous system copy using export/import, followed by BDLS for logical system name conversion.
            C: Homogeneous system copy using online database cloning, followed by transaction SE06 for post-installation activities.
            D: Heterogeneous system copy using R3load, followed by running SGEN for generating ABAP loads.
            E: Homogeneous system copy using backup/restore, followed by running SGEN for generating ABAP loads.


Transport Management System
System Administration
You are configuring the Transport Management System (TMS) in an SAP landscape that consists of a Development server (DEV), a Quality Assurance server (QAS), and a Production server (PRD). You need to ensure that all transports follow a standard path from development through quality assurance before being imported into production. Which of the following configurations correctly sets up the transport routes in TMS?
A: Consolidation route from DEV to QAS, and delivery route from QAS to PRD.
            B: Consolidation route from DEV to PRD, and delivery route from QAS to PRD.
            C: Delivery route from DEV to QAS, and consolidation route from QAS to PRD.
            D: Consolidation route from QAS to DEV, and delivery route from DEV to PRD.
            E: Delivery route from DEV to QAS, and delivery route from QAS to PRD.
🧐 Question🔧 Skill


Spool Work Process Configuration
Spool Management
Output Requests

2 mins

SAP Basis


System Copy Procedures
DB Management

2 mins

SAP Basis


Transport Management System
System Administration

2 mins

SAP Basis
🧐 Question🔧 Skill💪 Difficulty⌛ Time
Spool Work Process Configuration
Spool Management
Output Requests
SAP Basis
Easy2 mins
System Copy Procedures
DB Management
SAP Basis
Medium2 mins
Transport Management System
System Administration
SAP Basis
Medium2 mins

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