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Skills required for VP of Business Development and how to assess them

Siddhartha Gunti

July 23, 2024

The Vice President of Business Development plays a crucial role in shaping the strategic growth of a company. They bridge the gap between the company’s potential and its actual market performance, identifying new business opportunities and driving profitable relationships.

Key skills for a VP of Business Development include strategic planning, market analysis, and relationship management, along with strong leadership and negotiation capabilities.

Candidates can write these abilities in their resumes, but you can’t verify them without on-the-job VP of Business Development skill tests.

In this post, we will explore 9 essential VP of Business Development skills, 11 secondary skills and how to assess them so you can make informed hiring decisions.

Table of contents

9 fundamental VP of Business Development skills and traits
11 secondary VP of Business Development skills and traits
How to assess VP of Business Development skills and traits
Summary: The 9 key VP of Business Development skills and how to test for them
Assess and hire the best VP of Business Developments with Adaface
VP of Business Development skills FAQs

9 fundamental VP of Business Development skills and traits

The best skills for VP of Business Developments include Market Analysis, Strategic Planning, Sales Acumen, Negotiation Skills, Financial Literacy, Networking, Project Management, Customer Insights and Digital Marketing.

Let’s dive into the details by examining the 9 essential skills of a VP of Business Development.

9 fundamental VP of Business Development skills and traits

Market Analysis

Understanding market trends and dynamics is key for a VP of Business Development. This skill helps in identifying new opportunities and potential threats, allowing the company to stay ahead of the competition.

Check out our guide for a comprehensive list of interview questions.

Strategic Planning

A VP of Business Development must be adept at creating long-term strategies. This involves setting goals, determining actions to achieve those goals, and mobilizing resources to execute the plans.

Sales Acumen

Having a strong grasp of sales techniques and principles is crucial. This skill helps in driving revenue growth and building strong relationships with key clients and partners.

For more insights, check out our guide to writing a Sales Representative Job Description.

Negotiation Skills

Effective negotiation is essential for closing deals and forming partnerships. A VP of Business Development uses this skill to secure favorable terms and build mutually beneficial relationships.

Financial Literacy

Understanding financial statements and metrics is important for making informed business decisions. This skill helps in evaluating the financial viability of new ventures and investments.

Check out our guide for a comprehensive list of interview questions.


Building and maintaining a strong professional network is vital. This skill enables the VP of Business Development to connect with potential partners, clients, and industry influencers.

Project Management

Overseeing multiple projects and ensuring they are completed on time and within budget is a key responsibility. This skill helps in coordinating efforts across different teams and departments.

For more insights, check out our guide to writing a Project Manager Job Description.

Customer Insights

Understanding customer needs and preferences is crucial for developing products and services that meet market demands. This skill helps in tailoring offerings to better serve the target audience.

Digital Marketing

Leveraging digital channels to promote products and services is increasingly important. This skill helps in reaching a wider audience and driving online engagement and sales.

Check out our guide for a comprehensive list of interview questions.

11 secondary VP of Business Development skills and traits

The best skills for VP of Business Developments include Data Analysis, CRM Software, Public Speaking, Content Creation, SEO Knowledge, Event Planning, Competitive Analysis, Product Development, Legal Knowledge, Time Management and Cross-functional Collaboration.

Let’s dive into the details by examining the 11 secondary skills of a VP of Business Development.

11 secondary VP of Business Development skills and traits

Data Analysis

Analyzing data to make informed business decisions can provide a competitive edge. This skill helps in identifying trends, measuring performance, and optimizing strategies.

CRM Software

Proficiency with Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software is useful for managing client interactions and tracking sales activities. This skill helps in maintaining organized and efficient workflows.

Public Speaking

Being able to present ideas clearly and confidently is important for a VP of Business Development. This skill is useful for pitching to potential clients and speaking at industry events.

Content Creation

Creating engaging content can help in attracting and retaining customers. This skill is useful for developing marketing materials, blog posts, and social media updates.

SEO Knowledge

Understanding Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can improve online visibility. This skill helps in driving organic traffic to the company's website and increasing brand awareness.

Event Planning

Organizing and managing events can help in building brand presence and networking. This skill is useful for planning conferences, trade shows, and client meetings.

Competitive Analysis

Keeping an eye on competitors' activities can provide valuable insights. This skill helps in identifying strengths and weaknesses and developing strategies to outperform rivals.

Product Development

Collaborating with product teams to develop new offerings is important. This skill helps in ensuring that products meet market needs and are launched successfully.

Legal Knowledge

Understanding legal aspects of business deals and contracts is beneficial. This skill helps in navigating regulatory requirements and protecting the company's interests.

Time Management

Effectively managing time and prioritizing tasks is essential for productivity. This skill helps in balancing multiple responsibilities and meeting deadlines.

Cross-functional Collaboration

Working effectively with different departments is important for achieving business goals. This skill helps in fostering teamwork and ensuring alignment across the organization.

How to assess VP of Business Development skills and traits

Assessing the skills and traits of a VP of Business Development can be a challenging task. This role requires a unique blend of strategic thinking, market analysis, and sales acumen, among other competencies. It's not just about what they know, but how they apply their knowledge to drive business growth.

Traditional resumes and interviews often fall short in providing a complete picture of a candidate's abilities. To truly understand their proficiency in areas like negotiation, financial literacy, and project management, you need a more comprehensive approach. Skills-based assessments are an effective way to evaluate these competencies.

For instance, Adaface assessments can help you identify the right candidate by focusing on real-world scenarios and practical skills. This method not only improves the quality of hires by 2x but also reduces screening time by 85%. By leveraging such tools, you can ensure that your VP of Business Development is well-equipped to meet your organization's goals.

