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Adaface vs. Brillium: In-Depth Features Comparison

Siddhartha Gunti

August 30, 2024

Pre-employment screening helps recruiters find the best candidates for their team by evaluating skills and qualities beyond just resumes.

This blog post aims to guide recruiters in choosing between Adaface and Brillium by comparing their features and benefits.

Table of contents

How does Adaface work?
How does Brillium work?
Test libraries
Hiring developers
Candidate experience and company branding
Anti-cheating features
Pricing and free trial
Scorecards, reporting and analytics
Enterprise and startup friendliness
Adaface vs Brillium: Verdict

How does Adaface work?

Adaface is an advanced pre-employment assessment platform designed to help companies find the best candidates. By utilizing a variety of test types, from coding to situational judgment tests, Adaface ensures a thorough evaluation of candidates' skills and aptitude.

Recruiters use Adaface to streamline their hiring process and make informed decisions. The platform offers a library of ready-to-use tests and the ability to customize assessments, ensuring that each test aligns closely with the job requirements.

Beyond standard assessments, Adaface provides features like proctoring and detailed candidate analytics to maintain test integrity and provide deeper insights into candidates' capabilities. This allows recruiters to confidently shortlist top talent for further interviews.

Adaface also stands out with its conversational interface that enhances the candidate experience, making the process more engaging. With its robust question bank and custom test creation, recruiters have all the tools they need to evaluate candidates effectively.

How does Brillium work?

Brillium is an assessment platform that focuses on providing the software needed to conduct tests. Users have to bring their own question banks as the platform does not offer pre-built tests.

Brillium allows users to add their own questions, making it versatile for organizations that already have their own content libraries. However, users need to manually score and analyze results as automated scoring features are absent.

The platform supports various customizable invitation templates and provides ATS integration, ensuring that it can fit well into most enterprise systems for easier management.

While Brillium offers fundamental test conduction capabilities, it lacks ready-to-use tests, automated scoring, and a wide range of skill assessments like coding, aptitude, and situational judgment tests.

Adaface vs Brillium: Test libraries

Adaface’s test library spans over 500+ skills, offering a wide range of assessments including programming, aptitude, business, and personality tests. In contrast, Brillium provides a platform to conduct tests but requires users to bring their own question bank, lacking pre-built assessments for common roles and skills.

Recruiters benefit from using test libraries like Adaface’s to quickly deploy assessments that are tailored to specific roles, ensuring a more precise fit for job requirements. Brillium’s approach might necessitate additional time and resources to curate and validate questions before they can be used effectively.

Adaface's test library

Adaface’s extensive test library includes assessments for a variety of fields and skills. You can find tests for:

  • Business skills
  • Languages
  • Finance
  • Artificial Intelligence

Recruiters leverage Adaface’s test library to streamline their hiring processes. By using role-specific assessments, they can pinpoint the best-fit candidates quickly and accurately. This reduces the time spent on screening and ensures better quality hires.

Seeing Adaface in action is straightforward. Recruiters can explore the Pre-Employment Assessment Test Library for 500+ Skills to find tests that match their hiring needs. From ready-to-use tests to custom assessments based on job descriptions, Adaface offers the flexibility to create a top-notch recruitment process.

Brillium's test library

Brillium's test library is fairly minimalistic, focusing primarily on providing the software platform for conducting tests rather than the questions themselves. Users need to bring their own question bank, as Brillium does not offer pre-made tests or a diverse test library.

For organizations that already have their own set of questions and simply need a platform to administer them, Brillium can be a practical option. The ability to add custom questions allows recruiters to tailor assessments to their specific needs.

However, Brillium lacks ready-to-use tests, which means that businesses without an existing question bank will need to invest additional time and resources to create their assessments. Additionally, there are no options for job-specific tests, situational judgment tests, or aptitude tests, limiting the versatility of their offerings.

