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Adaface vs Equalture: Detailed Comparison Guide

Siddhartha Gunti

August 30, 2024

Pre-employment screening helps recruiters find the best candidates for their businesses. It offers a clear picture of the skills and qualities a potential hire brings to the table.

This blog post aims to compare Adaface and Equalture, giving recruiters insights into which platform might best meet their hiring needs.

Table of contents

How does Adaface work?
How does Equalture work?
Test libraries
Hiring developers
Candidate experience and company branding
Anti-cheating features
Pricing and free trial
Scorecards, reporting and analytics
Enterprise and startup friendliness
Quality control
Customer support
Adaface vs Equalture: Verdict

How does Adaface work?

Adaface is an advanced candidate assessment platform, designed to make pre-employment testing both insightful and engaging. It offers a wide range of tests across various domains like coding, aptitude, personality, and business skills.

Adaface landing page

Recruiters use Adaface to identify top talent by leveraging its unique conversational assessments, which make the testing experience more candidate-friendly. This ensures higher completion rates and more accurate evaluations of a candidate's true abilities.

Another reason recruiters lean towards Adaface is its customizable assessment features. They can create tailored tests based on job descriptions, ensuring that candidates are evaluated on the specific skills needed for the role, rather than generic tests.

One standout feature of Adaface is its remote proctoring capabilities. This includes web and webcam proctoring, IP tracking, and full-screen mode, which help maintain test integrity and minimize cheating. For more information on these features, check Adaface remote proctoring.

How does Equalture work?

Equalture operates as a talent assessment platform that focuses on measuring candidates' skills and behaviors through an array of tests. It aims to help organizations reduce hiring biases by relying on data-driven insights instead of just resumes.

Equalture landing page

The platform includes various assessments such as aptitude and personality tests to gauge a candidate's fit for a particular role. For example, a company might use Equalture to analyze a candidate's numerical reasoning skills before deciding who advances to the interview stage.

One of Equalture's notable features is its emphasis on personality assessments, which can uncover insights into candidates' work styles and how they may fit within a team. This can be handy for roles where collaboration is key.

However, if you're in need of coding tests, situational judgment assessments, or extensive job-specific tests, Equalture doesn't check those boxes. This could leave employers missing out on understanding key technical skills and contextual problem-solving abilities.

Adaface vs Equalture: Test libraries

Adaface's test library boasts a wide range of assessments, including programming, aptitude, business, and AI tests. It offers customizable options and job-specific evaluations to meet diverse hiring needs.

Equalture's test library focuses mainly on aptitude and personality assessments. They provide ready-to-use tests but lack the variety and customization options offered by Adaface.

Adaface's test library

Adaface's library includes:

Recruiters use Adaface's test library to create tailored assessments based on job descriptions. This approach ensures that candidates are evaluated on skills directly relevant to the position, leading to more informed hiring decisions.

To use Adaface's library, simply select the desired tests or let the platform create a custom assessment based on your job description. You can also add your own questions or request specially designed ones for unique use cases.

Equalture's test library

Equalture offers a test library that includes aptitude and personality assessments, but notably lacks job-specific tests and programming evaluations. Their approach focuses on evaluating cognitive abilities and traits rather than specific skills relevant to technical roles.

The selling point of Equalture's library is its emphasis on personality tests, which can help employers understand candidates' behavioral traits. For example, businesses looking for a collaborative team member might find their personality assessments insightful for cultural fit.

However, Equalture's library misses out on a range of assessments that cover technical skills, job-specific scenarios, and the ability to create custom questions. This limitation can leave employers without the nuanced understanding needed for specialized roles.

Comparison of test libraries

Programming testsYes (Scenario based MCQs as well as coding questions)No
Situational Judgment testsYesNo
Aptitude testsYesYes
Business testsYesNo
Typing testsYesNo
Personality testsYesYes
Language testsYesNo
Finance testsYesNo
Artificial Intelligence testsYesNo
Cloud testsYesNo
Job-specific testsYesNo
Custom questionsYesNo
Add your own questionsYesNo
Customized tests per job descriptionYesNo
Ready-to-use testsYesYes

Adaface vs Equalture: Developer hiring

Hiring developers is tricky. You need to assess their coding skills, problem-solving abilities, and knowledge of various frameworks. That's where coding tests come in handy.

