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Adaface vs. iMocha: Detailed In-Depth Comparison Guide

Siddhartha Gunti

August 30, 2024

Pre-employment screening helps companies find the right people for their teams. It gives a clear picture of a candidate's skills and qualities before hiring.

This guide compares Adaface and iMocha, two popular assessment platforms. We'll look at their features to help you choose the best tool for your hiring needs.

Table of contents

How does Adaface work?
How does iMocha work?
Test libraries
Hiring developers
Candidate experience and company branding
Anti-cheating features
Pricing and free trial
Scorecards, reporting and analytics
Enterprise and startup friendliness
Quality control
Customer support
Adaface vs iMocha: Verdict

How does Adaface work?

Adaface is an online assessment platform that helps companies evaluate candidates' skills through customized tests. It's designed to make hiring more accurate, fair, and delightful for both recruiters and applicants.

Recruiters use Adaface to create tailored assessments that match specific job descriptions. This way, each test is more relevant to the role, making it easier to identify the best candidates quickly.

Another key feature of Adaface is its conversational interface, which enhances the candidate experience. Candidates feel like they're having a friendly chat rather than taking a daunting exam, making it easier for them to showcase their true abilities.

Adaface also offers robust proctoring features, including web and webcam monitoring, to ensure the integrity of the assessment process. This helps recruiters confidently rely on the results without worrying about cheating.

How does iMocha work?

iMocha is a versatile platform offering various pre-employment assessments, including programming, situational judgment, aptitude, business, typing, and personality tests. The platform caters to a wide range of industries and roles, providing ready-to-use assessments to help recruiting teams screen candidates effectively.

For example, a recruiter may use iMocha's library of programming tests to evaluate a candidate's coding ability. The platform supports questions on programming languages, web frameworks, mobile frameworks, and data structures, among others. iMocha provides automated scoring and code playback features to streamline the evaluation process.

Some notable features of iMocha include language tests in English, German, and Portuguese, as well as personality assessments. The platform also allows users to add custom questions to tailor tests to specific needs and offers integrations with applicant tracking systems (ATS) for seamless candidate management.

However, iMocha lacks support for multiple question sets, meaning recruiters might find it challenging to manage large-scale hiring without risking question leakage. The absence of customized tests based on job descriptions could also impact the accuracy of their evaluations.

Adaface vs iMocha: Test libraries

Both Adaface and iMocha provide extensive test libraries to cater to various recruitment needs. Whether it's programming, personality, or industry-specific skills, both platforms cover a diverse range of assessments.

Using these test libraries helps recruiters find the best-fit candidates for their organizations. They serve as an effective tool to screen potential employees, saving time and ensuring better hiring decisions.

Adaface's test library

Adaface test library
  • 500+ skills covered: From programming tests to artificial intelligence tests to role-specific assessments, Adaface offers a vast array of tests.
  • Scenario-based questions: Ideal for evaluating candidates in real-world job scenarios.
  • Customizable: Tailored tests designed based on job descriptions.
  • Ready-to-use tests: Instant access to a comprehensive library.

Recruiters turn to Adaface for its ability to create highly customized tests that match specific job descriptions. This customization ensures that assessments are directly relevant to the roles being filled.

To see Adaface's library in action, you can easily browse through the Pre-Employment Assessment Test Library for over 500 skills. Recruiters can quickly deploy typing tests and language tests, ensuring a smooth candidate evaluation process.

iMocha's test library

iMocha test library

iMocha offers a diverse test library, including programming, situational judgment, aptitude, business, typing, personality, language, finance, artificial intelligence, and cloud assessments. Their tests cater to various roles and skill levels, making it a go-to option for many recruiters.

A significant selling point of iMocha's library is its ability to provide job-specific tests that align well with industry requirements. For instance, their situational judgment tests can be particularly helpful for organizations wanting to gauge a candidate's decision-making skills in real-world scenarios.

However, iMocha lacks the ability to create customized tests tailored to specific job descriptions, which can limit its effectiveness for companies seeking a more personalized assessment approach. This could mean that users miss out on the nuanced evaluations that align closely with their unique hiring needs.