Comparison of test libraries

Programming testsYes (Scenario based MCQs as well as coding questions)No (Brillium provides only the software to conduct tests. Bring your own question bank.)
Situational Judgment testsYesNo
Aptitude testsYesNo
Business testsYesNo
Typing testsYesNo
Personality testsYesNo
Language testsYesNo
Finance testsYesNo
Artificial Intelligence testsYesNo
Cloud testsYesNo
Job-specific testsYesNo
Custom questionsYesNo
Add your own questionsYesYes
Customized tests per job descriptionYesNo
Ready-to-use testsYesNo

Adaface vs Brillium: Developer hiring

When hiring developers, having a reliable assessment tool is like having a superpower to sift through countless resumes to find the right talent. Both Adaface and Brillium offer a variety of assessments to measure technical skills.

Adaface provides a balanced mix of coding questions and multiple-choice questions (MCQs) on programming scenarios. Brillium, on the other hand, relies primarily on MCQs without coding questions, which may not fully gauge a candidate's hands-on abilities.

Hiring developers with Adaface

Adaface's test library for hiring developers covers a wide range of skills, including:

  • Data Structures and Algorithms
  • Code playback and automated scoring features

Recruiters use Adaface for its comprehensive test options that include not only coding questions but also scenario-based MCQs. This mixed approach helps them assess a candidate's practical skills and theoretical knowledge effectively.

Additionally, Adaface allows recruiters to create custom coding questions, ensuring the assessments are tailored to specific job requirements. Features like code playback provide an in-depth view of a candidate's coding process, making the evaluation more accurate.

Hiring developers with Brillium

Brillium does not offer specific programming assessments tailored for developer roles. Unlike other platforms, it lacks support for coding questions, which are central to evaluating a candidate's hands-on skills.

While Brillium provides a test library, it is not designed with developer-specific scenarios in mind. This makes it challenging for hiring managers looking to evaluate technical skills through practical coding tasks or framework-specific questions.

Brillium's platform lacks several features that are key to assessing developers, such as code playback, automated scoring, and customizable coding questions. This can make it harder for recruiters to get a comprehensive view of a candidate's technical abilities.

Comparison of developer hiring features

Programming language coding questionsYesNo
Web framework questionsYesNo
Mobile framework questionsYesNo
Data Structures and Algorithm questionsYesNo
SQL Coding questionsYesNo
Excel Workbook questionsYesNo
Code playbackYesNo
Automated scoringYesNo
Custom Coding questionsYesNo

Adaface vs Brillium: Candidate experience and company branding

Candidate experience and company branding go hand in hand. When candidates feel valued and engaged, they are more likely to have a positive perception of the company, which can lead to higher acceptance rates and better employee retention.

Look for features that enhance user-friendliness, such as mobile support and conversational interfaces. These features make the assessment process more enjoyable for candidates and help maintain a consistent brand image throughout the hiring journey.

Candidate experience and company branding with Adaface

Adaface candidate experience

Adaface stands out with its conversational interface, which transforms traditional tests into engaging dialogues. This approach helps candidates feel more comfortable and less stressed, improving completion rates and overall satisfaction. Read more about 10 ways to improve candidate experience for Gen Z.

Adaface offers mobile-friendly assessments, allowing candidates to complete tests on the go. This flexibility is particularly beneficial for busy professionals who may not have the time to sit at a desktop. It ensures that the assessment process is accessible and convenient.

Customizable templates for invitations, shortlists, and rejections ensure that every touchpoint with the candidate aligns with your company's branding. This consistency strengthens your brand's image and shows candidates that you care about their experience.

Candidate experience and company branding with Brillium

Brillium candidate experience

Brillium's candidate experience leans on traditional testing methods that may feel a bit stiff. While they do offer email support and help documentation, the lack of a mobile-friendly interface can be a bummer for candidates wanting to take assessments on the go.

When it comes to company branding, Brillium allows the inclusion of company logos, which is a good start. However, details on customizable invitation templates or rejection emails are sparse, potentially limiting a seamless branding experience for companies looking to maintain a consistent image.

