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Skills required for Technical Writer and how to assess them

Siddhartha Gunti

July 23, 2024

Technical writers play a key role in creating clear and concise documentation that helps users understand and effectively use a product or service. They transform complex technical information into user-friendly content, making it accessible to a wide audience.

Skills required for technical writing include proficiency in writing and editing, a strong understanding of the subject matter, and the ability to communicate complex ideas clearly. Additionally, technical writers need to be detail-oriented and have good research skills.

Candidates can write these abilities in their resumes, but you can’t verify them without on-the-job Technical Writer skill tests.

In this post, we will explore 8 essential Technical Writer skills, 9 secondary skills and how to assess them so you can make informed hiring decisions.

Table of contents

8 fundamental Technical Writer skills and traits
9 secondary Technical Writer skills and traits
How to assess Technical Writer skills and traits
Summary: The 8 key Technical Writer skills and how to test for them
Assess and hire the best Technical Writers with Adaface
Technical Writer skills FAQs

8 fundamental Technical Writer skills and traits

The best skills for Technical Writers include Technical Proficiency, Writing Clarity, Research Skills, Attention to Detail, User Empathy, Document Design, Version Control and SEO Knowledge.

Let’s dive into the details by examining the 8 essential skills of a Technical Writer.

8 fundamental Technical Writer skills and traits

Technical Proficiency

A technical writer must be adept with relevant technologies and tools, such as Markdown, XML, Adobe FrameMaker, and content management systems. This skill ensures the writer can efficiently create, manage, and format technical documentation.

For more insights, check out our guide to writing a Technical Writer Job Description.

Writing Clarity

Clear and concise writing is paramount for a technical writer, as they need to convey complex information in an understandable way. This involves structuring content logically and using plain language to ensure accessibility for all readers.

Research Skills

Technical writers often need to gather information from various sources, including technical staff, product specifications, and existing documentation. Strong research skills help them accurately understand and document technical products and processes.

Check out our guide for a comprehensive list of interview questions.

Attention to Detail

Precision is key in technical writing. Attention to detail ensures that technical descriptions are accurate, errors are minimized, and the documentation complies with industry standards and regulations.

User Empathy

Understanding the user's perspective is crucial for creating effective manuals and help guides. Technical writers use empathy to address user problems and provide clear, helpful instructions in their documentation.

For more insights, check out our guide to writing a UX Writer Job Description.

Document Design

Besides writing, technical writers must also be skilled in document design. This includes the ability to organize information visually with charts, diagrams, and tables to enhance comprehension and retention.

Version Control

Technical writers often work on documents that require consistent updates and revisions. Knowledge of version control systems like Git helps manage changes and collaborate with other team members effectively.

Check out our guide for a comprehensive list of interview questions.

SEO Knowledge

For those producing online content, understanding search engine optimization (SEO) can be a significant advantage. It helps in crafting content that ranks well in search engines, reaching a broader audience.

9 secondary Technical Writer skills and traits

The best skills for Technical Writers include Project Management, Interviewing Skills, Usability Testing, Multimedia Skills, Adaptability, Legal Compliance, Cross-functional Collaboration, Feedback Incorporation and Technical Editing.

Let’s dive into the details by examining the 9 secondary skills of a Technical Writer.

9 secondary Technical Writer skills and traits

Project Management

Managing documentation projects from conception to delivery requires organizational skills and an ability to meet deadlines, coordinate with other teams, and manage resources.

Interviewing Skills

Technical writers often extract information through interviews. Being able to ask the right questions and understand complex technical responses is key to creating accurate content.

Usability Testing

Testing documents with actual users helps ensure the content is effective and user-friendly. This feedback can be crucial for refining technical documents.

Multimedia Skills

In today’s digital age, being able to incorporate multimedia elements like video tutorials and interactive diagrams can enhance the effectiveness of technical documentation.


Technology and tools evolve rapidly, and a technical writer must be adaptable, learning new tools and technologies as they become relevant to their field.

Legal Compliance

Understanding the legal aspects related to technical documentation, such as copyright laws, privacy policies, and compliance with regulatory standards, is beneficial.

Cross-functional Collaboration

Technical writers often work with engineers, product managers, and marketers. Effective collaboration ensures that the documentation is comprehensive and aligned with business goals.

Feedback Incorporation

The ability to incorporate feedback constructively from peer reviews, user feedback, and editorial comments is crucial for refining and improving documentation.

Technical Editing

Beyond writing, technical writers may also need to edit technical content for clarity, grammar, and adherence to style guides, ensuring high-quality and consistent documentation.

How to assess Technical Writer skills and traits

Assessing the skills and traits of a Technical Writer involves more than just glancing at their resume. It's about understanding how well they can translate complex technical information into clear, user-friendly documentation. The challenge lies in evaluating not only their technical proficiency but also their ability to research, design documents, and empathize with users.

To effectively measure these competencies, it's important to use a method that goes beyond traditional interviews. Skills-based assessments provide a direct insight into a candidate's capabilities and how they perform real-world tasks. For instance, Adaface offers tailored assessments that can help you evaluate all the necessary skills of a Technical Writer, from writing clarity to SEO knowledge. By integrating these assessments into your hiring process, you can ensure a more accurate evaluation of potential hires. Learn more about Adaface assessments here.

