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76 React Native interview questions to ask your applicants

Siddhartha Gunti

September 09, 2024

Whether you’re a recruiter or a hiring manager, finding the right React Native developer can be challenging. Crafting insightful interview questions is crucial to effectively evaluate a candidate's skills and potential fit for your team.

This blog post offers a comprehensive list of interview questions tailored for different expertise levels in React Native development. From common questions to those targeting junior, mid-tier, and senior developers, you'll find valuable content to streamline your hiring process.

By using these questions, you can better assess applicants' technical proficiency and problem-solving capabilities. Additionally, you might consider utilizing a React Native online test to pre-screen candidates efficiently.

Table of contents

10 common React Native interview questions to ask your applicants
7 React Native interview questions and answers to evaluate junior developers
15 intermediate React Native interview questions and answers to ask mid-tier developers
8 advanced React Native interview questions and answers to evaluate senior developers
10 React Native questions related to technical definitions
12 React Native questions related to processes and tasks
14 situational React Native interview questions for hiring top developers
Which React Native skills should you evaluate during the interview phase?
Strategic Tips for Utilizing React Native Interview Questions Effectively
Utilize Skill Tests and Interview Questions to Hire Proficient React Native Developers
Download React Native interview questions template in multiple formats

10 common React Native interview questions to ask your applicants

10 common React Native interview questions to ask your applicants

To ensure your candidates have the essential skills and knowledge for a React Native position, use this list of common interview questions. These questions will help you gauge their technical expertise and practical experience, making your hiring process more effective. For a comprehensive understanding of the role, refer to our detailed React Native developer job description.

  1. What are the main differences between React and React Native?
  2. Can you explain how the Virtual DOM works in React Native?
  3. How do you manage state in a React Native application?
  4. What is the purpose of Flexbox in React Native, and how is it used?
  5. Describe the process for integrating third-party libraries in a React Native project.
  6. How do you handle performance optimization in React Native applications?
  7. What is the role of the React Native bridge?
  8. Can you explain how navigation works in React Native and what libraries you prefer for it?
  9. What strategies would you use for testing a React Native application?
  10. How do you debug issues in a React Native app?

7 React Native interview questions and answers to evaluate junior developers

7 React Native interview questions and answers to evaluate junior developers

Are you looking to hire junior React Native developers? This list of interview questions will help you evaluate candidates based on their understanding of essential concepts and practical skills in React Native development. Use these questions to gauge their readiness for real-world projects and ensure they have a solid foundation in React Native.

1. Can you explain the concept of 'props' in React Native?

In React Native, props (short for properties) are used to pass data from one component to another. They are immutable, meaning that once a prop is set, it cannot be changed by the component that receives it.

Props allow components to be more dynamic and reusable because they can accept different inputs. This is crucial for managing UI elements that need to display varying data based on user interactions or other factors.

Look for candidates who can clearly articulate the importance of props in enabling component reusability and those who understand the immutability aspect. This shows a solid grasp of fundamental React Native concepts.

2. What do you understand by 'state' in React Native?

State in React Native is an object that holds data that may change over the lifetime of a component. Unlike props, state is managed within the component itself and can be updated using the setState method.

State is essential for creating interactive and dynamic components, as it allows the component to re-render in response to user actions or other events.

Candidates should demonstrate an understanding of how state differs from props and explain scenarios where state management is crucial. This helps in assessing their ability to handle dynamic data within components.

3. Can you describe the lifecycle methods in React Native?

Lifecycle methods in React Native are special methods that get called at different stages of a component's existence, such as when it is created, updated, or destroyed. These methods include componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate, and componentWillUnmount, among others.

These methods provide hooks for running code at specific times, which is useful for tasks like fetching data from an API when a component mounts or cleaning up resources when a component is about to be removed.

Ideal candidates should be able to describe the purpose of key lifecycle methods and provide examples of when they would use them. This indicates they can manage component behavior effectively throughout its lifecycle.

4. What is the significance of 'keys' in lists in React Native?

Keys are unique identifiers that help React Native keep track of which items have changed, been added, or removed in a list. By providing keys, you help React optimize rendering by reusing elements instead of recreating them.