Imagine a candidate receiving a test invitation that feels uniquely tailored to your brand—this can significantly impact their perception! Brillium does offer some branding options, but the absence of a fully conversational interface and customized invitations may leave companies wanting more to engage candidates effectively.

Adaface vs Brillium: Anti-cheating features

When it comes to online assessments, maintaining the integrity of the process is paramount. Recruiters need platforms with robust proctoring features to ensure that candidates don't gain unfair advantages. Effective anti-cheating measures can make a huge difference in the quality of your hiring outcomes.

Anti-cheating features of Adaface

Adaface excels in providing a comprehensive suite of anti-cheating features designed to uphold the integrity of online assessments. These include:

  • Non-googleable questions: Adaface uses scenario-based questions that can't be easily found online.
  • Webcam proctoring: To ensure the candidate is present and not receiving outside help.
  • Browser tab/window tracking: Monitors if the candidate leaves the test environment.
  • Location and IP logging: Tracks user location and IP to detect any discrepancies or cheating.
  • Device fingerprinting: Helps identify if two candidates are using the same device.
  • Copy-paste protection: Prevents candidates from copying and pasting answers.
  • Full-screen mode: Ensures candidates can't have other windows open to search for answers.
  • Chat GPT protection: Detects if candidates switch windows to AI tools.
  • Multiple question sets: Minimizes the risk of question leaks.

One standout feature is Adaface's approach to test integrity. While questions are visible to recruiters who pay, the options and correct answers remain hidden, ensuring the test's security. Additionally, Adaface boasts a large question bank of 20,000 questions, reducing the likelihood of question repetition and leaks.

For more detailed insights, you can explore Adaface's proctoring features or read a complete guide on online remote proctoring. These resources offer an in-depth look at how Adaface ensures accurate and fair assessments.

Anti-cheating features of Brillium

Brillium offers basic proctoring features like time limits on tests and randomizing the order of questions. These features aim to reduce the chances of cheating by limiting time and preventing predictability during assessments.

One advantage of Brillium's approach is the simplicity it offers. For straightforward assessments where the focus is more on quick evaluations than in-depth monitoring, these basic measures can be quite sufficient.

However, Brillium lacks more advanced anti-cheating features such as IP tracking, webcam proctoring, and device fingerprinting. This means there may be gaps in ensuring test integrity, especially for high-stakes or remote assessments.

Comparison of anti-cheating features

User authenticationYes-
Time limit on testsYes-
Web proctoringYesUnknown (No mention of proctoring or anti-cheating features on the website)
Webcam proctoringYesUnknown
Location loggingYesUnknown
IP proctoringYesUnknown
Device Fingerprint proctoringYesUnknown
Copy paste protectionYesUnknown
Full screen proctoringYesUnknown
Chat GPT protectionYesUnknown
Multiple question setsYesUnknown
Test integrity with questions and answers hidden and time limitsYesN/A
Large question bankYesN/A
Plagiarism detectionYes-
Social listening for task leaksYes-

Adaface vs Brillium: Pricing and free trial

When it comes to pricing for assessment platforms, recruiters can expect a range of options tailored to different hiring needs, from pay-as-you-go plans to annual subscriptions. Understanding pricing models is key to choosing the right solution for your team.

Adaface pricing

Adaface pricing

Adaface offers transparent and flexible pricing to cater to various hiring requirements. We have structured our pricing plans to ensure that companies of all sizes can find a suitable option.

Our Starter Plan is available at $500 for 50 credits, ideal for small teams or companies just starting with skill assessments. For growing teams, the Scale Plan at $3000 for 500 credits offers more extensive capabilities.

For larger organizations, our Growth Plan is priced at $5500 for 1000 credits, providing significant value and scalability. We also offer an Enterprise Plan at $20000 for 400 credits and an Unlimited Plan at $50000 per year for those with high-volume assessment needs.

