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In-depth and well researched statistics on HR & Recruiting related trends and topics that can help HR professionals become more evidence-based, as opposed to relying on gut feel or intuition alone.

Our best articles on Statistics

We handpicked these from the 160+ posts on the blog.

50+ Key HR Statistics and Trends to Watch in 2024

Here are 50+ HR statistics you need to know in 2023. As HR leaders, ensure you use these statistics to help you make better and more informed data-driven decisions.

Skills-Based Hiring Statistics

Long gone are the days of degree-based hiring. Companies now want skilled people - with or without a degree. Here are the top skills-based hiring statistics:

5 Key HR and Recruitment Trends To Watch Out for in 2023

Latest HR and recruitment trends that companies must consider in their talent acquisition strategies, all of which are driven by HRTech.

Diversity And Inclusion In The Workplace Statistics

The topic of Diversity and Inclusion has created quite a buzz in the past few years. Let us take a look at the top diversity in the workplace statistics:

Top 75 HR and Recruiting Statistics

The ultimate list of resources and statistics that will help recruiters and hiring managers tailor an approach that will catch the eye of top talent every year.

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