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60 Magento 2 interview questions to ask your applicants

Siddhartha Gunti

September 09, 2024

Asking the right questions during a Magento 2 developer interview can be a game-changer for identifying top talent. This ensures you hire the right candidate who has both the technical skills and the practical knowledge for your project needs.

In this blog post, we provide a comprehensive list of Magento 2 interview questions designed for various experience levels, from junior to senior developers. You’ll also find questions focused on performance optimization, extension development, and situational scenarios.

Using these questions will help you evaluate your applicants more effectively and make informed hiring decisions. Additionally, complement these interviews with an Adaface Magento test to confidently identify the best candidates.

Table of contents

10 common Magento 2 interview questions to ask your applicants
5 Magento 2 interview questions and answers to evaluate junior developers
15 advanced Magento 2 interview questions to ask senior developers
8 Magento 2 interview questions and answers related to performance optimization
12 Magento 2 interview questions about extensions development
10 situational Magento 2 interview questions for hiring top developers
Which Magento 2 skills should you evaluate during the interview phase?
Effective Strategies for Utilizing Magento 2 Interview Questions
Use Magento 2 interview questions and skills tests to hire talented developers
Download Magento 2 interview questions template in multiple formats

10 common Magento 2 interview questions to ask your applicants

10 common Magento 2 interview questions to ask your applicants

To effectively assess whether your applicants have the right skills and experience with Magento 2, ask them some of these common interview questions. These questions will help you evaluate their technical capabilities, problem-solving skills, and understanding of key Magento 2 features. For more specific roles, you can find detailed job descriptions to tailor your interview process.

  1. Can you describe your experience working with Magento 2?
  2. How do you approach custom module development in Magento 2?
  3. What are the steps to upgrade Magento 2 to a newer version?
  4. Can you explain the Magento 2 directory structure?
  5. How do you handle performance optimization in Magento 2?
  6. What is the difference between a Magento 2 plugin and a preference, and when would you use each?
  7. How do you manage and create custom themes in Magento 2?
  8. What are some common security measures you implement in a Magento 2 store?
  9. Can you explain how you would troubleshoot common issues in Magento 2?
  10. How do you integrate third-party services with Magento 2?

5 Magento 2 interview questions and answers to evaluate junior developers

5 Magento 2 interview questions and answers to evaluate junior developers

When evaluating junior developers for Magento 2 positions, it's crucial to ask questions that assess their foundational knowledge and problem-solving skills. This curated list of interview questions will help you identify candidates with the right potential and aptitude for your e-commerce development team. Use these questions to gauge their understanding of Magento 2 basics and their ability to tackle common challenges.

1. Can you explain the difference between blocks and widgets in Magento 2?

A strong candidate should be able to explain that blocks are the basic building units of page layout in Magento 2, while widgets are reusable content elements that can be easily added to pages through the admin panel.

Blocks are PHP classes that generate and render specific pieces of page content. They can be structural (like header and footer) or content-based (like product lists). Widgets, on the other hand, are pre-built blocks with a user-friendly interface that allows non-technical users to add dynamic content to pages without writing code.

Look for candidates who can articulate the use cases for each and demonstrate understanding of how they contribute to Magento 2's flexibility in content management.

2. How would you go about customizing the checkout process in Magento 2?

A junior developer should be able to outline a basic approach to customizing the checkout process. They might mention:

  • Creating a custom module to avoid modifying core files
  • Overriding checkout layout files to add or remove steps
  • Using plugins or observers to modify checkout behavior
  • Customizing checkout templates to change the appearance

Pay attention to candidates who emphasize the importance of following Magento 2 best practices, such as using dependency injection and avoiding direct core file modifications. Their answer should reflect an understanding of Magento 2's modular architecture and extensibility features.

3. What is the purpose of the di.xml file in Magento 2, and how would you use it?

The di.xml file is crucial for dependency injection in Magento 2. A junior developer should explain that it's used to configure object creation and specify class preferences.