Comparison of test libraries

Programming testsYes (Scenario based MCQs as well as coding questions)Yes
Situational Judgment testsYesYes
Aptitude testsYesYes
Business testsYesYes
Typing testsYesYes
Personality testsYesYes
Language testsYesYes (Only English, Germany and Portuguese)
Finance testsYesYes
Artificial Intelligence testsYesYes
Cloud testsYesYes
Job-specific testsYesYes
Custom questionsYesNo
Add your own questionsYesYes
Customized tests per job descriptionYesNo
Ready-to-use testsYesYes

Adaface vs iMocha: Developer hiring

When hiring developers, it's important to assess their technical skills comprehensively to ensure they fit your team's needs.

Adaface and iMocha both offer platforms with a variety of tests, including coding challenges and framework knowledge assessments. However, there are core differences that make Adaface stand out as a preferred choice.

Hiring developers with Adaface

Adaface's functionalities for hiring developers include a wide range of tests such as programming language coding questions, web and mobile framework questions, and data structures and algorithm challenges. Adaface also supports SQL coding and Excel Workbook questions, providing a well-rounded assessment toolkit.

Recruiters use Adaface to hire developers because it allows for a combination of coding and multiple-choice questions. This dual approach ensures candidates are evaluated on both their practical coding skills and their theoretical knowledge.

Additionally, Adaface offers features like code playback and automated scoring, simplifying the evaluation process for hiring managers. Custom coding questions can also be added, giving recruiters the flexibility to tailor assessments to their specific needs. Be sure to check out our JavaScript, HTML/CSS and Vue Online Test and Python Online Test to see the variety of skills we cover.

Hiring developers with iMocha

iMocha offers a diverse range of programming assessment options, featuring coding questions across multiple languages and frameworks. Developers can be tested on web and mobile frameworks, data structures, and algorithms, ensuring a wide coverage of relevant skills.

Their test library boasts a variety of pre-built questions that can match different hiring needs. Employers can utilize these tests to gauge various technical competencies, from basic programming to advanced problem-solving skills.

However, iMocha does lack certain features like SQL coding questions and custom coding questions, which can limit the scope of candidate evaluation for specific roles. Additionally, features like Excel Workbook questions are also missing, which might be important for roles requiring data manipulation skills.

Comparison of developer hiring features

Programming language coding questionsYesYes
Web framework questionsYesYes
Mobile framework questionsYesYes
Data Structures and Algorithm questionsYesYes
SQL Coding questionsYesNo
Excel Workbook questionsYesNo
Code playbackYesYes
Automated scoringYesYes
Custom Coding questionsYesNo

Adaface vs iMocha: Candidate experience and company branding

Candidate experience and company branding are more than just buzzwords in recruitment. They directly impact your ability to attract and retain top talent.

Features like mobile-friendliness, branding elements, and test interface can greatly influence a candidate's perception of your company. Candidates want assessments that are fair, engaging, and reflective of your brand's professionalism.

Candidate experience and company branding with Adaface

Adaface candidate experience

Adaface's conversational interface stands out by making assessments feel more interactive and less like traditional tests. This friendly approach helps reduce candidate anxiety and improves engagement.

Adaface offers mobile-friendly solutions, allowing candidates to complete assessments on any device. This flexibility is particularly valued by candidates who are always on the go.

Customized branding is another strong point of Adaface. With the ability to incorporate company logos and brand colors, recruiters can create a seamless brand experience that leaves a positive impression. For more insights on enhancing candidate experience, check out our guide on Candidate Experience.

Candidate experience and company branding with iMocha

iMocha candidate experience

iMocha offers a candidate experience that is primarily mobile-friendly, allowing applicants to take assessments on-the-go. However, the lack of a conversational interface can make the tests feel more like traditional exams, which might not create the most engaging experience for candidates.

For company branding, iMocha allows businesses to display their logo and brand colors during the assessment process, ensuring a degree of customization. However, the absence of customizable templates for shortlist and rejection emails might leave candidates with a less personalized impression of the company.

A good candidate experience can enhance your employer brand and help attract top talent. Imagine a candidate receiving a tailored invitation and being guided through a conversational assessment—this can leave a lasting positive impression. Unfortunately, iMocha's limitations in fully customizable communications could hinder that connection.

