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How to Attract and Assess Campaigner (ENFP) Candidates During the Hiring Process

Elle Wong

August 19, 2024

Attracting and assessing Campaigner (ENFP) candidates requires a nuanced understanding of their unique traits and preferences. ENFPs are known for their creativity, enthusiasm, and strong interpersonal skills, making them valuable assets in any organization. This blog post will explore effective strategies to attract these candidates and assess their fit during the hiring process.

Understanding the Campaigner (ENFP) Personality

Campaigners, or ENFPs, belong to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality types. They are characterized by the following traits:

  • Extroverted (E): They thrive in social settings and prefer environments that allow for interaction and collaboration.
  • Intuitive (N): ENFPs focus on the big picture and are drawn to innovative ideas rather than strict details.
  • Feeling (F): They make decisions based on empathy and the impact on others, valuing harmony and emotional connections.
  • Perceiving (P): ENFPs prefer flexibility and spontaneity, often resisting rigid structures and plans.

These traits make ENFPs particularly suited for roles that require creativity, teamwork, and adaptability. However, they may struggle with routine tasks and may need support to maintain focus on long-term projects.

Attracting ENFP Candidates

To effectively attract ENFP candidates, organizations must align their recruitment strategies with the values and preferences of this personality type. Here are several key strategies:

1. Highlight Creative Freedom and Innovation

ENFPs are drawn to roles that allow for creative thinking and problem-solving. Job descriptions should emphasize opportunities for innovation and the ability to express ideas freely.

  • Example: "Join our team where your creative ideas will shape our marketing strategies and drive our mission forward."

2. Offer Growth Opportunities

Campaigners are naturally curious and eager to learn. Highlight professional development opportunities, such as training programs, mentorship, and pathways for advancement.

  • Example: "We invest in our employees' growth through continuous learning and development programs tailored to your interests."

3. Foster a Collaborative Culture

ENFPs thrive in supportive team environments where ideas are shared and valued. Showcase your company’s collaborative culture through testimonials and examples of teamwork.

  • Example: "Our team values collaboration and open communication, ensuring every voice is heard and appreciated."

4. Emphasize Meaningful Work

Campaigners seek roles that have a positive impact on society. Clearly communicate your organization's mission and how employees contribute to that mission.

  • Example: "Be part of a team that is dedicated to making a difference in the community through innovative solutions."

5. Provide Recognition and Feedback

ENFPs value recognition and appreciation for their contributions. Highlight your company’s practices for celebrating achievements and providing constructive feedback.

  • Example: "We celebrate our team’s successes and provide regular feedback to foster a culture of growth and appreciation."

Engaging ENFP Candidates During the Hiring Process

Once you have attracted ENFP candidates, the next step is to engage them effectively throughout the hiring process. Here are strategies to enhance candidate engagement:

1. Optimize the Application Process

Ensure that the application process is user-friendly and mobile-optimized. Streamline the steps to reduce drop-off rates and enhance accessibility.

  • Tip: Use clear instructions and minimize unnecessary fields in the application form.

2. Personalize Communication

Tailor communication with candidates to make them feel valued. Use their names in emails and provide personalized updates on their application status.

  • Tip: Acknowledge their application promptly and maintain open lines of communication throughout the process.

3. Provide Transparent and Timely Feedback

Keep candidates informed about their application status and provide feedback, whether they advance or not. Transparency builds trust and enhances the candidate experience.

  • Tip: Set expectations for when candidates can expect to hear back and stick to those timelines.

4. Use Interactive Job Descriptions

Create engaging job descriptions that go beyond traditional formats. Incorporate multimedia elements such as videos and employee testimonials to give candidates a better understanding of the role and company culture.

  • Tip: Highlight the dynamic aspects of the role and the collaborative environment.

5. Leverage Recruitment Technology

Utilize applicant tracking systems and AI-powered tools to streamline communication and enhance the candidate experience. This can help maintain personalized interactions at scale.

  • Tip: Consider using chatbots for initial queries to provide instant responses to candidates.

Assessing ENFP Candidates

Assessing the fit of ENFP candidates requires a tailored approach that considers their strengths and potential challenges. Here are effective strategies for assessment:

1. Behavioral Interviews

Use behavioral interview techniques to explore candidates' past experiences and actions. Ask for specific examples of how they handled challenges, worked in teams, or resolved conflicts.

  • Example Questions:
  • "Can you describe a time when you had to adapt to a significant change at work?"
  • "How do you approach brainstorming sessions with your team?"

2. Focus on Key Strengths

Assess candidates on their key strengths, such as creativity, adaptability, and interpersonal skills. Look for evidence of their ability to innovate and collaborate effectively.

