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Understanding Enneagram type 2: Traits, strengths & challenges

Elle Wong

August 23, 2024

Enneagram Type 2 individuals, often referred to as "The Helper," are characterized by their warm, caring, and empathetic nature. You'll find that these personalities are driven by a deep-seated desire to be loved and appreciated, which manifests in their generous and supportive behavior towards others. Type 2s excel at anticipating and fulfilling the needs of those around them, often putting others' well-being before their own.

Studies have shown that Enneagram Type 2s make up approximately 10-12% of the population. This can vary by study and methodology. Enneagram Type 2 is more frequently found among women. Approximately 60-70% of Type 2s are female, reflecting a cultural trend where women are often socialized to be more nurturing and empathetic.

Understanding Enneagram Type 2

Type 2s shine as natural nurturers and caretakers. They possess an innate ability to sense and respond to others' emotional needs, making them excellent listeners and supportive friends or colleagues. You'll find that they often create a warm and welcoming atmosphere in any social or professional setting.

Motivations & Fears

At their core, Type 2 personalities are motivated by the need to feel indispensable and valued. They derive satisfaction from being needed and appreciated by others. However, this desire can sometimes lead to an overwhelming fear of being unwanted or unworthy of love. As a result, you may notice that Type 2s often go to great lengths to maintain relationships and ensure they're seen as helpful and necessary.


While their caring nature is admirable, Type 2 personalities can face certain challenges. Their tendency to prioritize others' needs over their own can lead to burnout or resentment if left unchecked. Additionally, their sensitivity to criticism and fear of rejection may cause them to struggle with setting healthy boundaries or expressing their own needs effectively.

Growth & Development

For Type 2 individuals to thrive, it's crucial that they learn to balance their generous nature with self-care. Encouraging them to recognize and articulate their own needs can lead to more fulfilling relationships and improved mental well-being. As they grow, Type 2s can develop a more authentic sense of self-worth that isn't solely dependent on external validation or their ability to help others.

Understanding these key aspects of the Enneagram Type 2 personality can provide valuable insights for talent acquisition professionals seeking to effectively recruit, manage, and support these empathetic and caring individuals in the workplace.

Type 2 Wings

Enneagram Type 2 individuals can have one of two wings: Type 1 or Type 3.

  • Type 2 with a 1 Wing (2w1): This combination brings a sense of moral obligation and perfectionism. They are highly responsible and strive for ethical behavior, blending their nurturing tendencies with a disciplined approach to their work and relationships.
  • Type 2 with a 3 Wing (2w3): This wing enhances the 2’s interpersonal skills and ambition. They are more image-conscious and goal-oriented, focusing on achieving success and recognition while still maintaining their supportive and caring nature.

The Dual Sides of Enneagram Type 2 in the Workplace

"Helpers" possess a unique blend of strengths and challenges that can significantly impact their professional performance and team dynamics.

Positive Attributes

  • Foster a supportive and harmonious work environment
  • Demonstrate exceptional empathy and attentiveness to colleagues' needs
  • Excel in customer-facing roles and conflict resolution
  • Readily offer assistance and go above and beyond their job descriptions

Type 2 employees often excel in roles that require interpersonal skills and emotional intelligence. Their natural inclination to help others can lead to increased team cohesion and improved workplace morale. This altruistic approach often results in strong professional relationships and a positive company culture.

Potential Drawbacks

However, the same traits that make Type 2 individuals valuable team members can also present challenges. You should be aware that they may:

  • Struggle with setting boundaries and saying "no" to requests
  • Neglect their own needs and responsibilities in favor of helping others
  • Seek validation through their helpfulness, potentially leading to burnout
  • Have difficulty making decisions that may disappoint or inconvenience others

These tendencies can sometimes result in decreased productivity, missed deadlines, or an imbalance in workload distribution within a team.

Striking a Balance

To harness the full potential of Type 2 employees, it's essential to create an environment that capitalizes on their strengths while mitigating potential pitfalls. Encourage them to:

  1. Prioritize self-care and personal boundaries
  2. Recognize the value of their work beyond helping others
  3. Develop assertiveness skills for more effective communication

Leveraging the Strengths of Enneagram Type 2 Employees

As a talent acquisition professional, understanding how to leverage the strengths of Enneagram Type 2 employees can significantly enhance your team's performance and overall workplace dynamics. Type 2 individuals, often referred to as "The Helper," possess unique qualities that can be invaluable assets to your organization when properly harnessed.