They might mention that di.xml is used for:

  • Defining virtual types
  • Specifying constructor arguments for classes
  • Setting up plugins to modify behavior of existing classes
  • Configuring preferences to replace one class with another

Look for candidates who can provide a simple example of how they might use di.xml, such as setting up a plugin or defining a preference. This demonstrates their understanding of Magento 2's dependency injection system and its role in customization and extensibility.

4. How do you create a custom product attribute in Magento 2?

A junior developer should be able to outline the basic steps for creating a custom product attribute:

  1. Create a setup script in a custom module
  2. Use the addAttribute method of the Magento\Catalog\Setup\CategorySetup class
  3. Specify attribute properties like label, type, input, and whether it's visible on the frontend
  4. Run the setup script using bin/magento setup:upgrade

Pay attention to candidates who mention the importance of choosing the right attribute properties and understanding how the attribute will be used (e.g., for filtering, sorting, or display). They should also be aware that attributes can be created through the admin panel, but scripting is preferred for version control and deployment consistency.

5. Can you explain what an observer is in Magento 2 and provide an example of when you might use one?

A solid answer should explain that observers in Magento 2 are a way to react to specific events that occur within the system without modifying core code. They allow developers to add custom functionality that's triggered when certain actions happen.

An example a junior developer might provide is using an observer to send a custom email notification when a new customer registers. They should be able to outline the basic steps:

  1. Create a custom module
  2. Define the observer in the events.xml file
  3. Create an Observer class that implements Magento\Framework\Event\ObserverInterface
  4. Implement the execute method to perform the desired action

Look for candidates who understand the event-driven nature of Magento 2 and can explain how observers promote loose coupling and extensibility in the system.

15 advanced Magento 2 interview questions to ask senior developers

15 advanced Magento 2 interview questions to ask senior developers

When interviewing senior Magento developers, it's crucial to assess their advanced knowledge and problem-solving skills. Use these 15 questions to evaluate candidates' expertise in complex Magento 2 scenarios, architectural decisions, and best practices. These questions will help you identify top-tier talent capable of handling challenging e-commerce projects.

  1. How would you implement a custom caching mechanism for a specific Magento 2 module?
  2. Explain the concept of Area in Magento 2 and how it affects module development.
  3. How do you optimize database queries in Magento 2 for better performance?
  4. Describe the process of creating a custom API endpoint in Magento 2.
  5. How would you implement a custom shipping method in Magento 2?
  6. Explain the role of Dependency Injection in Magento 2 and provide an example of its implementation.
  7. How do you handle multi-store and multi-website setups in Magento 2?
  8. Describe the process of creating a custom admin grid in Magento 2.
  9. How would you implement a custom payment gateway integration in Magento 2?
  10. Explain the concept of Service Contracts in Magento 2 and their benefits.
  11. How do you implement custom indexers in Magento 2?
  12. Describe the process of creating a custom REST API in Magento 2.
  13. How would you optimize Magento 2 for high-traffic scenarios?
  14. Explain the role of events and observers in Magento 2 and provide an advanced use case.
  15. How do you implement custom EAV attributes for complex product types in Magento 2?

8 Magento 2 interview questions and answers related to performance optimization

8 Magento 2 interview questions and answers related to performance optimization

To determine whether your applicants have the right skills to optimize Magento 2 performance, ask them some of these essential interview questions. These questions will help you gauge their understanding and approach to enhancing the efficiency and speed of Magento 2 stores.

1. How do you identify performance bottlenecks in a Magento 2 store?

Candidates should explain that identifying performance bottlenecks involves a combination of monitoring tools and techniques. They may mention using tools like New Relic, Blackfire, or Magento's built-in profiler to gather data on the store's performance.

A strong answer will include specific steps such as analyzing server performance, reviewing custom code, and checking for inefficient database queries. They might also discuss the importance of monitoring front-end performance using tools like Google PageSpeed Insights.

Look for candidates who emphasize a systematic approach to identifying bottlenecks and mention both server-side and client-side performance analysis. Follow up by asking them to discuss any specific tools they have used in the past.