Both Adaface and Equalture offer developer assessment tools. However, Adaface provides a wider range of coding questions, including hands-on programming tasks and scenario-based MCQs.

Hiring developers with Adaface

Adaface's developer assessment toolkit includes:

  • Programming language tests (Python, Java, JavaScript)
  • Web and mobile framework questions
  • Data structures and algorithms challenges
  • SQL coding tasks
  • Excel workbook simulations

Recruiters love using Adaface for tech hiring. Why? It's like a Swiss Army knife for dev assessment. You can test a candidate's coding skills, problem-solving abilities, and framework knowledge all in one go.

Plus, Adaface offers nifty features like code playback and automated scoring. This means you can watch how a candidate tackles a problem and get instant results. No more manual code reviews!

Hiring developers with Equalture

Equalture offers a range of coding assessments designed to evaluate developers on various skills, but it lacks support for certain crucial programming languages and frameworks. While it attempts to cover some aspects of software development, their library is missing critical elements like data structures and SQL coding questions, leaving gaps in assessment.

The test library from Equalture includes a selection of assessments that can be used to gauge a candidate's abilities. However, without web and mobile framework questions, recruiters might miss an opportunity to assess how candidates would perform in real-world scenarios relevant to the job.

In addition to the absence of essential coding questions, Equalture doesn’t provide features like code playback or automated scoring, which can significantly enhance the evaluation process. Without these tools, hiring managers may find it challenging to accurately assess coding skills and ensure a fair evaluation.

Comparison of developer hiring features

Programming language coding questionsYesNo
Web framework questionsYesNo
Mobile framework questionsYesNo
Data Structures and Algorithm questionsYesNo
SQL Coding questionsYesNo
Excel Workbook questionsYesNo
Code playbackYesNo
Automated scoringYesNo
Custom Coding questionsYesNo

Adaface vs Equalture: Candidate experience and company branding

Candidate experience can make or break your hiring process. A poor experience leads to higher drop-off rates and damages your employer brand.

The best pre-employment tests are mobile-friendly, offer support, and take a reasonable amount of time to complete. They also align with your company's branding to create a cohesive experience.

Candidate experience and company branding with Adaface

Adaface provides a unique conversational interface that makes assessments feel less like tests and more like friendly chats. This approach significantly improves candidate engagement and completion rates.

With Adaface, you can customize invitation emails, add your company logo, and use your brand colors throughout the assessment process. This level of personalization helps reinforce your employer brand at every touchpoint.

Adaface offers mobile-friendly tests, email support, and online help documentation to ensure candidates have a smooth experience. The platform also includes qualifying questions to save time for both candidates and recruiters.

Candidate experience and company branding with Equalture

Equalture offers a mobile-friendly assessment platform with email support, making it accessible for candidates on the go. However, it lacks a conversational interface and help documentation, which can leave candidates without instant answers to their queries.

Equalture allows companies to incorporate their logo and brand colors into the assessment process, providing a degree of customization. But it does not offer customizable invitation or rejection templates, which can limit the alignment with the company's overall branding and messaging.

For companies looking to enhance their candidate experience, a seamless and intuitive interface goes a long way. Equalture covers some basics but misses opportunities to engage candidates with pre-qualifying questions and detailed FAQs.

Without qualifying questions, candidates might spend time on assessments they are not suitable for. Additionally, the lack of customizable templates for communication can hinder the personalization of candidate interactions.

Adaface vs Equalture: Anti-cheating features

Recruiters need a reliable assessment platform with strong anti-cheating features to ensure that test results accurately reflect a candidate's abilities. Ideal proctoring tools should cover multiple aspects like user verification, browser activity tracking, and plagiarism detection.

