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Skills required for Content Writer and how to assess them

Siddhartha Gunti

July 23, 2024

Content writers are the backbone of digital marketing and communication. They craft the text for websites, blogs, social media, and more, ensuring that messages are engaging and effective.

The skills required for a content writer include a strong command of the language, creativity, and the ability to adapt style and tone for different audiences. Additionally, research skills and SEO knowledge are increasingly important in this role.

Candidates can write these abilities in their resumes, but you can’t verify them without on-the-job Content Writer skill tests.

In this post, we will explore 8 essential Content Writer skills, 10 secondary skills and how to assess them so you can make informed hiring decisions.

Table of contents

8 fundamental Content Writer skills and traits
10 secondary Content Writer skills and traits
How to assess Content Writer skills and traits
Summary: The 8 key Content Writer skills and how to test for them
Assess and hire the best Content Writers with Adaface
Content Writer skills FAQs

8 fundamental Content Writer skills and traits

The best skills for Content Writers include Writing Proficiency, Research Skills, SEO Knowledge, Adaptability, Creativity, Time Management, Editing and Proofreading and Audience Understanding.

Let’s dive into the details by examining the 8 essential skills of a Content Writer.

8 fundamental Content Writer skills and traits

Writing Proficiency

A content writer must have a strong command of language, grammar, and style. This skill ensures that the content is clear, engaging, and free of errors, making it easier for readers to understand and enjoy.

For more insights, check out our guide to writing a Content Writer Job Description.

Research Skills

Content writers need to gather accurate and relevant information to support their writing. This involves using reliable sources, verifying facts, and synthesizing information to create well-informed content.

SEO Knowledge

Understanding search engine optimization helps content writers create content that ranks well on search engines. This includes using keywords effectively, optimizing meta descriptions, and ensuring the content is structured for readability.

Check out our guide for a comprehensive list of interview questions.


A content writer must be able to adjust their writing style to suit different audiences and formats. Whether it's a blog post, a social media update, or a technical article, adaptability ensures the content meets the specific needs of each platform.


Creativity allows content writers to produce engaging and original content. This skill helps in crafting compelling narratives, developing unique angles, and keeping the audience interested.

Time Management

Content writers often juggle multiple projects with tight deadlines. Effective time management ensures that they can deliver high-quality content on time, without compromising on quality.

Editing and Proofreading

Editing and proofreading are crucial for refining content. This skill involves reviewing the text for errors, improving clarity, and ensuring consistency in tone and style.

Audience Understanding

Knowing the target audience is key for a content writer. This skill helps in tailoring the content to meet the audience's interests, needs, and preferences, making it more relevant and engaging.

10 secondary Content Writer skills and traits

The best skills for Content Writers include Basic HTML/CSS, Social Media Savvy, Analytical Skills, Content Management Systems, Graphic Design Basics, Email Marketing, Video Content Creation, Networking, Project Management and Multilingual Skills.

Let’s dive into the details by examining the 10 secondary skills of a Content Writer.

10 secondary Content Writer skills and traits


Understanding basic HTML and CSS can help content writers format their content for the web. This skill is useful for embedding links, images, and ensuring the content looks good on different devices.

Social Media Savvy

Being familiar with various social media platforms allows content writers to create content that is shareable and engaging. This skill helps in reaching a wider audience and driving traffic to the main content.

Analytical Skills

Analytical skills help content writers understand data and metrics related to their content's performance. This includes tracking page views, engagement rates, and using this data to improve future content.

Content Management Systems

Familiarity with CMS platforms like WordPress or Joomla is beneficial. This skill helps content writers publish and manage their content more efficiently.

Graphic Design Basics

Basic knowledge of graphic design can help content writers create visually appealing content. This includes understanding design principles and using tools like Canva or Photoshop.

Email Marketing

Understanding email marketing strategies can help content writers craft compelling email newsletters. This skill is useful for engaging with the audience and driving traffic to the content.

Video Content Creation

With the rise of video content, having basic video creation skills can be an asset. This includes scripting, shooting, and editing videos to complement written content.


Building relationships with other writers, influencers, and industry experts can help content writers stay updated with trends and gain new opportunities. Networking is key for professional growth.

Project Management

Project management skills help content writers organize their work, set priorities, and collaborate with other team members. This ensures that projects are completed efficiently and effectively.

Multilingual Skills

Being able to write in multiple languages can open up new opportunities for content writers. This skill is particularly useful for reaching a global audience.

How to assess Content Writer skills and traits

Assessing the skills and traits of a content writer involves more than just glancing at their portfolio or reading a few samples of their work. It requires a deep dive into their ability to craft compelling content, their knack for tailoring messages to different audiences, and their proficiency in various technical skills like SEO and research.

To truly gauge a content writer's capability, it's essential to evaluate them across multiple dimensions. This includes their creativity, adaptability to different writing styles, and their time management skills, which are all critical for producing high-quality content efficiently.

While traditional hiring methods rely heavily on resumes and interviews, these approaches might not fully reveal a candidate's practical abilities or fit with your team's dynamic. This is where Adaface assessments come into play, offering a comprehensive way to measure all the key skills of content writers, from writing proficiency to audience understanding. By integrating Adaface assessments into your hiring process, you can achieve an 85% reduction in screening time, ensuring that you identify the best talent swiftly and effectively.

Let’s look at how to assess Content Writer skills with these 5 talent assessments.

