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Adaface vs Wonderlic: A Comparison of Assessment Tools

Siddhartha Gunti

August 30, 2024

Recruiters need pre-employment screening to sift through the pool of applicants and identify top candidates efficiently. It helps them focus on skills and capabilities rather than just resumes.

This blog post aims to compare Adaface and Wonderlic, helping recruiters decide which platform suits their needs best. By the end of this, you'll have a clear view of the features, strengths, and unique offerings of both tools.

Table of contents

How does Adaface work?
How does Wonderlic work?
Test libraries
Hiring developers
Pricing and free trial
Scorecards, reporting and analytics
Enterprise and startup friendliness
Quality control
Adaface vs Wonderlic: Verdict

How does Adaface work?

Adaface uses a conversational AI approach to deliver assessments for various roles, from tech to business. With assessments tailored to job descriptions, Adaface ensures a match between the test content and job requirements.

Adaface landing page

Recruiters leverage Adaface for its scenario-based questions that test real-world job skills, offering an accurate measure of a candidate's abilities. This method helps in identifying top talent fit for the role, providing a deeper insight than traditional MCQs.

Another use case for Adaface is the ability to customize assessments to fit specific company needs. Recruiters can add their own questions and leverage Adaface's extensive library for a bespoke testing experience, ensuring they find the right candidates.

Adaface shines with features like remote proctoring and anti-cheating measures, ensuring test integrity. With integrations to various ATS systems, Adaface fits seamlessly into existing recruitment workflows, making it a preferred choice for modern recruiters. Explore Adaface's features.

How does Wonderlic work?

Wonderlic offers various assessments focusing predominantly on cognitive ability and personality. Their tests are designed to provide a snapshot of a candidate’s reasoning skills, helping employers gauge academic aptitude and problem-solving abilities.

Wonderlic landing page

One common use case for Wonderlic is within the realm of cognitive tests. Employers often rely on these tests to understand potential hires’ critical thinking and analytical abilities, aiming to predict job performance based on cognitive scores.

Some of Wonderlic's tests, like their cognitive assessments, are favored for their quick and straightforward format. These tests are often used in volume hiring scenarios where a swift overview of candidates' aptitude is required.

However, Wonderlic lacks various specialized assessments. You won't find programming, finance, cloud service, or AI-related tests in their offering, which could limit comprehensiveness for companies looking for a wide range of technical evaluations.

Adaface vs Wonderlic: Test libraries

Both Adaface and Wonderlic offer a range of test libraries that cater to different recruitment needs. Adaface focuses on diverse categories like programming, business skills, and role-specific assessments, while Wonderlic centers more on aptitude and personality tests.

Utilizing these test libraries streamlines the hiring process and ensures candidates are assessed accurately for the intended roles. Recruiters can make more informed decisions, reducing turnover and boosting overall team performance.

Adaface's test library

Adaface test library

Adaface's test library includes a wide variety of assessments to choose from. Whether it's IT tests, Artificial Intelligence tests, or Personality tests, there's something for every need.

Recruiters use Adaface's test library because it covers a comprehensive range of skills and scenarios. It supports role-specific tests and job-specific assessments crucial for making accurate hiring decisions.

Using Adaface's test library in action is straightforward. You can quickly access ready-to-use tests, or create customized assessments by adding your own questions or leveraging Adaface's custom question design service. This customization ensures a perfect fit for your specific job requirements.

Wonderlic's test library

Wonderlic test library

Wonderlic's test library includes assessments for cognitive ability and personality, often used to measure general mental aptitude and work style preferences.

These tests are popular in roles that require strong problem-solving skills and understanding of behavior patterns, making them suitable for general hiring purposes.

However, the library lacks specific assessments for programming, business skills, situational judgment, and modern tech roles, which may limit its applicability for specialized positions.