Adaface's pricing model allows companies to scale their assessment needs efficiently. You can easily explore all features and even start with a free trial to ensure our platform meets your requirements before committing.

Brillium pricing

Brillium Pricing

Brillium offers a variety of pricing plans that cater to different user needs. Here’s a quick breakdown of what they provide:

  • Individual Plan: Pricing is not explicitly listed.
  • Starter Plan: $69 per month ($828 per year) for one user.
  • Scale Plan: $205 per month ($2460 per year) for three users.
  • Enterprise Plan: Custom pricing available upon reaching out to their team. While they provide a free trial, potential users may find themselves needing to contact Brillium for more detailed plans.

One thing to note is that Brillium lacks an unlimited assessment plan, which can be a dealbreaker for recruiters looking to test a large number of candidates without constraints. Additionally, the need to interact with their sales team for enterprise pricing might slow down the evaluation process, making it less straightforward compared to platforms that offer transparent pricing details upfront.

Comparison of pricing

Ease of pricing and billingYesYes
Free trial?YesYes
Sign upYesYes
Explore all featuresYesYes
Individual plan180$/ year (unlimited team seats)-
Starter plans500$/ year (unlimited team seats)$69 per month ($828 per annum) for 1 user
Scale plans3000$/ year (unlimited team seats)$205 per month ($2460 per annum) for 3 users
Enterprise plans20,000$/ year (unlimited team seats)Reach out to Brillium team for enterprise pricing
Unlimited plans50,000$/ year (unlimited team seats and invites)No

Adaface vs Brillium: Scorecards, reporting and analytics

A good assessment platform should offer detailed scorecards, robust reporting, and insightful analytics to help recruiters make informed hiring decisions. These tools are critical for evaluating candidates effectively and ensuring a smooth hiring process. Learn more about skills assessment tools available for recruiters.

Adaface scorecards, reporting and analytics

Adaface report

Adaface offers an impressive range of features in its scorecards, reporting, and analytics. Recruiters have access to PDF reports, as well as public links that make sharing candidate performance a breeze. Excel and CSV export options are also available, enabling seamless internal evaluations.

One standout feature of Adaface is the skills profile, providing a clear breakdown of candidate performance across different skills. This is further enhanced by radar charts that benchmark scores against industry standards. A detailed audit timeline offers all proctoring logs, ensuring transparency and trust.

Adaface also simplifies the hiring process with its automated scorecard generation and real-time alerts. This ensures recruiters can move quickly on top candidates. For a preview of what the Adaface scorecards look like, check out this visual reasoning test scorecard.

Brillium scorecards, reporting and analytics

Brillium report

Brillium offers a variety of reporting features, including the ability to generate PDF, Excel, and CSV reports. These reports provide a comprehensive overview of candidate performance, with public sharing options available via unique links. Recruiters can easily distribute these reports to clients and team members, even if they don't have access to Brillium's dashboard.

In addition to basic reporting, Brillium provides a skills profile for each candidate, summarizing their performance across various skill sets. This helps recruiters quickly gauge a candidate's strengths and weaknesses. The platform also supports an automated scorecard generation feature, which alerts recruiters once a test is completed.

However, Brillium lacks certain advanced features like benchmarking candidates against each other and providing a detailed audit timeline of proctoring logs. Additionally, it doesn't offer a skill-wise analysis, leaving recruiters without insights into specific areas where candidates excel or need improvement.

Comparison of scorecards, reporting and analytics

PDF reportsYesYes
Public reportsYesYes
Excel and CSV reportsYesYes
Skills ProfileYesYes
Skill-wise analysisYesNo
Audit timelineYesNo
Comprehensive OverviewYesYes
Automated scorecard generation and alertsYesYes

Adaface vs Brillium: Enterprise and startup friendliness

For a product to truly cater to both enterprises and startups, it must offer features like seamless integrations, compliance with data regulations, and flexible user management. These aspects ensure that organizations of all sizes can optimize their hiring processes without compromising on efficiency or security.