Copywriting Skills Test

Our Copywriting Skills Test evaluates a candidate's proficiency in various aspects of copywriting, including grammar, vocabulary, and attention to detail. This test is designed to help recruiters identify candidates who possess the necessary skills to excel in content writing roles.

The test assesses their understanding of grammar, vocabulary, punctuation, and verbal reasoning. It also evaluates their ability to create compelling headlines, subheadings, and calls to action (CTAs). Additionally, the test covers SEO writing, social media copywriting, and the ability to write for different formats and mediums.

Successful candidates demonstrate a strong command of the English language, attention to detail, and the ability to write with empathy. They also show proficiency in understanding brand voice and tone, writing for accessibility, and measuring and analyzing copy performance.

Copywriting Skills Test sample question

Market Research Test

Our Market Research Test evaluates a candidate's knowledge and skills in market research techniques, data analysis, and market analysis. This test is ideal for roles that require a deep understanding of market dynamics and data interpretation.

The test assesses their ability to conduct market research, perform data analysis, and interpret market data. It also evaluates their understanding of quantitative aptitude, business intelligence, and marketing aptitude.

Candidates who perform well on this test demonstrate strong analytical skills, the ability to interpret complex data, and a solid understanding of market research methodologies.

Market Research Test sample question

PPC Assessment Test

Our PPC Assessment Test evaluates a candidate's understanding of pay-per-click advertising concepts and strategies. This test is designed for roles that require expertise in digital marketing and online advertising.

The test covers keyword research, campaign optimization, ad copywriting, and conversion tracking. It also assesses their ability to manage budgets, analyze market data, and report on campaign performance.

High-scoring candidates demonstrate proficiency in creating and optimizing PPC campaigns, tracking conversions, and managing advertising budgets effectively.

English Comprehension Test

Our English Comprehension Test evaluates a candidate’s ability to comprehend business-level English and express ideas clearly. This test is suitable for roles that require strong command over the English language.

The test assesses their skills in grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, and sentence structure. It also evaluates their ability to draw conclusions, make inferences, and pay attention to detail.

Candidates who excel in this test demonstrate strong reading and writing skills, the ability to understand and interpret textual information, and clear expression of ideas.

English Comprehension Test sample question

Content Strategy Test

Our Content Strategy Test evaluates a candidate's knowledge and skills in developing effective content strategies for digital platforms. This test is ideal for roles that require expertise in content planning and user experience optimization.

The test covers audience analysis, content planning, keyword research, and SEO. It also assesses their ability to develop content calendars, measure content performance, and understand the content lifecycle.

Successful candidates demonstrate a strong understanding of multichannel content strategy, content governance, and crisis communication. They also show proficiency in user experience (UX) and content strategy.

Content Strategy Test sample question

Summary: The 8 key Content Writer skills and how to test for them

Content Writer skillHow to assess them
1. Writing ProficiencyEvaluate the clarity, grammar, and style of their writing samples.
2. Research SkillsCheck their ability to gather accurate and relevant information.
3. SEO KnowledgeAssess their understanding of keyword usage and search engine algorithms.
4. AdaptabilityObserve how they tailor content to different formats and audiences.
5. CreativityReview their ability to generate original and engaging ideas.
6. Time ManagementMonitor their ability to meet deadlines consistently.
7. Editing and ProofreadingExamine their attention to detail in correcting errors.
8. Audience UnderstandingDetermine their skill in creating content that resonates with target readers.

Copywriting Skills Test

40 mins | 25 MCQs
The copywriting test focuses on evaluating candidates' grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, detail-orientedness & their command over the English language. It helps recruiters filter out candidates who would not be a good fit for the role.
Try Copywriting Skills Test

Content Writer skills FAQs

What are the key writing skills a content writer should possess?

A content writer should have strong grammar and vocabulary, the ability to write clearly and concisely, and the skill to maintain a consistent tone and style that aligns with the brand's voice.

How can recruiters assess a candidate's SEO knowledge effectively?

Recruiters can assess SEO knowledge by asking candidates to explain how they optimize content for search engines, discuss their familiarity with keyword research tools, and provide examples of successful SEO campaigns they've contributed to.

What tools should a content writer be familiar with?

Content writers should be proficient in content management systems like WordPress, have basic knowledge of HTML/CSS, and be adept at using graphic design tools such as Adobe Photoshop and social media platforms.

Why is adaptability important for a content writer?

Adaptability allows content writers to adjust their writing style to suit different topics, audiences, and platforms, ensuring the content remains relevant and engaging across various contexts.

How can creativity be assessed in content writing candidates?

Creativity can be assessed by reviewing a portfolio of work, noting the diversity in content types and themes, and by asking candidates to brainstorm content ideas during the interview.

What role does time management play in content writing?

Effective time management helps content writers meet deadlines, manage multiple projects simultaneously, and maintain high-quality output under pressure.

How important are editing and proofreading skills for a content writer?

Editing and proofreading are critical as they ensure the content is error-free, polished, and professional, reflecting well on the brand and enhancing readability.

What is the significance of audience understanding in content creation?

Understanding the audience is key to creating engaging and relevant content. It involves knowing the audience's preferences, pain points, and expectations, which guide the tone, style, and content structure.

Assess and hire the best Content Writers with Adaface

Assessing and finding the best Content Writer is quick and easy when you use talent assessments. You can check out our product tour, sign up for our free plan to see talent assessments in action or view the demo here:

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