Comparison of test libraries

Programming testsYes (Scenario based MCQs as well as coding questions)No
Situational Judgment testsYesNo
Aptitude testsYesYes
Business testsYesNo
Typing testsYesNo
Personality testsYesYes
Language testsYesNo
Finance testsYesNo
Artificial Intelligence testsYesNo
Cloud testsYesNo
Job-specific testsYesNo
Custom questionsYesNo
Add your own questionsYesNo
Customized tests per job descriptionYesNo
Ready-to-use testsYesYes

Adaface vs Wonderlic: Developer hiring

Screening developers through tests is like checking if a fish can swim before you put it in water. It helps recruiters find the right fit by assessing technical skills, problem-solving abilities, and overall compatibility with team dynamics.

Adaface and Wonderlic both offer a range of tests to assess developers, but they take different approaches. While Adaface provides a mix of coding challenges and multiple-choice questions, Wonderlic primarily focuses on cognitive and personality assessments, lacking direct coding skill evaluations.

Hiring developers with Adaface

Adaface stands out with its extensive functionalities for hiring developers, offering a blend of coding questions, multiple-choice scenarios, and real-world challenges. This means you can test skills in programming languages, web frameworks, and much more—all in one place.

Wonderlic, on the other hand, provides a narrower selection of assessments, mainly focusing on cognitive abilities without covering essential programming-specific tasks. This makes it harder to gauge a developer's true coding abilities in a practical context.

Adaface provides a rich library for developers which includes:

Recruiters love using Adaface because it lets them tailor assessments according to their specific needs—whether it's testing for a new Java feature or a complex SQL query. This customization ensures they find candidates who can hit the ground running.

Plus, Adaface supports a feature that allows hiring managers to add custom coding questions, which means they can evaluate candidates based on unique team needs. It's all about making the hiring process as smooth as possible!

Hiring developers with Wonderlic

Wonderlic’s programming assessment support is quite limited. It does not offer coding questions or support for web and mobile frameworks. This makes it less suitable for technical roles that require hands-on coding skills.

While Wonderlic has a variety of tests for cognitive ability and personality traits, its test library lacks specialized questions for developers. This means hiring managers might find it challenging to assess technical abilities through conventional psychometric tests.

A notable gap in Wonderlic's offering is the absence of automated scoring and code playback features. These are critical for evaluating coding efficiency and understanding a candidate's problem-solving process in real-time.

Comparison of developer hiring features

Programming language coding questionsYesNo
Web framework questionsYesNo
Mobile framework questionsYesNo
Data Structures and Algorithm questionsYesNo
SQL Coding questionsYesNo
Excel Workbook questionsYesNo
Code playbackYesNo
Automated scoringYesNo
Custom Coding questionsYesNo

Adaface vs Wonderlic: Pricing and free trial

When considering assessment tools, pricing is an important factor for recruiters. It's essential to understand what each plan offers and how it aligns with your hiring needs.

Adaface pricing

Adaface pricing

Adaface offers a range of pricing options designed to fit different company sizes and needs. Our plans are transparent and detailed on our Adaface Pricing page.

Adaface's pricing includes several tiers:

  • Individual Plan: $180
  • Starter Plan: $500 for 50 credits
  • Scale Plan: $3000 for 500 credits
  • Growth Plan: $5500 for 1000 credits
  • Enterprise Plan: $20000 for 400 credits
  • Unlimited Plan: $50000 per year

We also offer a free trial, so you can explore all features before committing. Companies can sign up easily without needing to speak to a salesperson, ensuring a smooth onboarding process.

Wonderlic pricing

Wonderlic Pricing

Wonderlic’s pricing information isn’t publicly available, meaning you’ll need to contact them directly for a quote. This can be a bit of a hassle if you’re looking for quick and transparent pricing details. They don’t offer a free trial, so you won’t be able to explore their features without making a commitment. Additionally, Wonderlic requires potential users to go through a sales representative instead of an easy online sign-up process.