Empathy and Interpersonal Skills

Type 2 employees excel in roles that require strong interpersonal skills and emotional intelligence. Their natural empathy allows them to connect deeply with colleagues and clients, fostering positive relationships and creating a harmonious work environment. To leverage this strength, consider placing Type 2 individuals in positions that involve customer service, team building, or conflict resolution.

Supportive Team Players

One of the most notable traits of Type 2 employees is their innate desire to help others. This makes them exceptional team players who readily offer support and encouragement to their colleagues. To maximize this strength, create opportunities for Type 2 individuals to mentor junior staff or lead collaborative projects. Their supportive nature can boost team morale and productivity.

Intuitive Problem Solvers

Type 2 employees often possess a keen intuition when it comes to understanding others' needs and emotions. This intuitive ability can be leveraged in problem-solving scenarios, particularly those involving interpersonal conflicts or customer satisfaction issues. Encourage Type 2 individuals to contribute their insights during brainstorming sessions or when developing customer-centric strategies.

Adaptability and Flexibility

Due to their desire to please others, Type 2 employees tend to be highly adaptable and flexible in their approach to work. This strength can be particularly valuable in fast-paced or evolving work environments. To leverage this quality, involve Type 2 individuals in cross-functional teams or assign them to projects that require quick adjustments and versatility.

By recognizing and strategically utilizing these strengths, you can create a more balanced and effective workforce. Remember that each Type 2 employee is unique, and it's essential to combine this Enneagram insight with individual assessments to optimize their potential within your organization.

Managing the Challenges of Enneagram Type 2 Employees

As a talent acquisition professional, understanding how to manage the challenges of Enneagram Type 2 employees is crucial for fostering a productive and harmonious work environment. While these individuals bring valuable strengths to the workplace, they also face unique obstacles that require careful navigation.

Addressing People-Pleasing Tendencies

Type 2 employees often struggle with an excessive need to please others, which can lead to overcommitment and burnout. To mitigate this challenge, you should:

  • Encourage them to set clear boundaries and prioritize tasks.
  • Provide regular feedback on their performance to reduce anxiety about approval.
  • Help them understand that saying "no" is sometimes necessary and acceptable.

By addressing these tendencies, you can help Type 2 employees maintain a healthier work-life balance and improve their overall job satisfaction.

Managing Emotional Sensitivity

The empathetic nature of Type 2 individuals can sometimes result in heightened emotional sensitivity. To support these employees:

  • Create a safe space for open communication about their feelings and concerns.
  • Offer conflict resolution training to help them navigate interpersonal challenges.
  • Encourage self-care practices to maintain emotional well-being.

Fostering Independence and Self-Advocacy

Type 2 employees may struggle with assertiveness and advocating for their own needs. To promote independence:

  • Implement mentoring programs that focus on developing self-advocacy skills.
  • Provide opportunities for leadership roles that require decision-making.
  • Encourage them to express their ideas and opinions in team meetings.

By addressing these challenges head-on, you can help Type 2 employees thrive in their roles while contributing positively to the organization. Remember that each individual is unique, and tailoring your approach to their specific needs will yield the best results. With the right support and guidance, Type 2 employees can overcome these obstacles and become invaluable assets to your team.

Generous and CaringCreates a supportive and nurturing work environment.Can become overly involved in others’ problems, neglecting their own needs.
EmpatheticExcellent at understanding and addressing colleagues' and clients' needs.May struggle with setting boundaries and saying no.
PersuasiveEffective at influencing and motivating others.Can be manipulative if their efforts to help are not appreciated.
Warm and FriendlyBuilds strong, positive relationships within the team.Might become dependent on validation and approval from others.
SupportiveHelps colleagues and teams achieve their goals.Can overcommit, leading to burnout and resentment.
AltruisticDriven by a genuine desire to help and serve others.May neglect their own needs and personal growth.

Motivating and Supporting Enneagram 2 Employees

As a talent acquisition professional, understanding how to motivate and support Enneagram Type 2 employees is crucial for fostering a productive and harmonious work environment. These individuals, known as "The Helper," thrive on interpersonal connections and the ability to assist others. By tailoring your approach to their unique needs, you can maximize their potential and create a positive workplace experience.

Recognizing Their Value

To effectively motivate Type 2 employees, it's essential to acknowledge their contributions regularly. These individuals derive satisfaction from feeling appreciated and needed. Implement a recognition program that highlights their supportive nature and the positive impact they have on team dynamics. This can include public praise during team meetings or personalized notes of appreciation.

Fostering Meaningful Connections

Type 2 employees flourish in environments that encourage collaboration and teamwork. Create opportunities for them to build relationships with colleagues through team-building activities or mentorship programs. By doing so, you'll tap into their natural inclination to help others while simultaneously strengthening workplace bonds.