Adaface vs iMocha: Anti-cheating features

Cheating in online assessments can undermine the hiring process. A good proctoring solution should offer multi-layered anti-cheating measures to ensure the integrity of the results and give recruiters confidence in their decisions.

Anti-cheating features of Adaface

Adaface shines in the realm of anti-cheating features with a comprehensive suite of tools designed to ensure test integrity. These features include:

  • Non-googleable and scenario-based questions
  • Email authentication before test commencement
  • Webcam and browser monitoring
  • Time limits at the question level
  • IP and location tracking
  • Device fingerprinting
  • Copy-paste protection and full-screen enforcement
  • Chat GPT detection
  • Plagiarism detection
  • Social listening for task leaks

One standout feature of Adaface is its use of non-googleable questions. Unlike traditional trivia questions, Adaface uses scenario-based questions that assess real-world problem-solving skills, making it harder for candidates to cheat using search engines. Additionally, Adaface's questions are not easily solvable by GPT AI models, adding another layer of security.

Furthermore, Adaface employs advanced web and webcam proctoring techniques. By tracking browser activity and monitoring the candidate through their webcam, Adaface ensures that the person taking the test is the actual candidate and that they're not receiving outside help. Their full-screen proctoring feature also ensures candidates can't switch tabs to look up answers online.

Learn more about Adaface's proctoring to ensure accurate assessments or read our complete guide on online remote proctoring for an in-depth understanding.

Anti-cheating features of iMocha

Proctoring with iMocha

iMocha offers several proctoring features, including user authentication, webcam monitoring, and time limits for assessments. They track candidates' IP addresses and log browser activities to discourage cheating.

These features can create a more controlled environment, ensuring that candidates stay focused and engaged during the assessment. For instance, the webcam monitoring helps verify that the person taking the test is indeed the candidate and not a friend stepping in for them.

However, iMocha lacks some advanced anti-cheating mechanisms, such as device fingerprint tracking and detection of window switching to tools like Chat GPT. This gap may leave room for candidates to exploit certain loopholes during assessments.

Comparison of anti-cheating features

Non-googleableYesNo (Questions provided on the site are short, of low quality and are easily google-able)
Non-GPTableYesNo (Questions provided on the site are short and easily answered with any GPT AI model)
User authenticationYesYes
Time limit on testsYesYes
Web proctoringYesYes
Webcam proctoringYesYes
Location loggingYesYes
IP proctoringYesYes
Device Fingerprint proctoringYesNo
Copy paste protectionYesYes
Full screen proctoringYesYes
Chat GPT protectionYesNo
Multiple question setsYes-
Test integrity with questions and answers hidden and time limitsYesNo
Large question bankYes-
Plagiarism detectionYesUnknown
Social listening for task leaksYesNo

Adaface vs iMocha: Pricing and free trial

Pricing for assessment platforms varies based on features, candidate volume, and subscription models. Recruiters should expect transparent pricing to make informed decisions.

Adaface pricing

Adaface pricing

Adaface offers a range of pricing plans tailored to different needs. These plans are designed to be flexible and scalable, catering to various hiring volumes and budgets.

Our pricing plans include:

  • Individual: $180 for smaller needs.
  • Starter: $500 for 50 credits.
  • Scale: $3000 for 500 credits.
  • Growth: $5500 for 1000 credits.
  • Enterprise: $20000 for 4000 credits.
  • Unlimited: $50000 per year.

You can easily sign up and explore all features without needing to contact a sales representative. Plus, we offer a free trial so you can experience our platform firsthand.

For more details, visit our pricing page.

iMocha pricing

iMocha Pricing

iMocha's pricing information isn't publicly available on their website. Potential customers need to contact iMocha directly for a pricing quote. This approach suggests that iMocha offers custom pricing based on each organization's specific needs and scale. While this can lead to tailored solutions, it may also mean a longer process to get started with their platform.

The lack of transparent pricing and absence of a free trial or self-signup option can make it challenging for recruiters to quickly evaluate iMocha's platform. This approach might not be ideal for companies looking to make swift decisions or those who prefer to explore a tool's features independently before committing to a conversation with a sales team.