Anti-cheating features of Adaface

Adaface offers a comprehensive suite of anti-cheating measures to maintain the integrity of assessments. These include:

  • Web proctoring to track if a candidate leaves the test window
  • Webcam proctoring to monitor the candidate's presence
  • Location logging and IP proctoring to ensure test security
  • Device fingerprinting for identifying if the same device is used for multiple tests
  • Copy-paste protection and full-screen enforcement

Adaface's anti-cheating features go beyond simple monitoring. By implementing non-googleable questions and a large question bank, the platform prevents candidates from easily finding answers online. Additionally, Adaface tracks window switching to tools like Chat GPT, providing an extra layer of security.

To know more about how Adaface ensures accurate assessments with remote proctoring, check out this complete guide. These robust mechanisms make Adaface a reliable choice for fair and secure candidate evaluations.

Anti-cheating features of Equalture

Equalture does have some anti-cheating features such as user authentication and time limits on tests. These measures help ensure that the right candidate is taking the test and that they complete it within a specified duration.

One of the main benefits of Equalture's proctoring features is that they can significantly reduce instances of last-minute substitutions or unauthorized assistance. This makes it easier for recruiters to trust the test results.

However, Equalture does lack several critical anti-cheating features such as web and webcam proctoring, IP and location logging, and device fingerprint tracking. This absence might leave gaps in ensuring test integrity.

Comparison of anti-cheating features

User authenticationYesYes
Time limit on testsYesYes
Web proctoringYesNo
Webcam proctoringYesNo
Location loggingYesNo
IP proctoringYesNo
Device Fingerprint proctoringYesNo
Copy paste protectionYesNo
Full screen proctoringYesYes
Chat GPT protectionYesNo
Multiple question setsYesNo
Test integrity with questions and answers hidden and time limitsYes-
Large question bankYesNo
Plagiarism detectionYesNo
Social listening for task leaksYesNo

Adaface vs Equalture: Pricing and free trial

Pricing for assessment platforms can be a maze for recruiters, with a range of options from pay-as-you-go to annual subscriptions. What should you expect? Transparency and flexibility go a long way here.

Adaface pricing

Adaface pricing

Adaface offers a variety of pricing plans tailored to different hiring needs. Our plans are designed to be simple and transparent, ensuring you know exactly what you're getting.

Adaface's pricing plans include:

  • Starter: $500 for 50 credits
  • Scale: $3000 for 500 credits
  • Growth: $5500 for 1000 credits
  • Enterprise: $20000 for 4000 credits
  • Unlimited: $50000 per year for unlimited assessments

We provide a free trial so you can explore all features before making a purchase decision. This allows recruiters to sign up easily and dive into the platform without waiting for a sales call.

For more detailed information, check our Adaface Pricing page. Our goal is to offer flexible plans that cater to companies of all sizes, making it easier to scale your hiring efforts.

Equalture pricing

Equalture Pricing

Equalture's pricing model is a bit of a mystery wrapped in a riddle. They don't publicly list their pricing plans, leaving interested recruiters to reach out for a quote. However, here's what we know: - Individual Plan: Pricing is not listed; you'll need to inquire directly. - Starter Plans: Contact Equalture for a price. - Scale Plans and Growth Plans: Also require you to get in touch for details. Unfortunately, there's no unlimited plan, which might leave you feeling a bit... limited.

While Equalture’s pricing structure does cater to various needs, it lacks transparency and flexibility. For instance, there's no free trial or easy sign-up process, which could make it tricky for potential users to explore the platform before committing. Imagine wanting to take a car for a test drive, but instead, you're stuck waiting for a salesperson to hand you the keys. That might not be the best approach for today’s eager recruiters!