Keys should be stable, unique, and ideally, tied to the data being rendered, such as a unique ID from a database. This ensures that React can efficiently update the UI without unnecessary re-renders.

Look for responses that highlight the importance of keys in improving rendering performance and maintaining a smooth user experience. Candidates who understand this concept are better equipped to build efficient, scalable applications.

5. How would you handle user input in a React Native application?

Handling user input in React Native typically involves using components like TextInput for text fields and capturing the input value in the component's state. Event handlers such as onChangeText are used to update the state whenever the user types something.

Managing user input also requires validating the input data and possibly using libraries or custom code to ensure the data meets the required criteria before further processing or submission.

Candidates should be able to explain how they would set up state management for input fields and describe their approach to data validation. This demonstrates their ability to create interactive and user-friendly applications.

6. What is the role of StyleSheet in React Native?

StyleSheet in React Native is a module that allows you to define a set of styles for your components. It helps in organizing and reusing styles across different components, promoting consistency and maintainability in your app's design.

StyleSheet.create is used to define styles in a structured way, and these styles can then be applied to components using the style property. This approach not only improves readability but also optimizes performance by reducing the number of re-renders.

An ideal candidate should highlight the benefits of using StyleSheet for managing styles and demonstrate their understanding of how it contributes to cleaner and more efficient code. This indicates they are capable of maintaining a well-organized codebase.

7. How do you ensure cross-platform compatibility in React Native?

Ensuring cross-platform compatibility in React Native involves writing code that works seamlessly on both iOS and Android. This includes using platform-specific components and APIs when necessary and leveraging the Platform module to detect the platform and apply conditional logic.

Another strategy is to rely on third-party libraries that are designed to be cross-platform. Additionally, thorough testing on both platforms is crucial to identify and address any discrepancies.

Candidates should mention specific techniques and tools they use to achieve cross-platform compatibility. This shows they are aware of the challenges and are proactive in creating a consistent user experience across different devices.

15 intermediate React Native interview questions and answers to ask mid-tier developers

15 intermediate React Native interview questions and answers to ask mid-tier developers

To assess whether mid-tier developers possess the right skills and knowledge for your React Native projects, ask them some of these intermediate-level interview questions. These questions will help you determine their practical experience and problem-solving abilities, ensuring they are well-equipped to handle complex tasks. For more detailed role descriptions, you can refer to our React Native developer job description.

  1. How do you handle asynchronous data fetching in React Native?
  2. Can you explain how to use React Native Hooks effectively?
  3. What are the common pitfalls you encounter when working with React Native, and how do you overcome them?
  4. Describe how you manage app navigation state using React Navigation or other libraries.
  5. How do you implement animations in React Native?
  6. What are some best practices for styling React Native components?
  7. How do you handle version control when working on a React Native project?
  8. Can you explain the process you follow for continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) in a React Native environment?
  9. What are the key considerations for building a scalable React Native application?
  10. How do you manage different environments (development, staging, production) in a React Native app?
  11. Describe a challenging bug you encountered in a React Native project and how you resolved it.
  12. How do you implement and manage push notifications in a React Native application?
  13. What is your approach to handling device-specific features in React Native?
  14. Can you explain how to use context API in React Native for state management?
  15. How do you manage and optimize images and other media assets in a React Native app?

8 advanced React Native interview questions and answers to evaluate senior developers

8 advanced React Native interview questions and answers to evaluate senior developers

To determine whether your applicants have the advanced skills required to excel in a React Native environment, ask them some of these advanced React Native interview questions. This list will help you evaluate candidates' deeper understanding of the framework and their ability to solve complex problems.

1. Can you explain the importance of lazy loading in a React Native application?

Lazy loading is a technique used to delay the loading of non-critical resources at the initial load time. This means only the essential elements are loaded first, allowing the app to become functional faster, while other components are loaded as needed.

This can significantly improve the performance and user experience of the app by reducing initial load times and conserving bandwidth. Lazy loading is particularly important in mobile applications where resources may be limited.

Look for candidates who understand the balance between performance and user experience and can discuss specific scenarios where they have successfully implemented lazy loading.

