We surfed the internet for recruiting memes and bundled them all together in one place. We are sure you will relate to every one of these, and by the end, they will leave you on the floor laughing. Let's get started!
A meme to get started on the memes

1. We all want what we can't have.

2. What you see is definitely not what you get.

3. It's not stalking if it's professional...

4. Writing job descriptions are not part of my job description.

5. I just missed the start and the end...and everything in between.

6. The other end of the type of resumes you receive.

7. "I am more than qualified for this job."

8. Being nerdy has its perks.

9. You want interview feedback? Here it is.

10. But...

11. I'm not being creepy, I swear!

12. We are only here to help you :)

13. Recruiter to Hiring Manager: This is what you were looking for, right?

14. This is my life's mission.

15. They'll respond, I'm sure... I think... I hope

16. Had no idea you were this funny!

17. Hard to argue with that logic.

18. When you don't attract the right kind of candidates...

19. It's an emotional rollercoaster.

20. Using the right keywords in the JD might not attract the right candidates...

21. Candidate: Do you want to keep a copy of my resume?
You: Umm...

22. After getting rejected by every candidate you gave the offer to

23. When you say you cannot afford to pay more...

24. When you cannot have your pick of the litter.

25. My life has no meaning...

26. Ending on a good note :)

Pragnesh Anekal
Pragnesh is the EiR at Adaface. He loves reading books more than scrolling through social media, which is a big deal if you ask him.
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