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Adaface vs. Talentoday: Detailed In-Depth Comparison

Siddhartha Gunti

August 30, 2024

Pre-employment screening is key for recruiters to hire the right talent. It helps identify the best candidates and evaluates their skills and fit for the role.

This blog post exists to help recruiters compare Adaface and Talentoday. You'll discover which platform can better meet your hiring needs.

Table of contents

How does Adaface work?
How does Talentoday work?
Test libraries
Candidate experience and company branding
Anti-cheating features
Pricing and free trial
Scorecards, reporting and analytics
Enterprise and startup friendliness
Customer support
Adaface vs Talentoday: Verdict

How does Adaface work?

Adaface is a pre-employment screening tool that allows recruiters to evaluate candidates through customized assessments. By creating assessments tailored to specific job roles, Adaface ensures that only the most relevant skills are tested.

Adaface landing page

Recruiters use Adaface to screen candidates for various job roles and skills. By leveraging a mix of programming tests, aptitude tests, and situational judgment tests, Adaface helps identify the best-fit candidates early in the hiring process.

Another key use case is assessing job-specific scenarios. For roles requiring unique skills, Adaface provides custom questions and assessments to match the exact job description, ensuring a precise evaluation of the candidate's capabilities.

Adaface also boasts advanced features like remote proctoring and candidate-friendly conversational interfaces, which Talentoday lacks. These features not only enhance the accuracy of the assessments but also improve the overall candidate experience.

How does Talentoday work?

Talentoday is an assessment platform that focuses on measuring personality traits and cognitive abilities to help organizations better understand their candidates. It provides a unique mixture of psychometric assessments designed to enhance the hiring process by evaluating compatibility with company culture and team dynamics.

Talentoday landing page

The platform utilizes the Plum Discovery Survey, a quick 25-minute questionnaire that uncovers insights into a candidate's personality, problem-solving skills, and social interactions. This provides employers with a detailed profile that can aid in job matching and development potential.

Key features of Talentoday include a focus on personality assessments and the ability to create reports that are user-friendly and accessible. While they offer a library of ready-to-use tests, their emphasis is primarily on understanding candidate fit rather than technical skills or proficiency in specific job tasks.

However, Talentoday lacks support for programming tests or customized assessments tailored to specific job descriptions. This means organizations looking for a comprehensive evaluation of technical skills may find themselves exploring additional options.

Adaface vs Talentoday: Test libraries

Adaface offers a diverse range of assessments covering programming, business, language, personality, and more. Talentoday, while supportive of aptitude and personality assessments, lacks depth in areas like programming and job-specific tests.

Recruiters benefit from these test libraries as they streamline candidate evaluation, ensuring that only the most qualified candidates proceed. By leveraging these comprehensive libraries, companies can make informed hiring decisions swiftly.

Adaface's test library

Adaface’s test library stands out for its extensive range, featuring assessments for over 500+ skills including:

  1. Programming tests
  2. Artificial Intelligence tests
  3. Personality tests
  4. Language tests
  5. Role Specific tests

Recruiters use Adaface to create tailored assessments based on job descriptions, from technical roles to customer-facing positions. This customization ensures accurate evaluation relevant to the job's specific skills.

Using Adaface’s dynamic library, recruiters can easily deploy tests for roles such as software developers to financial analysts, all within minutes. Experience Adaface in action with assessments like the Vue.js Developer Test and Customer Service Test.

Talentoday's test library

Talentoday offers a library featuring personality and aptitude tests. These assessments are aimed at understanding candidates' behavioral traits and cognitive abilities.

The personality assessments are particularly useful for roles where soft skills and team dynamics are paramount. Aptitude tests help in gauging logical and analytical thinking.

However, Talentoday’s test library lacks support for programming, situational judgment, and various job-specific tests. Custom question creation and custom tests per job description are also unavailable.

Comparison of test libraries

Programming testsYes (Scenario based MCQs as well as coding questions)No
Situational Judgment testsYesNo
Aptitude testsYesYes
Business testsYesNo
Typing testsYesNo
Personality testsYesYes
Language testsYesNo
Finance testsYesNo
Artificial Intelligence testsYesNo
Cloud testsYesNo
Job-specific testsYesNo
Custom questionsYesNo
Add your own questionsYesNo
Customized tests per job descriptionYesNo
Ready-to-use testsYesYes

Adaface vs Talentoday: Candidate experience and company branding

Company branding in recruitment isn't just about a logo or colors; it's a strategic way of telling your story. When candidates see consistent branding throughout their hiring journey, it builds trust and creates a cohesive perception of your company. This subtle influence can turn potential hires into enthusiastic team members.