2. What are some common strategies for optimizing the performance of a Magento 2 store?

Candidates should mention several strategies for optimizing Magento 2 performance. These might include enabling full-page caching, optimizing images, minifying JavaScript and CSS files, and configuring a Content Delivery Network (CDN).

They might also discuss optimizing database performance by indexing and optimizing queries, as well as using flat catalog indexing for products and categories. Another important aspect is server optimization, which can include configuring PHP and MySQL settings for better performance.

An ideal candidate will demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of various optimization techniques. Look for answers that cover both front-end and back-end optimization strategies and ask for examples of how they have implemented these in previous projects.

3. How do you approach optimizing the loading speed of a Magento 2 store?

Candidates should explain that optimizing loading speed involves several key actions. These include enabling and configuring caching mechanisms like full-page cache and Varnish, as well as compressing and optimizing images to reduce load times.

They might also mention using tools like Google PageSpeed Insights to identify areas for improvement and implementing lazy loading for images to ensure that only necessary content is loaded initially. Furthermore, reducing the number of HTTP requests by combining JavaScript and CSS files can be effective.

Look for candidates who provide a structured approach to improving loading speed and mention specific tools and techniques they have used. Consider asking for examples of how they have successfully optimized loading speed in past projects.

4. Can you explain the importance of indexing in Magento 2 and how it affects performance?

Indexing in Magento 2 is crucial for improving the performance of the store. When products, categories, or other data are updated, Magento needs to reindex the data to ensure it is displayed correctly and efficiently in the frontend.

Efficient indexing helps speed up database queries by creating index tables that store data in a way that is quicker to retrieve. This is particularly important for large catalogs where direct database queries could slow down the site.

Candidates should emphasize that regular reindexing is important for maintaining optimal performance. Look for responses that explain the frequency and methods of reindexing, and consider asking about any challenges they have faced with indexing in large-scale Magento 2 stores.

5. What steps would you take to improve the performance of the checkout process in Magento 2?

Candidates should mention optimizing the checkout process by reducing the number of steps and ensuring the use of efficient code. They might also discuss using AJAX to update certain elements without reloading the entire page, which can significantly speed up the checkout process.

Other steps include optimizing the server configuration, using a lightweight theme for the checkout page, and ensuring that all third-party extensions used are performance-optimized. Additionally, enabling full-page caching can help reduce load times during checkout.

An ideal candidate will highlight a combination of front-end and back-end optimizations. Look for candidates who can discuss specific improvements they have implemented in the checkout process of a Magento 2 store.

6. How do you optimize database performance in a Magento 2 store?

Candidates should explain that optimizing database performance involves tuning database settings, optimizing queries, and ensuring proper indexing. They might mention using tools like MySQL Workbench or phpMyAdmin to analyze and optimize database performance.

Other important steps include partitioning large tables, enabling query caching, and regularly cleaning up database logs and temporary data. Using flat catalogs for products and categories can also help improve database performance.

Look for candidates who demonstrate a thorough understanding of database optimization techniques. Ask them about specific challenges they have faced with database performance and how they addressed them.

7. What role does a Content Delivery Network (CDN) play in Magento 2 performance optimization?

A CDN helps improve the performance of a Magento 2 store by distributing content across multiple servers located in different geographical regions. This reduces the load on the main server and ensures faster delivery of content to users.

Using a CDN can significantly reduce latency and improve page load times, especially for international users. It also helps in handling traffic spikes by distributing the load across multiple servers.

Candidates should highlight the benefits of using a CDN and mention specific CDNs they have worked with, such as Cloudflare or Amazon CloudFront. Look for responses that demonstrate an understanding of how CDNs work and their impact on performance.

8. How do you monitor and maintain the performance of a Magento 2 store over time?

Candidates should mention using monitoring tools like New Relic, Blackfire, or Magento's built-in profiler to continuously monitor the performance of a Magento 2 store. Regularly reviewing performance metrics and logs is essential to identify and address issues proactively.