2. How do you ensure the security of a React Native application?

Ensuring the security of a React Native application involves multiple strategies. Candidates should mention practices such as securing APIs, using HTTPS for network requests, and avoiding storing sensitive data on the client side.

They should also talk about using secure storage solutions for sensitive data, employing authentication and authorization mechanisms, and regularly updating dependencies to patch vulnerabilities.

An ideal candidate will provide examples of how they have implemented these security measures in past projects, demonstrating a proactive approach to security.

3. Can you describe how code splitting works in React Native?

Code splitting is a technique that divides your code into various bundles that can be loaded on demand. This helps in reducing the size of the initial load bundle, thereby improving app performance.

In React Native, code splitting can be achieved using dynamic import() statements to load components only when they are needed, rather than all at once. This is useful for larger applications where loading everything at the start can be overwhelming.

Look for candidates who can explain not just the concept, but also practical scenarios where they've implemented code splitting to optimize the performance of their applications.

4. What are some strategies for handling different screen sizes and orientations in React Native?

Handling different screen sizes and orientations in React Native requires responsive design techniques. Candidates should mention using flexbox layouts, percentage-based dimensions, and media queries to create adaptable UIs.

They might also talk about using libraries such as react-native-responsive-screen or react-native-orientation to better manage layout changes based on device characteristics.

An ideal response will include specific examples of projects where they successfully handled various screen sizes and orientations, showcasing their ability to deliver a consistent user experience across devices.

5. How do you manage memory and avoid leaks in React Native applications?

Managing memory and avoiding leaks is crucial for maintaining app performance. Candidates should mention techniques such as proper cleanup of timers, listeners, and subscriptions, and using tools like the Chrome DevTools or React Native Debugger to identify memory leaks.

They should also talk about optimizing component re-renders and using PureComponent or memo to prevent unnecessary updates.

Look for candidates who can clearly articulate their approach to memory management and provide real-world examples of how they've identified and resolved memory leaks in past projects.

6. What is the importance of accessibility in React Native applications, and how do you implement it?

Accessibility ensures that applications are usable by everyone, including people with disabilities. This involves providing alternative text for images, ensuring proper focus management, and using semantic elements.

In React Native, accessibility can be implemented using accessibility properties like accessible, accessibilityLabel, and accessibilityHint. Candidates should also mention testing tools like the Accessibility Inspector in Xcode and TalkBack on Android.

An ideal candidate will emphasize the importance of inclusive design and provide examples of how they have made their applications accessible, demonstrating a commitment to reaching all users.

7. Can you explain how to handle offline functionality in a React Native app?

Handling offline functionality involves strategies to ensure the app remains useful even without an internet connection. This can include using local storage solutions like AsyncStorage, SQLite, or Realm to store data locally.

Candidates should also mention techniques for syncing data once the connection is restored and providing user feedback on the connectivity status.

Look for candidates who can share practical examples of implementing offline functionality, showing their ability to maintain app usability in various network conditions.

8. How do you approach internationalization (i18n) and localization (l10n) in a React Native application?

Internationalization and localization are crucial for reaching a global audience. Candidates should mention using libraries such as react-i18next or react-intl to manage translations and formatting for different locales.

They should also talk about handling text direction, currency, date formats, and other locale-specific details. Effective internationalization involves separating content from code and using placeholders for dynamic content.

An ideal candidate will provide examples of projects where they successfully implemented i18n and l10n, showcasing their ability to create applications that cater to diverse user bases.

10 React Native questions related to technical definitions

10 React Native questions related to technical definitions

To assess whether candidates possess a solid understanding of fundamental concepts in React Native, consider asking them some of these essential technical definition questions. This will help you identify applicants who can effectively contribute to your team and enhance the quality of your projects. For more insights into the skills needed for a React Native developer, check out this blog post.

  1. What is the difference between a component and a container in React Native?
  2. Can you explain what a higher-order component is and provide an example of its use?
  3. What are React Native elements, and how do they differ from standard React components?
  4. How does the use of native modules enhance the functionality of a React Native application?
  5. What is the purpose of 'PropTypes' in React Native?
  6. Can you describe the purpose of the 'keyExtractor' prop in FlatList?
  7. What does the term 'native code' mean in the context of React Native?
  8. Can you explain what 'JavaScriptCore' is and its role in React Native?
  9. What is the purpose of the 'react-native link' command?
  10. Can you explain the concept of 'componentDidCatch' and how it’s useful in error handling?