What should you look for in company branding features for assessment providers? Customizable elements like logo placement, brand colors, and personalized emails play a big role. They ensure that from start to finish, candidates are engaging with a brand experience that reflects your company's values and culture.

Candidate experience and company branding with Adaface

Adaface excels in company branding by providing the ability to include your company's logo throughout the assessment process. This feature enhances brand recognition and ensures a professional look and feel, which helps to build trust with candidates right from the start.

Another standout feature of Adaface is the ability to customize the platform with your brand colors. This not only makes the assessment experience visually aligned with your company's identity but also reinforces the brand image consistently throughout the candidate journey.

Adaface also offers customizable invitation, shortlist, and rejection email templates. This ensures your communication is in sync with your brand's tone and messaging, providing a seamless and branded experience for all candidates. For tips on improving your candidate communication, check out how to write a recruiting email.

Candidate experience and company branding with Talentoday

Talentoday focuses on helping employers understand the personality and soft skills of their candidates. However, when it comes to company branding, their platform offers limited options. There are no features to add your company logo or brand colors to the assessment process.

For companies wanting a personalized touch, Talentoday's lack of customizable invitation and rejection templates might be a drawback. This means you can't tailor communication to reflect your company's unique tone and style.

While Talentoday excels in the assessment of soft skills, it doesn't provide branding features that could enhance the candidate experience. Having your logo, brand colors, and customized templates can make the hiring process more aligned with your company's identity.

Adaface vs Talentoday: Anti-cheating features

In today's digital age, online assessments have become an indispensable tool for recruiters. However, the risk of cheating poses a significant threat to the integrity of these evaluations. That's why it's crucial for pre-employment testing platforms to implement robust anti-cheating measures.

Anti-cheating features of Adaface

At Adaface, we take pride in our cutting-edge anti-cheating features. Our platform utilizes a multi-layered approach to ensure the utmost fairness and accuracy in your assessments.

User Authentication: Adaface requires email authentication to verify the candidate's identity before they can begin the test.

Proctoring Suite: Our proctoring suite includes webcam monitoring, IP tracking, device fingerprinting, location logging, and full-screen mode enforcement. These features work together to prevent unauthorized access, impersonation, and the use of external resources during the assessment.

Copy-Paste Protection: We disable copy-paste functionality, ensuring candidates cannot share questions or paste pre-written answers.

Plagiarism Detection: Our advanced plagiarism detection system analyzes coding submissions to identify potential instances of cheating.

Multiple Question Sets: Adaface offers multiple question sets, minimizing the risk of question leaks and ensuring a unique testing experience for each candidate.

Social Listening: We actively monitor social media channels to identify potential question leaks and promptly update our question bank to maintain the integrity of your assessments.

With our comprehensive online proctoring features, you can confidently administer remote assessments, knowing that the results accurately reflect each candidate's abilities.

Anti-cheating features of Talentoday

Talentoday offers basic anti-cheating features like user authentication and time limits on tests. These measures ensure that the right person is taking the test and that they complete it within a set timeframe.

The selling point here is that the time limits can help reduce the chance of candidates having excessive time to look up answers elsewhere. User authentication adds an extra layer of security to verify candidate identity.

However, Talentoday lacks more advanced proctoring features such as web and webcam proctoring, location logging, and IP address tracking. These missing elements can make it easier for candidates to cheat without getting caught.

Comparison of anti-cheating features

User authenticationYesYes
Time limit on testsYesYes
Web proctoringYesNo
Webcam proctoringYesNo
Location loggingYesNo
IP proctoringYesNo
Device Fingerprint proctoringYesNo
Copy paste protectionYesNo
Full screen proctoringYesNo
Chat GPT protectionYesNo
Multiple question setsYesNo
Test integrity with questions and answers hidden and time limitsYesNo
Large question bankYesNo
Plagiarism detectionYesNo
Social listening for task leaksYesNo

Adaface vs Talentoday: Pricing and free trial

When it comes to pricing for assessment products, recruiters can expect a range of options shaped by features and the volume of assessments needed. It’s always wise to look for transparency and flexibility to ensure you get the best bang for your buck.

