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Adaface Sample Program Testing Questions

Here are some sample Program Testing questions from our premium questions library (10273 non-googleable questions).


🧐 Question


Algorithm and Testcase
Unreachable Code
Designing Testcases
Review the following algorithm to calculate the final bill in a store:
            1. Each purchase has three amounts - base, special and extra
            2. On the base amount - If there is a discount offer going on in the store, the discount is applied 
            3. There are no discounts on the special amount
            4. On the extra amount - customer is offered 19% discount if accrued credits are equal to or more than 25 or 10% if the accrued credits are equal to or more than 13. If the accrued credits are lesser than 13, no discount on the extra amount is offered. In case there is a discount offer going on in the store, the discount on extra amount calculated based on credits cannot be lesser than the discount offer.
Here is the code written by the developers for this algorithm:
Here is the code the developers wrote to test the program when a customer has 13 credits and store offer is 0:
Pick the correct statements:
            A: The code works correctly as expected without any defect
            B: The program has unreachable code and generates faulty output when credits are ≥ 25
            C: The testcase is written correctly and tests the test case as expected
            D: The testcase need to be modified to account for imprecise rounding of floating numbers. Ex: (price == 12900.00) can be replaced with ((price - 12900.00) < 0.01)
            E: The testcase need to be modified to account for imprecise rounding of floating numbers. Ex: (price == 12900.00) can be replaced with (abs(price - 12900.00) < 0.01)


Variables of interest
Data flow analysis
Adaface testing team does data flow analysis on the programs written by the development team. The testing team follows the following marking schema for the variables in a program:
Variables of interest in a code (possible states):
            - d: variable is assigned a value
            - r: value of variable is read
            - u: variable has no defined value
Variables of interest in a code (marking schema):
            - ur: undefined value of a variable is read on a program path r
            - du: variable is assigned a value that becomes undefined/ invalid without having been used in the meantime
            - dd: variable receives a value for the second time and the first value had not been used
Review the following program and pick the correct marking of the variables:
🧐 Question🔧 Skill


Algorithm and Testcase
Unreachable Code
Designing Testcases

3 mins

Program Testing


Variables of interest
Data flow analysis

2 mins

Program Testing
🧐 Question🔧 Skill💪 Difficulty⌛ Time
Algorithm and Testcase
Unreachable Code
Designing Testcases
Program Testing
Medium3 mins
Variables of interest
Data flow analysis
Program Testing
Medium2 mins

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