They should also discuss the importance of regular maintenance tasks such as updating Magento and its extensions, optimizing the database, and reindexing. Implementing automated tests can help ensure that performance does not degrade over time.

Look for candidates who emphasize a proactive approach to performance monitoring and maintenance. Ask them about specific tools and practices they have used to maintain optimal performance in previous projects.

12 Magento 2 interview questions about extensions development

12 Magento 2 interview questions about extensions development

To ensure your applicants have the right expertise for Magento 2 extension development, ask them some of these targeted interview questions. This list will help you gauge their ability to customize and extend Magento 2 efficiently.

  1. Can you describe the steps for creating a custom Magento 2 extension from scratch?
  2. How do you define and use custom configuration settings in a Magento 2 extension?
  3. Explain how to add a custom database table via an extension in Magento 2.
  4. What is your approach to versioning and maintaining a Magento 2 extension?
  5. Can you walk through the process of creating a custom UI component in a Magento 2 extension?
  6. How do you handle dependency management in a Magento 2 extension?
  7. Describe how you would add custom attributes to an existing Magento 2 entity using an extension.
  8. What techniques do you use to ensure your Magento 2 extensions are compatible with future updates?
  9. Explain how you would create a custom frontend layout for a new module in Magento 2.
  10. How do you test and debug Magento 2 extensions to ensure they work correctly?
  11. What are some best practices for Magento 2 extension development to ensure high performance and security?
  12. How do you manage extension conflicts when multiple extensions modify the same behavior in Magento 2?

10 situational Magento 2 interview questions for hiring top developers

10 situational Magento 2 interview questions for hiring top developers

To assess whether candidates possess the practical problem-solving skills needed for Magento 2 development, consider using these situational interview questions. They will help you evaluate how applicants apply their knowledge in real-world scenarios, ensuring you select the best talent for your team. For a more comprehensive understanding of the role, you might also refer to our Magento developer job description.

  1. Imagine a client reports a bug in their checkout process. Describe how you would go about diagnosing and resolving the issue.
  2. A customer wants to implement a complex discount rule that isn't supported out-of-the-box. How would you approach building a solution for this requirement?
  3. You notice that the site is slow during peak hours. What steps would you take to identify and address the performance issues?
  4. If you were tasked with integrating a new payment gateway that requires custom API calls, how would you handle the implementation?
  5. Suppose a client runs multiple stores under one Magento installation. How would you manage different product catalogs across these stores?
  6. A team member proposes a code change that could affect existing functionality. How would you review and respond to ensure the change won't create issues?
  7. You need to create a custom report for a client's sales data that isn't available through standard Magento reporting. How would you approach this task?
  8. If Magento 2's upgrade introduces deprecated features affecting your current setup, how would you plan for and execute the necessary changes?
  9. A client is concerned about their store's security after a recent breach. What recommendations would you make to enhance their Magento 2 security?
  10. How would you approach training a new developer on your team who is unfamiliar with Magento 2's architecture and coding standards?

Which Magento 2 skills should you evaluate during the interview phase?

Evaluating a candidate's proficiency in Magento 2 during the interview phase can be complex, as no single session can cover all aspects of their capabilities. However, focusing on core skills can help you gauge their expertise more effectively. Below are key Magento 2 skills that you should consider evaluating during the interview process.

Which Magento 2 skills should you evaluate during the interview phase?


PHP is the backbone of Magento 2 development. Understanding how to write and maintain PHP code is crucial for creating and customizing modules and extensions effectively.

You can utilize an assessment test that includes relevant MCQs to filter candidates based on their PHP skills.

During the interview, consider asking targeted questions to dive deeper into their PHP knowledge.

Can you explain the lifecycle of a PHP request in Magento 2?

Look for candidates who can outline the key stages of the PHP request lifecycle, including routing, controller action, and view rendering.

Magento 2 Architecture

A solid understanding of Magento 2's architecture is essential for efficient module development, system design, and troubleshooting.