Adaface pricing

Adaface pricing

At Adaface, we offer a variety of pricing plans designed to suit different hiring needs. Our pricing is straightforward and easily accessible, allowing recruiters to find the right fit without the hassle of sales calls. Options include our Starter Plan at $500 for 50 credits, the Scale Plan at $3000 for 500 credits, and the Growth Plan at $5500 for 1000 credits.

For larger organizations, we also provide an Enterprise Plan at $20000 for 400 credits, and if you have a never-ending stream of candidates, our Unlimited Plan is available for $50000 per year. Plus, we offer a free trial so you can test drive our platform before making a commitment. Check out our detailed Adaface Pricing page for more information!

When considering our pricing, think about your hiring volume and the features that matter most to your team. Choosing the right plan can help you streamline your recruitment process and save costs in the long run. Whether you're a startup or a large enterprise, we’ve got a plan that’s just right for you!

Talentoday pricing

Talentoday Pricing

Talentoday offers various pricing plans designed to meet diverse hiring needs. The Starter Plan is available at $400 per year, providing basic access to their assessment tools. For larger organizations, the Scale Plan is priced at $3000 per year. If you're looking for more advanced features, you will need to reach out to Talentoday for a quote on their Growth Plan. Unfortunately, Talentoday does not offer an Unlimited Plan, which could be a limitation for companies with expansive hiring requirements.

While Talentoday provides a range of plans, they don't make their pricing details easily accessible on their website, requiring potential customers to contact sales for quotes. Additionally, there is no free trial or a straightforward way to sign up and explore all features independently, which could make the evaluation process a bit cumbersome for recruiters looking to quickly assess the platform's functionalities.

Comparison of pricing

Ease of pricing and billingYesNo
Free trial?YesNo
Sign upYesNo
Explore all featuresYesNo
Individual plan180$/ year (unlimited team seats)-
Starter plans500$/ year (unlimited team seats)400$ per year
Scale plans3000$/ year (unlimited team seats)3000$ per year
Growth plans5500$/ year (unlimited team seats)Reach out to Talentoday for a quote.
Unlimited plans50,000$/ year (unlimited team seats and invites)No

Adaface vs Talentoday: Scorecards, reporting and analytics

When it comes to scorecards, reporting, and analytics, ideal assessment platforms should empower recruiters with insightful data to make informed hiring decisions. A good system helps visualize candidate performance and provides detailed breakdowns, making it simpler to compare and shortlist the best fits.

Adaface scorecards, reporting and analytics

Adaface report

Adaface offers a dynamic scorecard system that includes real-time analytics and automated scorecard generation. Recruiters receive comprehensive reports in a variety of formats such as PDF, Excel, and CSV, allowing them to share findings easily with their teams. You can even check out sample scorecards like the aptitude test for graphic designers or the data science test for a glimpse of what you can expect.

One standout feature of Adaface's reporting tools is the benchmarking capability, which lets recruiters measure candidate performance against the pool. It goes a step further with skill-wise analysis, helping you identify strengths and weaknesses in candidates' skills. Plus, the radar chart displays candidate scores against industry benchmarks and company averages, providing a clearer picture of where they stand. With this level of detail, decision-making becomes a breeze!

Talentoday scorecards, reporting and analytics

Talentoday report

Talentoday offers scorecards that provide a comprehensive overview of candidates' personality and aptitude traits. Their reporting features include PDF and public reports, making it easy for recruiters to share insights with clients or team members without needing to log in.

While Talentoday does deliver a skills profile summarizing candidates' performances, it lacks the ability to break down scores by specific skills or benchmark candidates against one another. This means recruiters may miss out on crucial insights needed for effective decision-making.

Additionally, Talentoday's reporting functionality does not include an audit timeline for proctoring logs, which can be a drawback for those needing detailed oversight during assessments. A more in-depth reporting capability could enhance transparency and trust in the evaluation process.

Comparison of scorecards, reporting and analytics

PDF reportsYesYes
Public reportsYesYes
Excel and CSV reportsYesNo
Skills ProfileYesYes
Skill-wise analysisYesOnly personality and aptitude traits
Audit timelineYesNo
Comprehensive OverviewYesYes
Automated scorecard generation and alertsYesYes

Adaface vs Talentoday: Enterprise and startup friendliness

When choosing an assessment platform, both enterprises and startups need solutions that integrate seamlessly with their existing systems, offer customizable features, and comply with data protection regulations.