  • Tip: Ask candidates to share examples of creative solutions they developed in previous roles.

3. Evaluate Emotional Intelligence

Given their strong interpersonal skills, it's crucial to assess candidates' emotional intelligence. This can be done through situational judgment tests or emotional intelligence assessments.

  • Example: "How do you handle conflicts within a team? Can you provide an example?"

4. Use Skills Assessments

Incorporate skills assessments relevant to the position. These can provide concrete evidence of a candidate's abilities beyond their engaging personality.

  • Example: For a marketing role, consider a test that evaluates creativity in developing marketing strategies.

5. Assess Adaptability and Resilience

ENFPs are known for their adaptability, but it's essential to gauge how they handle stress and unexpected challenges. Observe their responses to hypothetical scenarios during interviews.

  • Example Questions:
  • "How do you manage your workload when unexpected tasks arise?"
  • "Can you share a time when you faced a setback and how you overcame it?"

Leveraging Personality Assessments

Personality assessments can provide valuable insights into an ENFP candidate's traits and preferences. By incorporating these assessments into the hiring process, organizations can gain a deeper understanding of how a candidate's personality aligns with the role and company culture.

1. MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator)

The MBTI is a widely used personality assessment that identifies an individual's preferences across four dimensions: Extroversion/Introversion, Sensing/Intuition, Thinking/Feeling, and Judging/Perceiving. By understanding a candidate's MBTI type, you can gain insights into their communication style, decision-making process, and overall fit for the role.

  • Example: An ENFP candidate's preference for Intuition and Feeling may indicate their ability to think creatively and empathize with others, making them well-suited for roles that require innovation and collaboration.

2. DISC (Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, Conscientiousness)

The DISC assessment focuses on an individual's behavioral style, measuring their preferences across four dimensions: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness. By understanding a candidate's DISC profile, you can gain insights into their communication style, decision-making process, and overall fit for the role.

  • Example: An ENFP candidate's high scores in Influence and Steadiness may indicate their ability to inspire others and maintain a positive team environment, making them well-suited for roles that require leadership and team building.

3. Enneagram

The Enneagram is a personality assessment that identifies an individual's core motivations and fears. By understanding a candidate's Enneagram type, you can gain insights into their values, decision-making process, and overall fit for the role.

  • Example: An ENFP candidate's Enneagram type may be the Enthusiast (Type 7), which is characterized by creativity, optimism, and a desire for personal growth. This type may be well-suited for roles that offer variety and opportunities for exploration.

When using personality assessments, it's important to consider them as one piece of the puzzle in the hiring process. They should be used in conjunction with other assessment methods, such as interviews and skills tests, to gain a comprehensive understanding of a candidate's fit for the role and company culture.


Attracting and assessing Campaigner (ENFP) candidates involves understanding their unique traits and preferences. By creating a recruitment process that emphasizes creativity, growth, collaboration, and meaningful work, organizations can effectively engage ENFP candidates. Additionally, employing tailored assessment strategies, including personality assessments, will ensure that these candidates not only fit the role but also thrive within the company culture. By implementing these strategies, organizations can build a dynamic team that leverages the strengths of ENFPs, ultimately contributing to a more innovative and collaborative workplace.


What is the Campaigner (ENFP) personality type?

The Campaigner (ENFP) personality type is characterized by creativity, enthusiasm, and strong interpersonal skills. They are extroverted, intuitive, feeling, and perceiving, making them adept at inspiring others and thriving in collaborative environments.

How can I attract ENFP candidates during the hiring process?

To attract ENFP candidates, emphasize creative freedom, growth opportunities, a collaborative culture, meaningful work, and recognition in your job postings and recruitment strategies. Highlight how the role allows for innovation and personal development.

What are some effective assessment methods for ENFP candidates?

Effective assessment methods for ENFP candidates include behavioral interviews, skills assessments, emotional intelligence evaluations, and situational judgment tests. These methods help uncover their creativity, adaptability, and interpersonal skills while ensuring they align with the role and company culture.

What challenges do ENFP candidates face in the workplace?

ENFP candidates may face challenges such as a lack of focus on routine tasks, sensitivity to criticism, and taking on too much responsibility. It's essential to provide support and structure to help them thrive in their roles.

How can organizations support ENFP employees?

Organizations can support ENFP employees by offering ongoing education, mentorship, creative expression platforms, and customized career trajectories. Providing opportunities for personal growth and recognizing their contributions can enhance their engagement and job satisfaction.

Why are personality assessments important in hiring ENFP candidates?

Personality assessments are important in hiring ENFP candidates as they provide insights into their traits, preferences, and potential fit for the role. These assessments help employers make informed decisions and ensure candidates align with the company culture and job requirements.

Elle Wong

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