Comparison of pricing

Ease of pricing and billingYesNo
Free trial?YesNo
Sign upYesNo
Explore all featuresYesNo
Individual plan180$/ year (unlimited team seats)-
Starter plans500$/ year (unlimited team seats)Contact Equalture for pricing quote
Unlimited plans50,000$/ year (unlimited team seats and invites)No

Adaface vs Equalture: Scorecards, reporting and analytics

When it comes to hiring, having clear and detailed scorecards, reports, and analytics is like having a trusty map in a treasure hunt. It helps recruiters quickly spot the gems among candidates and make smart choices. The right tools can turn boring numbers into exciting insights, making the hiring process smoother and more fun.

Adaface scorecards, reporting and analytics

Adaface report

Adaface brings the wow factor to candidate evaluation with its nifty reporting features. It offers PDF reports that are perfect for sharing with team members or clients. But that's not all - Adaface also provides public report links, making it super easy to show off candidate results without any login hassles.

But wait, there's more! Adaface doesn't just stop at basic reports. It gives you a skills profile that paints a clear picture of how candidates stack up in different areas. Plus, it throws in some cool benchmarking, so you can see how your candidates compare to others in the industry. It's like having a crystal ball for hiring!

Equalture scorecards, reporting and analytics

Equalture report

Equalture offers PDF reports that provide a comprehensive overview of candidate performance. The reports include skill-wise analysis, which helps recruiters understand the strengths and weaknesses of each candidate.

The platform also features automated scorecard generation and alerts, ensuring that recruiters receive timely updates on candidate performance. This can streamline the hiring process and make it easier for teams to make informed decisions.

However, Equalture lacks public reports, Excel and CSV export options, and benchmarking capabilities. These missing features might limit the flexibility and depth of analysis that recruiters can perform on candidate data.

Comparison of scorecards, reporting and analytics

PDF reportsYesYes
Public reportsYesNo
Excel and CSV reportsYesNo
Skills ProfileYesNo
Skill-wise analysisYesYes
Audit timelineYesNo
Comprehensive OverviewYesYes
Automated scorecard generation and alertsYesYes

Adaface vs Equalture: Enterprise and startup friendliness

When considering assessment platforms, it's important they cater to both startups and enterprises. The ideal product should offer scalability, integration with existing tools, and compliance with data protection regulations.

Adaface's enterprise and startup friendliness

Adaface shines in enterprise environments with its custom API, allowing seamless integration with various ATS systems. This means large companies can maintain their workflows without disruptions. Additionally, Adaface provides support for custom data location, ensuring compliance with local laws.

For enterprises, Adaface’s unlimited team seats feature eliminates additional costs, making it a cost-effective choice for large teams. Role-based access ensures that team members have appropriate access, maintaining security and efficiency within the organization.

Startups will find Adaface's multiple invite options and bulk actions useful for scaling their hiring processes. From sending invites through various channels to managing candidates in bulk, Adaface offers recruitment strategies that make the hiring process fast and smooth.

Equalture's enterprise and startup friendliness

Equalture offers some enterprise-friendly features like ATS integrations, GDPR compliance, and role-based access. These help larger companies manage their hiring processes more smoothly.

For startups, Equalture's platform can be useful in assessing candidates quickly. Their neuroscience games aim to provide insights into a candidate's cognitive abilities and personality traits.

However, Equalture lacks some features that could benefit both startups and enterprises. These include custom API access, bulk action capabilities, and multiple question sets for large-scale hiring events.

Comparison of enterprise and startup friendliness

ATS IntegrationsYesYes
GDPR CompliantYesYes
Custom APIYesNo
Custom data location supportYesNo
Role based accessYesYes
Unlimited team seatsYesNo
Multiple invite optionsYesNo
Bulk actionsYesNo
Priority SupportYesUnknown
Multiple question setsYesNo
Track candidate stagesYes-
Uses GenAI for optimizing recruiter workflowsYes-

Adaface vs Equalture: Assessment quality control

When it comes to assessments, quality control ensures that the tests accurately measure what they're supposed to. Recruiters should care about this, as it directly impacts the reliability of the results and the overall candidate experience.

