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Adaface Sample Pandas Questions

Here are some sample Pandas questions from our premium questions library (10273 non-googleable questions).


🧐 Question


Data Aggregation and Transformation
Data Aggregation
Data Transformation
You are working with a dataset, `df`, that contains columns 'A', 'B', and 'C'. You need to perform the following tasks:
            1. Group the DataFrame `df` by column 'A'.
            2. Compute the sum of column 'B' for each group.
            3. Append this sum as a new column 'D' to the original DataFrame `df`.
            You wrote the following code to perform these tasks:
However, you notice that the new column 'D' contains many missing values. What is the cause of this issue?
A: The groupby method did not work as expected.
            B: The sum method did not work as expected.
            C: The new column 'D' should be appended to grouped instead of df.
            D: The grouped object should be mapped to df['A'] before assigning to a new column in df
            E: The groupby method should be called on df['A'] instead of df.


Handling Missing Data
Data Cleaning
Missing Data
You are working with a dataset, `df`, that contains several columns with missing values. You want to replace all missing values in the dataset with the mean of the non-missing values of their respective columns.
            You wrote the following code to perform this task:
However, you notice that some missing values are still not replaced. What is the cause of this issue?
A: The fillna method does not work with the mean method.
            B: The mean method does not work with missing values.
            C: The fillna method should be called on df.mean() instead of df.
            D: The fillna method does not work inplace by default. You should use df.fillna(df.mean(), inplace=True).
            E: The mean method should be called on df.fillna() instead of df.
🧐 Question🔧 Skill


Data Aggregation and Transformation
Data Aggregation
Data Transformation

2 mins



Handling Missing Data
Data Cleaning
Missing Data

2 mins

🧐 Question🔧 Skill💪 Difficulty⌛ Time
Data Aggregation and Transformation
Data Aggregation
Data Transformation
Medium2 mins
Handling Missing Data
Data Cleaning
Missing Data
Easy2 mins

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