Using these targeted assessments can lead to a significant reduction in screening time, with some companies experiencing up to an 85% decrease. This not only streamlines the hiring process but also enhances the quality of your hires, ensuring that your new Technical Writer is truly the best fit for the job.

Let’s look at how to assess Technical Writer skills with these 6 talent assessments.

Technical Aptitude Test

Our Technical Aptitude Test evaluates a candidate's understanding of programming fundamentals, data structures, and algorithm basics, crucial for roles requiring strong technical problem-solving skills.

The test challenges candidates with scenario-based questions covering a wide range of topics including database management, networking, and software engineering, assessing their ability to apply logical reasoning and analytical skills.

Successful candidates demonstrate a strong grasp of technical concepts and the ability to solve complex problems efficiently, which is indicative of high technical aptitude and critical thinking skills.

Technical Aptitude Test sample question

Copywriting Skills Test

Our Copywriting Skills Test measures a candidate's command over grammar, vocabulary, and attention to detail, which are fundamental for effective copywriting.

This test evaluates candidates on their ability to craft compelling headlines, understand audience targeting, and create SEO-friendly content that resonates with users.

High-scoring candidates will likely excel in creating persuasive content that aligns with brand voice and tone, and effectively engages different stages of the customer journey.

Copywriting Skills Test sample question

Market Research Test

Our Market Research Test assesses a candidate's proficiency in market research techniques and data analysis, key for roles in marketing and business strategy.

Candidates are tested on their ability to perform market analysis and data interpretation, helping identify their skills in extracting actionable insights from complex datasets.

Those who perform well on this test demonstrate a strong ability to support business decisions with accurate market insights and data-driven strategies.

Market Research Test sample question

Attention To Detail Test

Our Attention To Detail Test evaluates a candidate's meticulousness in verifying data and detecting typos, essential for quality assurance and administrative roles.

The test includes tasks that require candidates to follow instructions carefully and check for consistency in information, assessing their precision and thoroughness.

Candidates who score well are likely to excel in roles that demand high accuracy and a methodical approach to handling detailed information.

Attention To Detail Test sample question

Customer Service Aptitude Test

Our Customer Service Aptitude Test gauges a candidate's skills in customer service, communication, and problem-solving, important for customer-facing roles.

This test assesses verbal reasoning, numerical reasoning, and logical reasoning, providing insights into a candidate's ability to handle typical customer service scenarios effectively.

Effective performers on this test are typically strong in engaging with customers, solving their issues promptly, and maintaining a positive company image.

Customer Service Aptitude Test sample question

UI/UX Design Test

Our UI/UX Design Test assesses a candidate's knowledge in design thinking, UX principles, and wire-framing, key for roles in product design and user experience.

The test evaluates skills in creating user-centric designs, understanding user research techniques, and applying visual design principles to real-world projects.

Candidates excelling in this test demonstrate a strong capability to enhance user satisfaction and improve the usability and accessibility of a product.

UI/UX Design Test sample question

Summary: The 8 key Technical Writer skills and how to test for them

Technical Writer skillHow to assess them
1. Technical ProficiencyEvaluate understanding of technical concepts and tools relevant to the industry.
2. Writing ClarityAssess ability to convey complex information in a clear, concise manner.
3. Research SkillsCheck proficiency in gathering and synthesizing relevant information from various sources.
4. Attention to DetailDetermine accuracy and thoroughness in documentation and error-checking.
5. User EmpathyGauge understanding of user needs and ability to write user-centric content.
6. Document DesignEvaluate skills in structuring and formatting documents for readability and usability.
7. Version ControlAssess ability to manage document versions and collaborate using version control systems.
8. SEO KnowledgeCheck understanding of SEO principles and ability to optimize content for search engines.

English Comprehension Test

35 mins | 16 MCQs
The English Comprehension test evaluates a candidate’s ability to comprehend business-level English, understand textual information, deduce information from presented facts and express ideas clearly in English. This test is used by recruiters for pre-employment screening of candidates for roles that require a good command over the English language.
Try English Comprehension Test

Technical Writer skills FAQs

What technical skills should a technical writer possess?

A technical writer should be proficient in tools like MS Word, Adobe FrameMaker, and Markdown. Familiarity with version control systems like Git is also beneficial.

How can you assess a candidate's writing clarity?

Review their writing samples for clear, concise, and well-structured content. Conduct a writing test to evaluate their ability to explain complex topics simply.

Why is user empathy important for a technical writer?

User empathy helps technical writers create content that addresses the needs and pain points of the end-users, making the documentation more effective and user-friendly.

What role does SEO knowledge play in technical writing?

SEO knowledge helps technical writers optimize content for search engines, making it easier for users to find the information they need online.

How can you evaluate a technical writer's research skills?

Ask candidates to describe their research process and provide examples of how they gather and verify information. A research task can also be part of the interview.

What is the importance of version control in technical writing?

Version control allows technical writers to track changes, collaborate with team members, and maintain document integrity over time.

How do you assess a candidate's attention to detail?

Review their writing samples for consistency, grammar, and formatting. A proofreading test can also help gauge their attention to detail.

What are some key project management skills for technical writers?

Technical writers should be able to manage timelines, coordinate with cross-functional teams, and handle multiple projects simultaneously.

Assess and hire the best Technical Writers with Adaface

Assessing and finding the best Technical Writer is quick and easy when you use talent assessments. You can check out our product tour, sign up for our free plan to see talent assessments in action or view the demo here:

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