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Adaface Sample Grammar & Vocabulary Questions

Here are some sample Grammar & Vocabulary questions from our premium questions library (10273 non-googleable questions).


🧐 Question


Identifying Grammatical Errors and Vocabulary Usage
Subject-Verb Agreement
Pronoun Usage
Read the following passage and identify the sentence(s) that contains grammatical or vocabulary usage errors.
            "The team of researchers have been working tirelessly on the project. They are confident that their findings will have a significant impact on the field. The lead researcher, Dr. Smith, said, 'We have literally left no stone unturned in our investigation.' However, some experts believe that the research methodology may not be as rigorous as it should be. Despite the criticism, the team remains optimistic and believes that the results speak for themselves."
            A: The lead researcher, Dr. Smith, said, 'We have literally left no stone unturned in our investigation.'
            B: They are confident that their findings will have a significant impact on the field.
            C: The team of researchers have been working tirelessly on the project.
            D: However, some experts believe that the research methodology may not be as rigorous as it should be.
            E: Despite the criticism, the team remains optimistic and believes that the results speak for themselves.


Identifying the Correct Verb Tense
Verb Tenses
Which sentence uses the correct verb tense?
A: Yesterday, I go to the store.
            B: She is reading a book now.
            C: They will played soccer tomorrow.
            D: He have finished his work.
            E: We ate dinner an hour ago.
            F: I am study for the test last night.


Idiomatic Expression and Context Clues
Contextual Meaning
In the following sentence, identify the option that provides the most appropriate definition of the highlighted idiom and correctly explains its role in conveying the sentence's meaning:
            Sarah finally decided to  *bite the bullet* and confront her roommate about the constant late-night parties.
A: To eat quickly: Indicates Sarah's impatience to address the situation.
            B: To cause discomfort: Suggests Sarah expects a difficult conversation.
            C: To accept a challenging situation: Implies Sarah's resolve to deal with the issue.
            D: To show aggression: Emphasizes Sarah's anger towards her roommate.
            E: To endure pain: Highlights Sarah's ongoing frustration with the noise.
            F: To make a bold move:  Underscores Sarah's newfound confidence.
🧐 Question🔧 Skill


Identifying Grammatical Errors and Vocabulary Usage
Subject-Verb Agreement
Pronoun Usage

2 mins

Grammar & Vocabulary


Identifying the Correct Verb Tense
Verb Tenses

2 mins

Grammar & Vocabulary


Idiomatic Expression and Context Clues
Contextual Meaning

2 mins

Grammar & Vocabulary
🧐 Question🔧 Skill💪 Difficulty⌛ Time
Identifying Grammatical Errors and Vocabulary Usage
Subject-Verb Agreement
Pronoun Usage
Grammar & Vocabulary
Medium2 mins
Identifying the Correct Verb Tense
Verb Tenses
Grammar & Vocabulary
Easy2 mins
Idiomatic Expression and Context Clues
Contextual Meaning
Grammar & Vocabulary
Medium2 mins

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