Comparison of pricing

Ease of pricing and billingYesNo
Free trial?YesNo
Sign upYesNo
Explore all featuresYesNo
Individual plan180$/ year (unlimited team seats)Contact iMocha for pricing quote.
Unlimited plans50,000$/ year (unlimited team seats and invites)No

Adaface vs iMocha: Scorecards, reporting and analytics

Scorecards, reporting, and analytics features are the backbone of any assessment platform. They help recruiters make sense of candidate performance data and guide hiring decisions. A good platform should offer clear, detailed reports that are easy to share and analyze.

Adaface scorecards, reporting and analytics

Adaface report

Adaface shines in this department with its comprehensive reporting suite. The platform generates scorecards automatically, saving recruiters valuable time. These reports include a skills profile, showing how candidates performed across different areas, and a radar chart comparing individual scores to industry and company averages.

What sets Adaface apart is its attention to detail. The platform provides a detailed audit timeline, allowing recruiters to review all proctoring logs if needed. It also offers public report sharing, making it easy to send results to clients or team members without dashboard access. With Excel and CSV exports, benchmarking features, and automated alerts, Adaface gives recruiters all the tools they need to make informed hiring decisions quickly.

iMocha scorecards, reporting and analytics

iMocha report

iMocha offers a variety of reporting features, including scorecards that provide insights into candidates' performance across multiple skills. Users can generate reports in Excel and CSV formats, which is useful for internal evaluations and data analysis.

The platform also includes benchmarking capabilities, allowing recruiters to see how candidates stack up against their peers. This is particularly handy when deciding who to move forward in the hiring process based on skill levels and performance metrics.

However, one notable absence is the public sharing of reports via unique links, which could streamline collaboration with clients who lack dashboard access. Additionally, detailed audit timelines for proctoring logs are not provided, which might leave some gaps in the hiring process.

Comparison of scorecards, reporting and analytics

PDF reportsYes-
Public reportsYesNo
Excel and CSV reportsYesYes
Skills ProfileYesYes
Skill-wise analysisYesYes
Audit timelineYesNo
Comprehensive OverviewYesYes
Automated scorecard generation and alertsYesYes

Adaface vs iMocha: Enterprise and startup friendliness

When choosing a pre-employment testing platform, look for features that support both startups and large enterprises. These include ATS integration, GDPR compliance, and API access.

Adaface's enterprise and startup friendliness

Adaface offers a range of features tailored for companies of all sizes. Our platform integrates with popular ATS systems, ensuring smooth workflows for enterprise users.

For startups and growing businesses, Adaface provides unlimited team seats and multiple invite options. This flexibility allows companies to scale their hiring process without additional costs.

Enterprise users benefit from Adaface's custom data location support and priority support. Our platform also uses generative AI to optimize recruiter workflows, boosting efficiency for large-scale hiring.

iMocha's enterprise and startup friendliness

iMocha offers ATS integrations and is GDPR compliant, catering to enterprise needs. They provide role-based access and multiple invite options for team management. Their platform supports tracking candidate stages throughout the hiring process.

For companies hiring at scale, iMocha's multiple invite options can streamline the process of reaching out to candidates. The ability to track candidate stages helps recruiters manage their hiring funnel more effectively.

However, iMocha lacks some features that could enhance enterprise and startup experiences. These include custom API access, custom data location support, unlimited team seats, and bulk actions for mass hiring events.

Comparison of enterprise and startup friendliness

ATS IntegrationsYesYes
GDPR CompliantYesYes
Custom APIYesNo
Custom data location supportYesNo
Role based accessYesYes
Unlimited team seatsYesNo
Multiple invite optionsYesYes
Bulk actionsYesNo
Priority SupportYesUnknown
Multiple question setsYesNo
Track candidate stagesYesYes
Uses GenAI for optimizing recruiter workflowsYesNo

Adaface vs iMocha: Assessment quality control

Quality control ensures the reliability and accuracy of assessment tests, which is paramount for recruiters seeking the best talent.

Adaface's quality control features

Adaface has a stringent quality control framework to maintain the high standards of its assessment tests.

We use candidate feedback to refine our tests, ensuring they stay relevant and challenging.

Our quality checks before questions go live help in maintaining the integrity of the assessments.

Adaface employs proprietary algorithms to continuously improve the quality of questions and tests in the library.

Social listening helps us identify and remove leaked questions, ensuring the tests remain valid and non-googleable.