Providing Growth Opportunities

Support the professional development of Type 2 employees by offering training in areas that align with their strengths, such as communication, conflict resolution, or coaching. Encourage them to take on leadership roles in projects that involve nurturing team relationships or improving company culture. This approach not only motivates them but also leverages their innate abilities for the benefit of the organization.

Establishing Clear Boundaries

While Type 2 employees are eager to please, it's crucial to help them maintain healthy boundaries. Provide guidance on prioritizing tasks and saying "no" when necessary. Encourage them to practice self-care and remind them that their well-being is as important as their contributions to the team. This support will help prevent burnout and ensure long-term success.

Offering Constructive Feedback

When providing feedback to Type 2 employees, balance constructive criticism with positive reinforcement. Frame suggestions for improvement in the context of how it will benefit the team or organization. This approach appeals to their desire to be helpful and motivates them to enhance their performance without feeling devalued.

By implementing these strategies, you'll create an environment where Enneagram Type 2 employees can thrive, contributing their unique strengths to the workplace while feeling supported and valued in their roles.

Best Career Options for Enneagram Type 2 Personalities

As a talent acquisition professional, understanding the best career options for Enneagram Type 2 personalities can help you guide these individuals towards roles where they can thrive. Type 2s, known as "The Helper," possess unique qualities that make them well-suited for certain professions. Let's explore some ideal career paths for these empathetic and supportive individuals.

People-Oriented Professions

Type 2 personalities excel in careers that involve direct interaction with others. Their natural ability to connect with people and their desire to help make them ideal candidates for:

  • Human Resources: As HR professionals, Type 2s can utilize their interpersonal skills to support employees and foster a positive work environment.
  • Counseling and Therapy: Their empathetic nature allows them to provide emotional support and guidance to those in need.
  • Teaching and Education: Type 2s can nurture and inspire students, creating a supportive learning atmosphere.

Healthcare and Caregiving Roles

The caring nature of Type 2 individuals aligns well with healthcare professions. Consider recommending roles such as:

  • Nursing: Type 2s can provide compassionate care to patients, addressing both their physical and emotional needs.
  • Social Work: This field allows them to make a tangible difference in people's lives, offering support to vulnerable populations.
  • Occupational Therapy: Type 2s can help individuals recover and adapt to physical or mental challenges with patience and understanding.

Customer-Centric Positions

Type 2 personalities thrive in roles where they can assist and satisfy others. Some suitable options include:

  • Customer Service Representative: Their natural inclination to help others makes them excellent at resolving issues and ensuring customer satisfaction.
  • Sales Consultant: Type 2s can build strong relationships with clients, understanding their needs and providing tailored solutions.
  • Event Planning: Their attention to detail and desire to please others make them skilled at organizing memorable events.
TraitJob AspectCareerWhy It Suits Enneagram Type 2
Generous and CaringProviding CareNurseProvides nurturing and compassionate care to patients.
EmpatheticUnderstanding NeedsSocial WorkerAddresses and supports the needs of individuals and families.
PersuasiveMotivating OthersSales RepresentativeUses empathy and communication skills to influence and motivate clients.
Warm and FriendlyBuilding RelationshipsHuman ResourcesFosters positive employee relations and a supportive work environment.
SupportiveHelping Others AchieveTeacherSupports students' learning and personal development.
AltruisticServing OthersNon-Profit ManagerLeads initiatives aimed at helping and improving communities.

When considering career options for Type 2 personalities, focus on roles that allow them to utilize their interpersonal skills, empathy, and desire to help others. By matching these individuals with suitable positions, you can help them find fulfilling careers where they can make a positive impact while leveraging their natural strengths.

Hiring and Recruiting Enneagram Type 2 Candidates

When seeking to hire and recruit Enneagram Type 2 candidates, you'll need to tailor your approach to appeal to their unique characteristics and motivations. By understanding their core desires and tendencies, you can create a recruitment strategy that attracts these empathetic and supportive individuals to your organization.

Crafting Job Descriptions

To capture the attention of Type 2 candidates, focus on highlighting opportunities for interpersonal connection and the chance to make a positive impact. Emphasize team collaboration, mentoring roles, and the potential to help others within the organization. Use language that resonates with their desire to be needed and appreciated, such as "vital team member" or "essential support role."

Interview Strategies

During interviews, create a warm and welcoming atmosphere to help Type 2 candidates feel at ease. Ask questions that allow them to showcase their empathy and people skills. For example:

  • "Can you describe a time when you helped a colleague overcome a challenge?"
  • "How do you approach building relationships within a team?"

