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Adaface Sample Data Structures Questions

Here are some sample Data Structures questions from our premium questions library (10273 non-googleable questions).


🧐 Question


Graph Traversal and Data Storage
Graph Theory
Algorithm Analysis
Consider the following pseudo code implementing a specific graph traversal algorithm:
What is the order in which the nodes are processed, and which data structure best represents the graph `G` for efficient traversal?


Implementing a Browser's Back Button
Data Handling
You are tasked with implementing the "Back" button functionality in a web browser. This feature allows users to return to previously visited web pages in the order they were viewed. The browser maintains a history of URLs in a data structure. Considering the nature of web browsing, where users can go back multiple steps and then navigate to a new page (at which point the future history should be cleared), which data structure and algorithm would best implement this functionality?
A: Use a heap, add the current URL when navigating to a new page, and remove the top element when the back button is used.
            B: Use a queue, enqueue the current URL when navigating to a new page, and dequeue when the back button is used.
            C: Use a single stack, push the current URL when navigating to a new page, and pop when the back button is used.
            D: Use an array, add the current URL to the end when navigating to a new page, and remove the last URL when the back button is used.
            E: Use a linked list, add the current URL to the head when navigating to a new page, and move backwards when the back button is used.
            F: Use two stacks, push the current URL to the first stack when navigating to a new page, and use the second stack to store the pages when the back button is used.


Linked List Element Removal
Linked Lists
Element Removal
Consider a singly linked list where each node contains an integer value. Write a function `removeElement` that removes all occurrences of a specific value from the linked list. The function should return the head of the modified linked list.
            Pseudo code:
What will be the content of the linked list referred to by `result` after executing the above pseudo code?
🧐 Question🔧 Skill


Graph Traversal and Data Storage
Graph Theory
Algorithm Analysis

3 mins

Data Structures


Implementing a Browser's Back Button
Data Handling

2 mins

Data Structures


Linked List Element Removal
Linked Lists
Element Removal

2 mins

Data Structures
🧐 Question🔧 Skill💪 Difficulty⌛ Time
Graph Traversal and Data Storage
Graph Theory
Algorithm Analysis
Data Structures
Hard3 mins
Implementing a Browser's Back Button
Data Handling
Data Structures
Medium2 mins
Linked List Element Removal
Linked Lists
Element Removal
Data Structures
Easy2 mins

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