You can use a Magento-related assessment featuring questions on architecture to screen for this skill.

Ask detailed questions to assess their understanding of Magento 2's architecture.

How does Magento 2's dependency injection system work?

Candidates should demonstrate knowledge of dependency injection, constructors, and the role these components play in Magento 2 architecture.

Performance Optimization

Performance optimization ensures that Magento 2 applications run efficiently, providing a better user experience and reducing server load.

To gauge their understanding, ask performance-related questions during the interview.

What methods do you use to profile and optimize Magento 2 performance?

Candidates should mention tools like Magento Profiler, as well as strategies for optimizing queries, caching, and resource management.

Effective Strategies for Utilizing Magento 2 Interview Questions

Before you begin leveraging the Magento 2 interview questions outlined earlier, here are some strategic tips to ensure you make the most of your interviewing process.

1. Incorporate Skill Assessments Prior to Interviews

Using skill assessments before the interview stage can significantly streamline the candidate selection process by ensuring only qualified candidates move forward. This approach saves time and resources during interviews.

For Magento 2 roles, consider integrating specific tests such as the Magento Online Test, PHP Online Test, and JavaScript Online Test to evaluate essential skills required for the role.

Implementing these tests helps in identifying candidates who possess the necessary technical skills and knowledge. This process not only enhances the efficiency of your hiring cycle but also contributes to a more effective interview session focusing on deeper insights rather than surface-level capabilities.

2. Curate Your Interview Question List Wisely

Given the limited time during an interview, selecting the right number and type of questions is crucial. Focus on questions that accurately assess the skills most important for the role to maximize the effectiveness of the interview.

Consider including questions that cover related technical skills which can be found on Adaface's interview questions library, like JavaScript and PHP, which are relevant for Magento 2 developers. This helps ensure a holistic evaluation of candidate capabilities.

3. Emphasize Follow-Up Questions

Simply relying on prepared interview questions may not always uncover a candidate's true potential or fit. It's important to ask follow-up questions that delve deeper into the candidate's responses to understand their thought processes and problem-solving skills.

For instance, if a candidate discusses a Magento customization project, a good follow-up could be, 'Can you explain a challenge you faced during this project and how you overcame it?' This question aims to reveal more about the candidate’s problem-solving and resilience.

Use Magento 2 interview questions and skills tests to hire talented developers

If you are looking to hire someone with Magento 2 skills, you need to ensure they have those skills accurately. The best way to do this is to use skill tests. Consider using our Magento Online Test or related assessments such as the PHP Online Test and MySQL Online Test.

Once you use these tests, you can shortlist the best applicants and call them for interviews. To get started, you can sign up here or learn more about our platform on the online assessment platform page.

Magento Online Test

40 mins | 10 MCQs and 1 Coding Question
The Magento Online Test uses scenario-based multiple choice questions to evaluate candidates on their technical knowledge and practical skills related to Magento, a popular e-commerce platform. The test assesses candidates' proficiency in various aspects of Magento development, including topics such as Magento architecture, Magento installation and configuration, theme development, module development, customization of core functionalities, performance optimization, security, and debugging.
Try Magento Online Test

Download Magento 2 interview questions template in multiple formats

Magento 2 Interview Questions FAQs

What types of Magento 2 developers can these questions help evaluate?

These questions are designed to assess junior, senior, and specialized Magento 2 developers, covering various aspects like core concepts, performance optimization, and extension development.

How can I use these Magento 2 interview questions effectively?

Tailor the questions to the specific role you're hiring for, use them alongside practical tests, and pay attention to the candidate's problem-solving approach and communication skills.

Are there questions specific to Magento 2 performance optimization?

Yes, the post includes a section with 8 questions focused on Magento 2 performance optimization techniques and best practices.

How can situational questions help in the hiring process?

Situational questions help assess a candidate's problem-solving skills, decision-making abilities, and how they might handle real-world scenarios in a Magento 2 development environment.

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