By replacing questions after specific limits, Adaface ensures the freshness and effectiveness of the assessments.

iMocha's quality control features

iMocha employs various techniques to ensure the quality of its assessments, relying on a team of subject matter experts to develop questions. However, there is limited information regarding their processes for continuous improvement, such as regular reviews or candidate feedback integration.

While iMocha focuses on creating a library of questions, it lacks transparency around how frequently these questions are updated or monitored for relevance. This raises questions about whether their assessments stay current with industry standards and candidate expectations.

Additionally, without mechanisms for listening to candidate or customer feedback, iMocha's process might miss out on valuable insights that could further enhance question quality and relevance in real-world scenarios.

Comparison of quality control

Candidate feedback to improve testsYesNo
Social ListeningYesUnknown
Quality checks before questions go liveYesUnknown
Replacing questions based on limitsYesUnknown
Customer feedback to improve testsYes-
Proprietary algorithms to improve quality of questionsYesNo

Adaface vs iMocha: Customer support

Adaface vs iMocha: Customer support is like the superhero sidekick that helps recruiters navigate the tricky world of assessments. A strong support system ensures you can make the most of the tools at your disposal.

Adaface's customer support features

Adaface customer support

Adaface offers a variety of customer support features, including live chat, email support, and a comprehensive help center. This means recruiters can get quick answers and guidance whenever they need it.

Additionally, Adaface provides dedicated priority support for enterprise plans, ensuring that larger teams have a direct line to customer success. It's like having a support buddy that knows your needs inside out!

With onboarding training, Adaface ensures that users are well-equipped to use all features efficiently. Plus, if you ever find yourself in a bind, phone assistance is also available to help you out. For more insights, check our Adaface product tour or explore our how to hire guides.

iMocha's customer support features

iMocha offers email support and has a help center available for its users. However, they do not provide live chat or phone assistance.

There is no option for training and onboarding, which could leave new users navigating the platform on their own. Information on dedicated priority support is also not clearly available.

Comparison of customer support

Email SupportYesYes
Live ChatYesNo
Help CenterYesYes
Dedicated Priority SupportYesUnknown
Training and onboardingYesNo
Phone assistanceYesNo

Adaface vs iMocha: Final verdict

Both Adaface and iMocha offer a range of tests covering job-specific skills and general employee traits. They aim to make hiring more objective and less biased.

Adaface stands out with its larger test library and more customization options. It also offers recorded assessments, which is great for evaluating coding skills.

Another plus for Adaface is its flexible pricing, with options from individual plans to enterprise solutions. This makes it suitable for companies of all sizes.

Streamline hiring with skill tests

iMocha focuses mainly on technical roles like developers and data scientists. It offers a task library and custom question creation, but with less flexibility than Adaface.

Pre-employment screening saves time in reviewing candidates and helps ensure you pick the most qualified person for each role. It also reduces bias in hiring.

Pre-employment assessment tools give recruiters objective data on candidates' skills, personality, and job fit. This leads to better hiring decisions and lower turnover.

For most companies, Adaface offers the best mix of features and flexibility. Its conversational assessments create a positive candidate experience while providing accurate results. To see how Adaface can improve your hiring, check out our plans or start a free trial today.

Adaface vs iMocha FAQs

What types of tests do Adaface and iMocha offer?

Adaface offers a wide range of tests including programming, situational judgment, aptitude, business, typing, personality, language, finance, AI, and cloud tests. iMocha also provides various tests but lacks support for custom questions and custom tests per job description.

Can I create custom assessments with Adaface and iMocha?

Adaface allows you to create custom assessments and add your own questions. iMocha, however, does not support the creation of custom questions or assessments.

Are the assessments mobile-friendly?

Yes, both Adaface and iMocha support mobile-friendly assessments, though coding tests are best taken on a desktop.

Does Adaface offer a conversational interface?

Yes, Adaface provides a conversational interface to enhance candidate experience, which is something iMocha does not offer.

What proctoring features are available?

Both Adaface and iMocha offer web and webcam proctoring, copy-paste protection, and location logging. Adaface also offers additional proctoring features like IP tracking and device fingerprinting.

How can I get support while using these platforms?

Adaface provides email support, a help center, and priority support for enterprise users. iMocha offers email support but lacks live chat and phone assistance.

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