Adaface's enterprise and startup friendliness

Adaface stands out with its seamless ATS integrations, enabling enterprises to manage assessments within their HR systems. This integration reduces operational friction and boosts efficiency.

For startups, Adaface offers unlimited team seats in all plans, which means you can grow your hiring team without extra costs. This is especially beneficial for agile teams looking to scale quickly.

Additionally, Adaface prioritizes security and compliance by supporting custom data location and being GDPR compliant. These features make it a reliable choice for organizations of all sizes.

Talentoday's enterprise and startup friendliness

Talentoday offers features like role-based access and GDPR compliance, making it a decent option for enterprises and startups. However, it lacks custom API support and bulk action capabilities, which can limit scalability for larger organizations.

For enterprises, the role-based access can streamline HR processes by allowing different team members to access only the information they need. This can enhance collaboration but may fall short for companies looking to invite large numbers of candidates simultaneously.

While Talentoday has some solid features, it misses out on the ability to manage candidate stages and provide multiple question sets, which can be critical for companies that need to conduct extensive hiring at scale.

Comparison of enterprise and startup friendliness

ATS IntegrationsYesUnknown
GDPR CompliantYesYes
Custom APIYesNo
Custom data location supportYesNo
Role based accessYesYes
Unlimited team seatsYesNo
Multiple invite optionsYesNo
Bulk actionsYesNo
Priority SupportYesNo
Multiple question setsYesNo
Track candidate stagesYesNo
Uses GenAI for optimizing recruiter workflowsYesNo

Adaface vs Talentoday: Customer support

Knowing your pre-employment screening platform is backed by strong customer support provides peace of mind during the hiring process. Top providers offer both on-demand support and a wealth of online resources for users.

Adaface's customer support features

Adaface customer support

Adaface offers various customer support channels to ensure recruiters have all the help they need. These include email support, live chat, and an extensive help center.

Our live chat feature is particularly useful for quick queries, allowing recruiters to get instant answers. For more detailed questions, our help center provides comprehensive guides and FAQs.

For those on higher plans, we offer dedicated priority support, ensuring a direct line of communication with a customer success contact. This means faster issue resolution and personalized assistance.

Talentoday's customer support features

Talentoday provides customer support via email, offering a basic channel for communication and query resolution.

However, Talentoday lacks live chat, a help center, dedicated priority support, training and onboarding, and phone assistance.

Comparison of customer support

Email SupportYesYes
Live ChatYesNo
Help CenterYesNo
Dedicated Priority SupportYesNo
Training and onboardingYesNo
Phone assistanceYesNo

Adaface vs Talentoday: Final verdict

Both Adaface and Talentoday offer pre-employment assessments. They feature aptitude and personality tests as part of their assessment suite.

Even with similarities, Adaface provides more comprehensive solutions with scenario-based MCQs and coding questions, unlike Talentoday.

Talentoday doesn't offer business, finance, AI, or IT cloud tests, which are important for evaluating a wide range of skills.

Streamline hiring with skill tests

Adaface includes these essential tests, ensuring a more thorough evaluation of candidates across different roles and industries.

Pre-employment assessments help recruiters by offering a clear, objective evaluation of candidate skills and fit. They cover everything from technical skills to personality traits.

These assessments save time and improve decision-making by providing quick, unbiased insights into each candidate's abilities.

Adaface stands out as the go-to solution for recruiters. Its extensive test library and customization options make it the best choice. Explore Adaface Assessments or check out our Recruitment Blog to learn more.

Adaface vs Talentoday FAQs

What is the main difference between Adaface and Talentoday?

Adaface offers a wider range of assessments including coding, situational judgment, and business tests, while Talentoday focuses more on personality and aptitude tests.

Does Talentoday offer programming tests?

No, Talentoday does not offer programming tests. Adaface provides both coding and scenario-based MCQs.

Can I use Adaface to create custom tests based on job descriptions?

Yes, Adaface allows for customized tests tailored to specific job descriptions, which Talentoday does not offer.

Does Adaface offer personality and aptitude tests?

Yes, Adaface offers a comprehensive range of personality and aptitude tests, covering various skills and traits.

How does Adaface handle cheating during tests?

Adaface includes features like web and webcam proctoring, location logging, and IP tracking to minimize cheating.

Which platform offers better support for multiple languages?

Adaface supports tests in multiple languages, including English, French, German, and more, while Talentoday does not.

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