12 React Native questions related to processes and tasks

12 React Native questions related to processes and tasks

To assess a candidate's practical knowledge and problem-solving abilities in React Native development, consider asking these process-oriented questions. These inquiries will help you evaluate how well applicants can handle real-world mobile development scenarios and implement best practices in their work.

  1. How would you optimize the startup time of a React Native application?
  2. Can you walk me through your process for implementing a custom UI component in React Native?
  3. What steps would you take to reduce the bundle size of a React Native app?
  4. How do you approach integrating native functionality that's not available in React Native's core components?
  5. Can you describe your workflow for implementing and testing deep linking in a React Native app?
  6. What's your strategy for managing and updating dependencies in a long-term React Native project?
  7. How would you implement a custom gesture handler in React Native?
  8. Can you explain your process for optimizing list rendering performance in React Native?
  9. What approach do you take when implementing complex animations that need to work smoothly on both iOS and Android?
  10. How do you handle and resolve conflicts between native modules and JavaScript implementations in React Native?
  11. Can you describe your method for implementing and managing a global state that persists across app restarts?
  12. What steps do you follow to ensure your React Native app meets accessibility standards?

14 situational React Native interview questions for hiring top developers

14 situational React Native interview questions for hiring top developers

To assess a candidate's ability to handle real-world scenarios in React Native development, use these situational interview questions. They help evaluate problem-solving skills, decision-making abilities, and practical experience in React Native projects.

  1. You're working on a React Native app that suddenly starts crashing on Android devices but works fine on iOS. How would you approach troubleshooting this issue?
  2. A client wants to add a complex animation to their React Native app that's not achievable with the Animated API. What solution would you propose?
  3. Your team is debating whether to use React Native or go with native development for a new project. What factors would you consider in making this decision?
  4. You've been tasked with improving the performance of a slow React Native app. Walk me through your process for identifying and resolving performance bottlenecks.
  5. A junior developer on your team is struggling with state management in a complex React Native app. How would you guide them to implement a more effective state management solution?
  6. You're working on a React Native app that needs to support both portrait and landscape orientations. How would you handle layout changes and ensure a smooth transition between orientations?
  7. Your React Native app needs to work offline. How would you implement data persistence and sync when the app comes back online?
  8. A new team member suggests using a web view for a complex feature in your React Native app. How would you evaluate this suggestion and what alternatives might you propose?
  9. You're tasked with integrating a native SDK that doesn't have a React Native wrapper. Walk me through your approach to bridging this gap.
  10. Your React Native app is experiencing memory leaks. How would you go about identifying the source of these leaks and resolving them?
  11. A client wants to add real-time features to their React Native app. What technologies or approaches would you recommend and why?
  12. You're working on a React Native app that needs to support multiple languages. How would you implement internationalization and ensure a smooth user experience across different locales?
  13. Your team is considering moving from class components to functional components and hooks in an existing React Native project. How would you plan and execute this transition?
  14. A critical bug is reported in the production version of your React Native app. Describe your process for quickly identifying, fixing, and deploying a solution.

Which React Native skills should you evaluate during the interview phase?

Evaluating React Native skills during the interview phase is essential, but it's impossible to gauge everything about a candidate in a single session. However, focusing on a few core skills can provide a solid understanding of their capabilities in React Native development.

Which React Native skills should you evaluate during the interview phase?


JavaScript is the foundation of React Native. A strong grasp of JavaScript is crucial as it underpins how effectively developers can utilize React Native libraries and frameworks.

You can use our JavaScript online test that includes relevant MCQs to filter candidates based on their JavaScript knowledge.

Additionally, targeted interview questions can help assess a candidate's proficiency in JavaScript.

How do you handle asynchronous operations in JavaScript?

Look for candidates who mention different approaches like callbacks, promises, or async/await, demonstrating their understanding of asynchronous programming.

Component Lifecycle

Understanding the component lifecycle is key for effective React Native development. This knowledge helps in optimizing performance and managing states across the app.

