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Adaface Sample Inductive Reasoning Questions

Here are some sample Inductive Reasoning questions from our premium questions library (10273 non-googleable questions).


๐Ÿง Question


Odd one out
From the shapes given below select the odd one out.


Sequence Completion
Pattern Recognition
Complete the following sequence.


The Algorithmic Artistry
Pattern Recognition
James, a software engineer, is studying the behavior of a complex algorithm in a software. He has noticed the following patterns:
            1. Each time the algorithm encounters a data structure of type A, it reduces its operation time by 50%.
            2. Whenever the algorithm processes a data structure of type B, the operation time doubles.
            3. The algorithm has an internal timer that resets its operation time to normal after it has processed three data structures of any type.
            4. If a data structure of type B is processed right after type A, the operation time triples instead of doubling.
            Currently, James observed the algorithm processing one data structure of type A and two of type B in succession. Given these patterns, what can James most likely predict about the algorithm's operation time for the next data structure?
A: The operation time will triple.
            B: The operation time will return to normal.
            C: The operation time will be halved.
            D: The operation time will double.
            E: The operation time cannot be predicted.


The Mysterious Migration
Pattern Recognition
Dr. Robert, an ornithologist, has been studying a bird species known for their long-distance migration. He found the following patterns:
            1. The birds begin their migration every year in mid-September.
            2. A significant change in temperature in their current habitat triggers their migration.
            3. Before migration, there is a marked increase in their feeding behavior for about a month.
            4. The migration always coincides with the flowering of a particular tree species along their migration path.
            Currently, it's the beginning of September. There has been an unusual temperature drop in the past week. The birds have been showing increased feeding behavior since early August. The particular tree species has started to flower and is expected to be in full bloom by mid-September. Based on these patterns, what can Dr. Robert most likely predict about the bird migration?
A: The birds will begin their migration earlier than usual.
            B: The birds will begin their migration in mid-September as usual.
            C: The birds will delay their migration this year.
            D: The birds will not migrate this year.
            E: The birds will migrate but on a different path.


The Unforeseen Outbreak
Data Analysis
Dr. Emma, a public health officer, is investigating a sudden outbreak of an unknown illness. Over the past month, she has documented the following patterns:
            1. The illness seems to be more prevalent in districts with higher air pollution levels.
            2. Symptoms start appearing 5-7 days after exposure to the unknown agent.
            3. Individuals who spend more time outdoors have a higher likelihood of getting infected.
            4. The number of cases tends to spike on weekends.
            Today is Monday. The local weather report predicts a wind carrying pollutants from the industrial area towards the city center in the next two days. A large outdoor festival is scheduled to take place on Saturday. Given these circumstances, what can Dr. Emma reasonably predict about the illness outbreak?
A: A spike in the number of cases will occur in the city center this week.
            B: The number of cases will remain constant this week.
            C: The number of cases will decrease this week.
            D: The number of cases will spike in the industrial area this week.
            E: The number of cases will spike next week.
๐Ÿง Question๐Ÿ”ง Skill


Odd one out

2 mins

Inductive Reasoning


Sequence Completion
Pattern Recognition

2 mins

Inductive Reasoning


The Algorithmic Artistry
Pattern Recognition

2 mins

Inductive Reasoning


The Mysterious Migration
Pattern Recognition

2 mins

Inductive Reasoning


The Unforeseen Outbreak
Data Analysis

2 mins

Inductive Reasoning
๐Ÿง Question๐Ÿ”ง Skill๐Ÿ’ช DifficultyโŒ› Time
Odd one out
Inductive Reasoning
Easy2 mins
Sequence Completion
Pattern Recognition
Inductive Reasoning
Easy2 mins
The Algorithmic Artistry
Pattern Recognition
Inductive Reasoning
Medium2 mins
The Mysterious Migration
Pattern Recognition
Inductive Reasoning
Medium2 mins
The Unforeseen Outbreak
Data Analysis
Inductive Reasoning
Hard2 mins

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