For those who prefer to take a platform for a test run before committing, the lack of a free trial might be a drawback. Similarly, if you’re someone who likes to know all the features beforehand, Wonderlic doesn't provide a way to explore all functionalities without speaking to a sales agent. Also, the absence of an unlimited plans option might be a limitation for organizations looking to scale their hiring processes extensively.

Comparison of pricing

Ease of pricing and billingYesNo
Free trial?YesNo
Sign upYesNo
Explore all featuresYesNo
Individual plan180$/ year (unlimited team seats)Contact Wonderlic for pricing information.
Unlimited plans50,000$/ year (unlimited team seats and invites)No

Adaface vs Wonderlic: Scorecards, reporting and analytics

When hiring, you need clear insights into candidates' skills and abilities. Good scorecards and analytics help you quickly compare applicants and make data-driven decisions. Look for features that give you an at-a-glance view of results plus deeper analysis when needed.

Adaface scorecards, reporting and analytics

Adaface report

Adaface provides detailed scorecards with skills profiles that show how candidates performed across different areas. You can see a radar chart comparing a candidate's scores to industry and company averages. The platform also offers benchmarking to see how applicants stack up against others.

With Adaface, you get PDF reports to easily share results internally. There are also public report links to send to clients without needing a login. For deeper analysis, you can export data to Excel or CSV. The audit timeline gives you full proctoring logs to investigate any issues that arise.

Wonderlic scorecards, reporting and analytics

Wonderlic report

Wonderlic provides PDF reports that detail candidates' performance, offering a breakdown of scores and analysis by skill areas. The platform also includes automated scorecard generation and skill-wise analysis, helping recruiters quickly identify key strengths and weaknesses.

Reports from Wonderlic include benchmarking features, allowing hiring managers to compare candidates against others in the pool. However, sharing options are somewhat limited, as they don't support public links or exporting reports in Excel or CSV formats.

What you might miss with Wonderlic is a comprehensive overview that allows for easy comparison of multiple candidates at once. Additionally, the lack of public report links and detailed audit timelines can be a bit of a hurdle for recruiters looking for more flexibility and transparency.

Comparison of scorecards, reporting and analytics

PDF reportsYesYes
Public reportsYesNo
Excel and CSV reportsYesNo
Skills ProfileYesNo
Skill-wise analysisYesYes
Audit timelineYesNo
Comprehensive OverviewYesNo
Automated scorecard generation and alertsYesYes

Adaface vs Wonderlic: Enterprise and startup friendliness

An ideal assessment platform should cater to both startups and enterprises, offering features that scale with the organization. Flexibility, integration capabilities, and compliance are key aspects that support growth and operational efficiency.

Adaface's enterprise and startup friendliness

Adaface enterprise friendly

Adaface shines in enterprise settings with its seamless ATS integrations, allowing large firms to streamline recruitment without switching platforms. Automatic tracking of candidate stages further enhances workflow management.

For startups, Adaface offers unlimited team seats across all plans, removing financial barriers and fostering collaboration. Multiple invite options make it easy to reach potential hires through various channels, simplifying the recruitment process.

Adaface also supports custom data location, providing enterprises the security and compliance they need. Role-based access ensures that both startups and large organizations can manage permissions effectively, facilitating better team collaboration.

Wonderlic's enterprise and startup friendliness

Wonderlic enterprise friendly

Wonderlic offers GDPR compliance and supports multiple invite options, making it suitable for enterprise-level operations. It also includes bulk actions, which can be beneficial for large-scale hiring events.

With its GDPR compliance, Wonderlic helps enterprises stay in line with data protection regulations. The bulk actions feature simplifies the process of managing numerous candidates simultaneously, a useful tool for campus recruitment or mass hiring events.

However, Wonderlic lacks ATS integrations and role-based access, potentially limiting its scalability for larger enterprises. The absence of custom data location support might also be a concern for companies with specific data residency requirements.