Pay attention to their ability to articulate how they've supported others and fostered positive work environments in previous roles.

Assessing Cultural Fit

Type 2 individuals thrive in environments that value interpersonal relationships and recognize the importance of emotional support. When evaluating cultural fit, consider how well your organization's values align with these needs. Highlight any employee recognition programs or team-building initiatives that would appeal to a Type 2's desire for appreciation and connection.

Showcasing Growth Opportunities

To attract and retain Type 2 candidates, emphasize opportunities for personal and professional growth. Highlight mentorship programs, leadership development initiatives, and paths for advancement that allow them to expand their influence and ability to help others. This approach will appeal to their desire for growth while aligning with their natural inclination to support and nurture.

Using Enneagram Tests in Recruitment and Hiring

Incorporating Enneagram tests into your recruitment and hiring processes can provide valuable insights into candidates' personalities, motivations, and potential fit within your organization. This powerful tool can enhance your talent acquisition strategies and help you make more informed hiring decisions.

Benefits of Enneagram Testing in Recruitment

Utilizing Enneagram tests during the recruitment process offers several advantages:

  • Deeper understanding of candidates: Enneagram assessments provide a comprehensive view of an individual's core motivations, fears, and behavioral patterns.
  • Improved team dynamics: By understanding candidates' Enneagram types, you can better predict how they might interact with existing team members.
  • Enhanced cultural fit: Enneagram insights can help you determine whether a candidate's values and work style align with your company culture.

Implementing Enneagram Tests in Your Hiring Process

To effectively incorporate Enneagram testing into your recruitment strategy:

  1. Administer the test at the appropriate stage, typically after initial screenings but before final interviews.
  2. Use Enneagram results as a complementary tool, not as the sole basis for hiring decisions.
  3. Ensure that your hiring team is trained in interpreting Enneagram results to avoid biases or misinterpretations.

Ethical Considerations and Best Practices

When using Enneagram tests in recruitment, it's crucial to:

  • Obtain candidates' consent before administering the test
  • Maintain confidentiality of test results
  • Use reputable Enneagram assessment tools, such as those offered by Adaface, a leading pre-employment testing platform
  • Avoid discrimination based on Enneagram type and focus on job-relevant competencies

By thoughtfully integrating Enneagram testing into your recruitment process, you can gain valuable insights that complement traditional hiring methods. This holistic approach can lead to more successful hires, improved team dynamics, and ultimately, enhanced organizational performance. Remember that while Enneagram tests are a powerful tool, they should be used in conjunction with other assessment methods to ensure a well-rounded evaluation of candidates.


As you incorporate the Enneagram into your recruitment strategies, remember that Type 2 individuals bring unique strengths to the workplace. Their empathy, interpersonal skills, and desire to help others can be invaluable assets in many roles. By understanding their motivations, potential challenges, and optimal work environments, you can effectively recruit, support, and retain these caring professionals. While the Enneagram provides valuable insights, it should be used as one tool among many in your talent acquisition process. Ultimately, a holistic approach that considers skills, experience, and cultural fit alongside personality traits will yield the best results in building a diverse and high-performing team.


What are the core traits of Enneagram Type 2?

Enneagram Type 2, often called "The Helper," is characterized by a strong desire to be loved and needed. These individuals are typically warm, empathetic, and generous. They excel at anticipating others' needs and often prioritize relationships above all else. In the workplace, Type 2s are known for their supportive nature and ability to foster positive team dynamics.

How do Type 2s handle stress in the workplace?

Under stress, Type 2s may become overly clingy or manipulative in their attempts to maintain connections. They might struggle with setting boundaries and may neglect their own needs while trying to please others. In high-pressure work environments, it's crucial for Type 2s to practice self-care and learn to say "no" when necessary.

What are the best career paths for Enneagram Type 2?

Type 2s thrive in careers that allow them to help and connect with others. Some suitable options include:

  • Human Resources
  • Counseling or therapy
  • Teaching or coaching
  • Customer service
  • Healthcare professions
  • Non-profit work

These roles leverage their natural empathy and desire to make a positive impact on others' lives.

How can managers effectively motivate Type 2 employees?

To motivate Type 2 employees, managers should:

  • Provide regular appreciation and recognition for their contributions
  • Offer opportunities for collaboration and teamwork
  • Create a supportive work environment that values relationships
  • Encourage them to voice their own needs and opinions
  • Assign tasks that allow them to help others and make a meaningful impact

By focusing on these areas, managers can tap into Type 2s' natural strengths and keep them engaged in their work.

Elle Wong

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