Adaface's quality control features

Adaface takes quality control seriously with a rigorous pre-launch process. Each question goes through a detailed review to ensure it effectively assesses the desired skills.

We continuously listen to candidate and customer feedback to refine our tests. This proactive approach helps keep our question library fresh and relevant.

Additionally, we utilize proprietary algorithms to monitor and improve question quality over time. This ensures that our assessments remain reliable and valid, giving recruiters the confidence they need when hiring.

For more insight into our quality assurance processes, check out the science behind Adaface tests and discover how we design our questions.

Equalture's quality control features

Equalture has some quality control measures in place. They perform quality checks before questions go live on their platform. This helps ensure that the questions added are relevant and useful for assessing candidates' skills.

The platform uses psychometric test theory to measure behavior and personality traits. Every candidate takes the same assessment, which can provide consistency across evaluations. However, this approach limits customization options for customers.

While Equalture has basic quality control, there's room for improvement. The platform could benefit from incorporating candidate and customer feedback, implementing question replacement based on usage limits, and developing proprietary algorithms to enhance question quality.

Comparison of quality control

Candidate feedback to improve testsYesNo
Social ListeningYesNo
Quality checks before questions go liveYesYes
Replacing questions based on limitsYesNo
Customer feedback to improve testsYesNo
Proprietary algorithms to improve quality of questionsYesNo

Adaface vs Equalture: Customer support

Knowing your pre-employment screening platform has exceptional customer support can make all the difference in a smooth hiring process. Recruiters need fast, reliable assistance to navigate any challenges and ensure effective candidate assessments.

Adaface's customer support features

Adaface customer support

Adaface's customer support includes a wide range of features designed to help recruiters at every step. We offer email support and live chat to answer questions quickly and provide immediate assistance.

For those who prefer self-service, our help center is packed with FAQs, how-to guides, and tutorials. This resource is invaluable for troubleshooting and learning how to maximize Adaface's features.

Recruiters on our enterprise plans benefit from dedicated priority support, ensuring they have a direct line for issue resolution. We also provide personalized training and onboarding sessions to get new users up to speed quickly.

Equalture's customer support features

Equalture offers email support and a help center for addressing common queries and guiding users through their platform.

However, it's worth noting that they don't provide live chat support, and details on dedicated priority support or training are not clear.

Comparison of customer support

Email SupportYesYes
Live ChatYesNo
Help CenterYesYes
Dedicated Priority SupportYesUnknown
Training and onboardingYesUnknown
Phone assistanceYes-

Adaface vs Equalture: Final verdict

Both Adaface and Equalture offer various features like aptitude and personality tests. They aim to streamline the hiring process and reduce bias.

Even with these similarities, Adaface stands out due to its broader test library, including coding, situational judgment, and job-specific tests.

Equalture lacks specific tests like programming, business, and language assessments. These gaps can be significant when evaluating a candidate’s complete skill set.

Streamline hiring with skill tests

Adaface fills these gaps with its extensive range of assessments, from programming to AI and cloud tests, making it a more versatile choice for diverse hiring needs.

Pre-employment assessments offer recruiters a way to evaluate candidates on various skills, reducing the time spent on resumes.

Using these assessments, recruiters can ensure that candidates are well-matched for the roles, improving hiring outcomes.

Adaface emerges as the ideal solution with its comprehensive feature set. Check out Adaface's Pricing and explore our Pre-Employment Blog for more insights.

Adaface vs Equalture FAQs

Which platform offers a wider range of test types?

Adaface offers a broader range of test types, including programming, situational judgment, and job-specific tests, which Equalture doesn't provide.

Does Equalture offer coding assessments?

No, Equalture doesn't offer coding assessments. Adaface provides both MCQs and hands-on coding questions for technical roles.

Which platform has better anti-cheating measures?

Adaface has more anti-cheating features, including webcam proctoring, IP tracking, and plagiarism detection, which Equalture lacks.

Can I customize tests on both platforms?

Adaface allows custom questions and test creation based on job descriptions. Equalture doesn't offer this level of customization.

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