Comparison of enterprise and startup friendliness

ATS IntegrationsYesNo
GDPR CompliantYesYes
Custom APIYesNo
Custom data location supportYesNo
Role based accessYesNo
Unlimited team seatsYesNo
Multiple invite optionsYesYes
Bulk actionsYesYes
Priority SupportYes-
Multiple question setsYesNo
Track candidate stagesYesNo
Uses GenAI for optimizing recruiter workflowsYesNo

Adaface vs Wonderlic: Assessment quality control

Quality control in assessments ensures that tests remain accurate, reliable, and fair over time. Recruiters should care about this to make informed hiring decisions.

Adaface's quality control features

Adaface's quality control features prioritize continuous improvement and accuracy. We take both candidate and customer feedback seriously to enhance our test library.

Before any question goes live, it undergoes rigorous quality checks. This ensures that every question effectively measures the candidate's skills.

We also utilize proprietary algorithms to maintain the quality of our questions and tests. Additionally, questions are replaced after reaching usage limits to prevent leaks and maintain validity.

Wonderlic's quality control features

Wonderlic ensures their questions undergo quality checks before going live, aiming to maintain a standard for evaluating candidate skills. This initial screening helps filter out any irrelevant or poorly constructed questions, ensuring that each test remains useful.

However, Wonderlic doesn't seem to incorporate candidate or customer feedback into their improvement process. There's no evidence that they replace overexposed questions or leverage proprietary algorithms to gauge question quality, which may limit the adaptability of their assessments.

Also missing from Wonderlic’s toolkit is social listening to detect and withdraw leaked questions. Without this, the validity and accuracy of their tests might be compromised over time.

Comparison of quality control

Candidate feedback to improve testsYesN/A
Social ListeningYesN/A
Quality checks before questions go liveYesYes
Replacing questions based on limitsYesN/A
Customer feedback to improve testsYesN/A
Proprietary algorithms to improve quality of questionsYesNo

Adaface vs Wonderlic: Conclusion

Both Adaface and Wonderlic offer aptitude and personality tests, streamlining the pre-employment screening process. They help recruiters evaluate candidates' cognitive abilities and personality traits.

However, Adaface stands out by providing a wider range of features beyond just aptitude and personality tests. Adaface includes programming, cloud, and business tests, making it a versatile choice for various hiring needs.

Wonderlic lacks in areas like programming, situational judgment, and language tests. These are essential for many modern roles, especially in tech-heavy industries where skill-specific assessments are critical.

Streamline hiring with skill tests

Adaface not only covers these areas but also offers custom questions, coding playback, and proctoring features, ensuring a thorough and cheat-proof evaluation. This makes Adaface a better-rounded choice for diverse hiring requirements.

Pre-employment assessments help recruiters objectively evaluate skills, reduce bias, and streamline the hiring process. They offer a variety of tests that focus on specific job requirements.

Using these assessments, recruiters can save time, reduce hiring costs, and improve the quality of hires. They ensure that the best fit for the role is chosen based on skill and aptitude.

Adaface is the ideal solution for recruiters looking for a comprehensive assessment tool. Its wide range of tests, customizability, and detailed reports make it a top choice. To explore more, check out our Adaface Platform Features or read our Pre-Employment Blog.

Adaface vs Wonderlic FAQs

What types of tests does Adaface offer?

Adaface offers a wide range of tests including programming, aptitude, business, language, AI, and cloud tests. They also provide custom tests based on job descriptions.

Does Wonderlic offer coding assessments?

No, Wonderlic does not offer coding or technical skills assessments. They focus primarily on cognitive ability and personality tests.

How do Adaface and Wonderlic compare in terms of pricing?

Adaface offers transparent pricing plans on their website, starting from $180. Wonderlic does not publicly disclose their pricing, requiring you to contact them for a quote.

Which platform has better anti-cheating measures?

Adaface offers more anti-cheating features like webcam proctoring, IP tracking, and plagiarism detection. Wonderlic's anti-cheating measures are not clearly specified.

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