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Adaface Sample Quantitative Reasoning Questions

Here are some sample Quantitative Reasoning questions from our premium questions library (10273 non-googleable questions).


🧐 Question


Extended Research Timeline
Budget Adjustment
Resource Allocation
Project Scheduling
You are tasked with adjusting the budget for a year-long research project that involves three sequential phases:
            1. The Initial Research (IR) phase has an allocated annual budget of $200,000. By the end of the first quarter, $80,000 has already been spent.
            2. The Data Analysis (DA) phase is scheduled to begin after the completion of the IR phase, with a planned quarterly budget of $50,000.
            3. The Final Reporting (FR) phase, which follows the DA phase, has a fixed budget of $100,000, irrespective of its duration.
            The project encounters a few changes:
            1. The IR phase is projected to need an additional $20,000 for each of the remaining three quarters due to increased research complexity.
            2. The DA phase is anticipated to extend into an additional quarter, meaning it will now take three quarters instead of the initially planned two.
            3. The FR phase will not incur any additional costs and will not be affected by the DA phase extension.
            Calculate the additional budget required by the end of the project in light of these changes.


Resource Allocation Analysis
Graph Analysis
Percentage Calculation
A company is working on three projects: Alpha, Beta, and Gamma. The resource allocation for these projects over four quarters is shown in the table below. The table represents the percentage of total company resources allocated to each project in each quarter. Calculate the average percentage of resources allocated to each project over the four quarters.


The Interstellar Delivery Dilemma
Time Management
Galactic Express, an interstellar delivery company, has three space routes to deliver packages from Earth to Planet X. Route A has a 60% success rate of on-time delivery, Route B has a 75% success rate, and Route C has an 80% success rate. To maximize efficiency, the company decides to send two shipments via different routes simultaneously. If at least one shipment needs to arrive on time for the delivery to be considered successful, what is the probability that Galactic Express will succeed in its delivery?
🧐 Question🔧 Skill


Extended Research Timeline
Budget Adjustment
Resource Allocation
Project Scheduling

2 mins

Quantitative Reasoning


Resource Allocation Analysis
Graph Analysis
Percentage Calculation

2 mins

Quantitative Reasoning


The Interstellar Delivery Dilemma
Time Management

2 mins

Quantitative Reasoning
🧐 Question🔧 Skill💪 Difficulty⌛ Time
Extended Research Timeline
Budget Adjustment
Resource Allocation
Project Scheduling
Quantitative Reasoning
Medium2 mins
Resource Allocation Analysis
Graph Analysis
Percentage Calculation
Quantitative Reasoning
Medium2 mins
The Interstellar Delivery Dilemma
Time Management
Quantitative Reasoning
Medium2 mins

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