Svelte template syntax: Svelte template syntax refers to the syntax used in Svelte files to define the structure and layout of the user interface. It includes features like bindings, conditionals, and loops, which allow for dynamic rendering and data manipulation.
Svelte runtime: Svelte runtime is the JavaScript code that is responsible for executing and managing the Svelte components at runtime. It handles tasks like reactive updates, event handling, and component lifecycle management.
Svelte directives and tags: Svelte directives and tags are special syntax used in Svelte templates to control the behavior and appearance of components. Directives enable actions like event handling, binding, and conditional rendering, while tags represent custom components or HTML elements.
Svelte component API: Svelte component API defines the methods, properties, and lifecycle hooks that can be used to interact with Svelte components. It provides a structured way to manipulate component state, handle events, and execute logic before and after specific phases in the component's lifecycle.
JavaScript fundamentals: JavaScript fundamentals cover the basic concepts and principles of the JavaScript programming language. This includes topics such as variables, data types, control flow, functions, and object-oriented programming. Testing this skill ensures a strong foundation in JavaScript, which is essential for working with Svelte and building dynamic web applications.
HTML DOM basics: HTML DOM (Document Object Model) basics refer to understanding and manipulating the hierarchical structure of HTML documents using JavaScript. This includes accessing and modifying elements, handling events, and traversing the DOM tree. Assessing this skill ensures proficiency in accessing and manipulating the user interface elements within a Svelte application.
CSS styling basics: CSS styling basics involve understanding the syntax and concepts of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). This includes applying styles to HTML elements, using selectors and properties, and managing layout and visual appearance. Evaluating this skill ensures the ability to style Svelte components and create visually appealing user interfaces.
JavaScript Coding: JavaScript coding assesses the ability to write clean, efficient, and maintainable JavaScript code. It includes skills such as understanding algorithms, implementing data structures, and following coding best practices. Measuring this skill ensures that candidates can apply JavaScript concepts effectively in a Svelte application.