You can utilize our React Native online test which includes questions on component lifecycle to gauge the candidate's understanding.

Interview questions can also provide insights into a candidate's grasp of component lifecycle.

Can you explain the different phases of the React component lifecycle?

The ideal candidate should explain phases like mounting, updating, and unmounting, and how to utilize lifecycle methods like componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate, and componentWillUnmount.

State Management

State management is a significant aspect of React Native applications. Being proficient in managing state ensures that the app remains responsive and functions as intended.

Our React online assessment includes questions designed to test knowledge in state management.

Asking targeted questions can help determine a candidate's proficiency in state management.

How do you manage state in a large-scale React Native application?

Expect candidates to discuss various state management solutions such as Redux, Context API, or MobX, and their approach to handling complex state logic.

Strategic Tips for Utilizing React Native Interview Questions Effectively

Before you begin implementing the insights gathered from this post, here are three essential tips to optimize your use of React Native interview questions for a streamlined and effective recruitment process.

1. Incorporate Skills Tests Prior to Interviews

Integrating skills tests before the interview stage helps in filtering candidates efficiently, ensuring only those proficient in React Native progress to the next stage. This pre-screening step is crucial for managing time and resources during the recruitment process.

For assessing React Native skills specifically, consider utilizing React Native online tests. These tests are designed to gauge the candidates' practical skills and theoretical knowledge, providing a clear picture of their capabilities.

Employing such tests not only streamlines the candidate selection process but also enhances the quality of your hiring decisions, providing a solid foundation for subsequent interviews.

2. Carefully Select Interview Questions

With limited time during interviews, it's crucial to ask a well-rounded set of questions that cover both technical abilities and soft skills. The selection of questions should focus on those that effectively assess the candidates' competencies relevant to the demands of the role.

Explore further by incorporating questions from related areas such as JavaScript, which is fundamental for any React Native developer. Additionally, consider including queries that evaluate soft skills like problem-solving or communication, which are indispensable for assessing how well the candidate will integrate into your team.

3. Emphasize Follow-Up Questions

Relying solely on initial responses can be misleading; hence, follow-up questions are essential to delve deeper into the candidate's knowledge and authenticity. They help uncover not only the depth of understanding but also how well a candidate can adapt their skills to real-world scenarios.

For instance, if a candidate mentions experience with state management in React Native, a good follow-up could be asking how they handled a specific challenging state issue in a past project. This helps in understanding their problem-solving approach and adaptability.

Utilize Skill Tests and Interview Questions to Hire Proficient React Native Developers

When aiming to hire developers with React Native expertise, confirming their skills accurately is key. The best way to achieve this is by incorporating skill tests into your evaluation process. Consider leveraging tests from our library such as the React Native Online Test designed to assess candidate proficiency effectively.

After employing these tests, you will be well-equipped to filter and select the most qualified candidates for interviews. For a seamless recruitment process, initiate your journey by signing up on our dashboard or explore our varied testing options on our online assessment platform.

React Native Online Test (React Native + JavaScript)

40 mins | 10 MCQs and 1 Coding Question
The React Native Test uses scenario-based MCQ questions to evaluate a candidate's ability to build interactive, media-rich React Native applications and publish them using Google/ App stores. The questions assess core React Native concepts (components, state and props), state management fundamentals, accessing native features and proper usage of RESTful APIs. The test also has MCQs and coding questions to evaluate hands-on JavaScript programming skills.
Try React Native Online Test (React Native + JavaScript)

Download React Native interview questions template in multiple formats

React Native Interview Questions FAQs

What types of React Native questions are covered in this post?

This post covers common, junior, intermediate, advanced, technical, process-related, and situational React Native interview questions.

How many React Native interview questions are provided?

The post offers a total of 78 React Native interview questions across various difficulty levels and topics.

Are there tips for using these React Native interview questions?

Yes, the post includes strategic tips for effectively utilizing React Native interview questions in the hiring process.

Does this post help in evaluating different levels of React Native developers?

Absolutely. The questions are categorized to help evaluate junior, mid-tier, and senior React Native developers.

Are there questions specific to React Native processes and tasks?

Yes, the post includes a section with 12 questions related to React Native processes and tasks.

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