Let’s look at how to assess VP of Business Development skills with these 6 talent assessments.

Market Research Test

Our Market Research Test evaluates a candidate's knowledge and skills in market research techniques, data analysis, quantitative aptitude, business intelligence, and marketing aptitude.

The test assesses their understanding of market research, data analysis, market analysis, and data interpretation. Candidates navigate through multiple-choice questions that cover various aspects of market research and data handling.

Successful candidates demonstrate proficiency in analyzing market trends, interpreting data, and making informed business decisions based on their findings.

Market Research Test sample question

Data Interpretation Assessment Test

The Data Interpretation Test evaluates a candidate's ability to analyze complex data, extract meaningful insights, and structure observations from multiple data sources like tables, charts, and graphs.

This test assesses skills in reading data, drawing inferences, interpreting graphs, analyzing charts, and data visualization. Candidates are required to interpret various data formats and derive logical conclusions.

High-scoring candidates show a strong ability to visualize data, identify trends, and communicate their findings effectively.

Sales Aptitude Test

The Sales Aptitude Test assesses a candidate's ability to reach out to potential customers, maintain customer relationships, handle objections, and resolve conflicts using scenario-based questions.

The test evaluates skills in objection handling, negotiation, closing, communication, sales fundamentals, logical reasoning, and problem-solving. Candidates must demonstrate their ability to work with numbers and derive logical conclusions from given data.

Successful candidates exhibit strong sales acumen, critical thinking, and effective communication skills, essential for driving business growth.

Sales Aptitude Test sample question

Business Development Test

The Business Development Test evaluates a candidate's business development, sales, objection-handling, negotiation, communication, logical reasoning skills, and English proficiency.

This test covers business development, sales strategies, market research, competitive analysis, lead generation, client relationship management, and negotiation. Candidates are assessed on their ability to pitch, present, and network effectively.

Candidates who perform well demonstrate strong business planning, logical reasoning, and communication skills, making them suitable for driving business initiatives.

Business Development Test sample question

Financial Accounting Online Test

The Financial Accounting Test uses scenario-based multiple-choice questions to evaluate a candidate's knowledge and skills related to financial statements and reporting, accounting principles, and financial analysis.

The test assesses understanding of financial statements, accounting principles, double-entry bookkeeping, assets and liabilities, financial ratios, and cash flow statements. Candidates must interpret and analyze financial data and apply accounting standards.

High-scoring candidates demonstrate proficiency in financial analysis, decision-making, and effective communication of financial information to stakeholders.

Financial Accounting Online Test sample question

Project Management Test

The Project Management Test assesses a candidate's ability to plan projects from conception to implementation, map timelines, assess risks, allocate budgets, and manage stakeholders.

The test evaluates skills in cost and budget estimation, situational judgement, project planning, resource management, stakeholder management, and risk analysis. Candidates are tested on their understanding of both agile and traditional project management methodologies.

Successful candidates show strong project management skills, including the ability to prioritize tasks, resolve issues, and deliver projects on time and within budget.

Project Management Test sample question

Summary: The 9 key VP of Business Development skills and how to test for them

VP of Business Development skillHow to assess them
1. Market AnalysisEvaluate ability to analyze market trends and consumer behavior effectively.
2. Strategic PlanningAssess skills in developing actionable, long-term business strategies.
3. Sales AcumenReview track record of meeting or exceeding sales targets.
4. Negotiation SkillsObserve techniques in securing deals and maintaining business relationships.
5. Financial LiteracyTest understanding of financial reporting, budgeting, and forecasting.
6. NetworkingJudge capability to build and maintain strategic business relationships.
7. Project ManagementCheck proficiency in managing timelines, resources, and team dynamics.
8. Customer InsightsAssess ability to gather and interpret customer feedback.
9. Digital MarketingEvaluate skills in executing online marketing campaigns.

Business Development Test

30 mins | 18 MCQs
The business development test evaluates a candidate's business development, sales, objection-handling, negotiation, communication, logical reasoning skills and English proficiency. This 30 min test can be used by recruiters to identify candidates with business development skills.
Try Business Development Test

VP of Business Development skills FAQs

What is the importance of market analysis for a VP of Business Development?

Market analysis helps a VP of Business Development identify opportunities, understand competition, and make informed decisions. It ensures the company stays ahead in the market.

How can recruiters assess strategic planning skills in candidates?

Recruiters can assess strategic planning skills by asking candidates to describe past projects where they developed and executed a strategic plan. Look for clear goals, actions, and outcomes.

Why is sales acumen critical for a VP of Business Development?

Sales acumen is crucial as it enables the VP to drive revenue growth, build strong client relationships, and understand the sales process deeply.

What are effective ways to evaluate negotiation skills?

Evaluate negotiation skills by discussing past negotiation scenarios with candidates. Look for examples where they achieved favorable outcomes while maintaining strong relationships.

How does financial literacy benefit a VP of Business Development?

Financial literacy allows the VP to make sound investment decisions, manage budgets, and understand financial reports, which are key for business growth.

What role does networking play in the VP of Business Development role?

Networking helps the VP build valuable industry connections, discover new opportunities, and stay updated with market trends.

How can recruiters test a candidate's project management skills?

Ask candidates to detail a complex project they managed, focusing on planning, execution, and results. Look for their ability to handle timelines, resources, and team coordination.

Why is digital marketing knowledge important for a VP of Business Development?

Digital marketing knowledge helps the VP leverage online channels to reach target audiences, generate leads, and enhance brand visibility.

Assess and hire the best VP of Business Developments with Adaface

Assessing and finding the best VP of Business Development is quick and easy when you use talent assessments. You can check out our product tour, sign up for our free plan to see talent assessments in action or view the demo here:

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