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Spanish (Upper Intermediate/B2) test

The Spanish (Upper Intermediate/B2) test evaluates a candidate's proficiency in the Spanish language at the B2 level of the CEFR framework. It assesses the candidate's understanding of verbs, grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, listening comprehension, writing skills and speaking skills.

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Test duration:  ~ 30 mins
Difficulty level:  Moderate
Availability:  Available as custom test
  • 15 Spanish MCQs
Covered skills:
Reading Comprehension
Listening Comprehension
Writing Skills
Speaking Skills
Culture & Society
Current Events
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Use the Spanish (Upper Intermediate/B2) Assessment Test to shortlist qualified candidates

The Spanish (Upper Intermediate/B2) test helps recruiters and hiring managers identify qualified candidates from a pool of resumes, and helps in taking objective hiring decisions. It reduces the administrative overhead of interviewing too many candidates and saves time by filtering out unqualified candidates at the first step of the hiring process.

The test screens for the following skills that hiring managers look for in candidates:

  • Ability to conjugate and use verbs correctly in various tenses
  • Understanding of grammar rules and ability to apply them in sentences
  • Knowledge of a wide range of vocabulary and ability to use it in context
  • Ability to comprehend and analyze written passages in Spanish
  • Ability to understand and interpret spoken Spanish
  • Proficiency in writing skills, including accurately composing paragraphs and essays
  • Effective communication skills in spoken Spanish
  • Understanding of Spanish culture and society
  • Familiarity with Spanish literature
  • Knowledge of Spanish history
  • Awareness of current events related to Spanish-speaking countries
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We have a very high focus on the quality of questions that test for on-the-job skills. Every question is non-googleable and we have a very high bar for the level of subject matter experts we onboard to create these questions. We have crawlers to check if any of the questions are leaked online. If/ when a question gets leaked, we get an alert. We change the question for you & let you know.

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These are just a small sample from our library of 15,000+ questions. The actual questions on this Spanish (Upper Intermediate/B2) test will be non-googleable.

🧐 Question


Business Meeting
Sentence Structure
Seleccione la oración con una estructura gramatical correcta:

A: Ayer vamos a ir a una reunión de negocios.
B: El informe del proyecto se presentó por ella en la reunión el mes pasado.
C: Un aumento salarial recibieron los empleados en la semana pasada.
D: La presentación el próximo martes realizará.
E: La prensa fue atendida por el director de comunicación.
F: La estrategia de marketing por el equipo de ventas fue desarrolló.


Human resources department
Grammar & Vocabulary
Lea el texto e introduzca el conector discursivo que tenga más sentido en la oración.
El departamento de recursos humanos es fundamental para gestionar el talento dentro de una empresa. Entre sus actividades están: En primer lugar, reclutar a nuevos empleados y una vez contratados se encarga de su formación y desarrollo profesional. ______________ gestiona las relaciones laborales y resuelve cualquier conflicto que pueda surgir.
A: Sin embargo.
B: Pero
C: Claro
D: Además
E: Por lo tanto
F: Nunca


Invention & Business
Reading Comprehension
Leer el texto y señalar la respuesta correcta de la lista a continuación:
En un mundo cada vez más interconectado es evidente la importancia de la innovación en el desarrollo empresarial. Las empresas que se mantienen a la vanguardia son aquellas que están dispuestas a adoptar nuevas tecnologías, métodos y enfoques para satisfacer las demandas cambiantes del mercado. La innovación no solo impulsa el crecimiento y la competitividad, sino que también permite a las empresas adaptarse a un entorno empresarial en constante evolución. Desde la implementación de nuevas estrategias de marketing hasta la creación de productos revolucionarios, la innovación se ha convertido en un pilar fundamental para el éxito empresarial en el siglo XXI.
A: La innovación solo impulsa el crecimiento y la competitividad de las empresas.
B: El marketing es la única clave del desarrollo empresarial dado que permite desarrollar ideas innovadoras
C: La innovación es fundamental en un mundo cambiante para el éxito empresarial.
D: La innovación no es fundamental para el éxito empresarial.
E: La innovación es fundamental desde el siglo XVIII para el éxito empresarial.
F: El entorno de las empresas no está en constante evolución.


Listening Comprehension
Escucha atentamente este audio y di cuál de las siguientes respuestas es la correcta:
A: Todas las reuniones son necesarias.
B: Solo son necesarias las reuniones que duran menos de 20 minutos.
C: El momento más productivo del día son las reuniones.
D: Las reuniones innecesarias suponen una pérdida de dinero.
E: Las reuniones innecesarias te hacen perder tiempo y dinero.
F: Las reuniones innecesarias te hacen perder tiempo y concentración.


Passive Voice
¿Cuál de estas oraciones es correcta?
A: Los trabajadores han sido despedidas en la mañana de hoy.
B: Las alarmas han sido desconectadas por la tarde de mañana.
C: La policía ha sido alertada por el robo del material.
D: Los niños han sido reprendido por los profesores.
E: La noticia han sido rebatidas por el departamento de prensa.
F: Los números rojos de la compañía han sido corregidas en el último ejercicio.