Adaface's enterprise and startup friendliness

Adaface enterprise friendly

Adaface shines brightly when it comes to enterprise-friendly features. It boasts seamless ATS integrations, allowing large organizations to embed assessments directly into their existing workflows. This ensures a smooth and cohesive hiring process at scale.

Another standout feature is Adaface's custom API, which offers enterprises the flexibility to integrate the platform with their unique systems. This is complemented by support for custom data location, an offering that Brillium does not provide, making Adaface a safer choice for data-sensitive industries.

Startups aren't left behind either. Adaface offers unlimited team seats across all plans, ensuring that growing teams can onboard new members without additional costs. Additionally, features like multiple invite options and bulk actions make it perfect for dynamic, fast-paced hiring environments.

Brillium's enterprise and startup friendliness

Brillium enterprise friendly

Brillium offers ATS integrations, GDPR compliance, custom API access, role-based access, and bulk action features. These functionalities cater to both enterprises and startups, ensuring that users can manage large-scale recruitment processes seamlessly.

For startups and enterprises alike, Brillium's ability to invite candidates through multiple channels and track candidate stages adds a layer of flexibility. This use case ensures that whether you're a small team or a large corporation, your recruitment workflows remain smooth.

However, Brillium lacks custom data location support and multiple question sets. These missing features can be a drawback for companies needing localized data storage or varied test libraries to prevent test leakage.

Comparison of enterprise and startup friendliness

ATS IntegrationsYesYes
GDPR CompliantYesYes
Custom APIYesYes
Custom data location supportYesNo
Role based accessYesYes
Unlimited team seatsYesUnknown
Multiple invite optionsYesYes
Bulk actionsYesYes
Priority SupportYesUnknown
Multiple question setsYesNo
Track candidate stagesYesYes
Uses GenAI for optimizing recruiter workflowsYesNo

Adaface vs Brillium: Final verdict

Both Adaface and Brillium offer assessment platforms to evaluate candidates. They support adding custom questions and integrating with ATS systems.

However, Adaface stands out with its ready-to-use test library and customized tests based on job descriptions, which Brillium lacks.

Brillium does not offer a variety of tests like programming, business, or language tests, which are essential for a thorough evaluation.

Streamline hiring with skill tests

Adaface includes these tests, making it a more comprehensive solution for diverse hiring needs.

Pre-employment assessments provide recruiters with a clear picture of candidates' abilities, making the hiring process smoother.

Using these assessments, recruiters can save time and reduce bias, ensuring they hire the most qualified candidates.

Adaface is a robust choice for pre-employment screening due to its extensive test library and customizability. Explore our online assessment platform or read more on our recruitment blog.

Adaface vs Brillium FAQs

What types of tests do Adaface and Brillium offer?

Adaface offers a wide range of assessments including programming, situational judgment, aptitude, business, and more. Brillium primarily provides the software for conducting tests, requiring users to bring their own question bank.

Can I create custom questions with Adaface and Brillium?

Adaface allows users to create custom questions and offers tailored tests based on job descriptions. Brillium supports adding your own questions but does not offer customized tests per job description.

Which platform offers better candidate experience features?

Adaface enhances candidate experience with a conversational interface and mobile-friendly tests. Brillium lacks these features but does offer email support and help documentation.

What are the proctoring options in Adaface and Brillium?

Adaface offers extensive proctoring features including web and webcam proctoring, location logging, and IP tracking. Brillium's proctoring options are not clearly mentioned on their website.

How do the platforms handle reporting and analytics?

Adaface provides detailed reports including skills profiles, skill-wise analysis, and automated scorecard generation. Brillium offers PDF and public reports but lacks skills benchmarking and comprehensive overviews.

What pricing plans do Adaface and Brillium offer?

Adaface offers a range of plans from individual to enterprise, with details available on their website. Brillium's pricing starts at $69 per month for one user, but enterprise pricing is available upon request.

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