Religious etruscans
Reading Comprehension
Lea el siguiente texto y señale cuál de las frases de la lista es falsa
Los etruscos eran un pueblo que vivió en la actual toscana desde el siglo VIII a.C. hasta su conquista por los romanos en el s. III a.C. Dadas las pocas evidencias textuales de las que disponemos, una de las características principales que los autores romanos señalan con asombro de este pueblo es su profunda religiosidad. Eran expertos en adivinar el futuro por medio del vuelo de los pájaros o de conocer el destino de los humanos, las ciudades o pueblos enteros por medio de prodigios.
A: Los etruscos han dejado una prolífica literatura.
B: Los romanos eran grandes admiradores de los etruscos, especialmente de la religión.
C: Fueron conquistados por los romanos.
D: El vuelo de los pájaros tenía un conocimiento transcendente para los etruscos.
E: Los autores romanos han dejado mucha información sobre los etruscos.
F: Los prodigios podían dar a conocer el futuro de las personas.
🧐 Question🔧 Skill


Business Meeting
Sentence Structure

2 mins



Human resources department
Grammar & Vocabulary

2 mins



Invention & Business
Reading Comprehension

2 mins



Listening Comprehension

2 mins



Passive Voice

2 mins



Religious etruscans
Reading Comprehension

2 mins

🧐 Question🔧 Skill💪 Difficulty⌛ Time
Business Meeting
Sentence Structure
Medium2 mins
Human resources department
Grammar & Vocabulary
Medium2 mins
Invention & Business
Reading Comprehension
Medium2 mins
Listening Comprehension
Easy2 mins
Passive Voice
Easy2 mins
Religious etruscans
Reading Comprehension
Medium2 mins

Test candidates on core Spanish (Upper Intermediate/B2) Hiring Test topics

Verbs: This skill measures the ability to understand and use various verb forms and tenses in Spanish. It is important to assess this skill as verbs play a crucial role in sentence structure, communication, and expressing actions and states.

Grammar: This skill assesses the understanding and application of grammatical rules and structures in Spanish. Evaluating grammar is essential as it ensures proper sentence formation, comprehension, and effective communication.

Vocabulary: Measuring vocabulary proficiency in Spanish tests the knowledge and usage of words and terms in different contexts. This skill is important for communication, understanding written and spoken text, and expressing ideas accurately.

Reading Comprehension: This skill evaluates the ability to understand and interpret written Spanish texts. Assessing reading comprehension is crucial as it gauges the proficiency to comprehend and extract information from a variety of written sources.

Listening Comprehension: Measuring listening comprehension assesses the ability to understand spoken Spanish in various contexts. This skill is important for effective communication, understanding audio content, and engaging in conversations or discussions.

Writing Skills: This skill measures the ability to produce written Spanish text, including essays, reports, or other types of written communication. Assessing writing skills is important as it evaluates the proficiency to convey ideas, express thoughts coherently, and use appropriate grammar and vocabulary.

Speaking Skills: This skill assesses the ability to speak Spanish fluently and accurately in different situations. Measuring speaking skills is crucial as it evaluates pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary usage, and overall oral communication proficiency.

Culture & Society: This skill measures knowledge and understanding of Spanish culture, customs, and society. Evaluating cultural proficiency provides insight into the candidate's awareness of traditions, social norms, and cultural sensitivity.

Literature: Measuring literature skills assesses knowledge and understanding of literary works, authors, and literary elements in the Spanish language. This evaluation provides insights into the candidate's grasp of literary analysis and interpretation.

History: This skill evaluates knowledge and understanding of Spanish history, including significant events, periods, and influential figures. Assessing historical knowledge provides insight into the candidate's understanding of Spain's historical context and cultural development.

Current Events: Measuring current events skills assesses knowledge and understanding of recent news, trends, and developments in Spanish-speaking countries. Evaluating current events proficiency captures the candidate's awareness of current affairs and ability to connect them to broader social, political, and cultural contexts.

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Have questions about the Spanish (Upper Intermediate/B2) Hiring Test?

What roles can I use the Spanish (Upper Intermediate/B2) Assessment Test for?

Here are few roles for which we recommend this test:

  • Analyst
  • Spanish Teacher
  • Translator
  • Interpreter
  • Tour Guide
  • Bilingual Customer Service Representative
  • International Relations Specialist
  • Language Consultant
  • Content Writer
  • Foreign Language Correspondent
  • Language Researcher
Can I combine the Spanish (Upper Intermediate/B2) test with Verbal Reasoning questions?

Yes, recruiters can request a custom test combining Spanish proficiency and Verbal Reasoning. For more details on Verbal Reasoning, check our Verbal Reasoning Test.

How to use the Spanish (Upper Intermediate/B2) test in my hiring process?

Use this test during pre-screening. Add a link to the assessment in your job post or invite candidates via email. It helps identify skilled candidates early.

Do you have any anti-cheating or proctoring features in place?

We have the following anti-cheating features in place:

  • Non-googleable questions
  • IP proctoring
  • Screen proctoring
  • Web proctoring
  • Webcam proctoring
  • Plagiarism detection
  • Secure browser
  • Copy paste protection

Read more about the proctoring features.

What experience level can I use this test for?

Each Adaface assessment is customized to your job description/ ideal candidate persona (our subject matter experts will pick the right questions for your assessment from our library of 10000+ questions). This assessment can be customized for any experience level.

I'm a candidate. Can I try a practice test?

No. Unfortunately, we do not support practice tests at the moment. However, you can use our sample questions for practice.

Can I get a free trial?

Yes, you can sign up for free and preview this test.

What is Spanish (Upper Intermediate/B2) test?

The Spanish (Upper Intermediate/B2) test assesses a candidate's proficiency in Spanish at the B2 level. It's helpful for recruiters to evaluate candidates for roles requiring advanced Spanish language skills.

What skills are evaluated in the Spanish (Upper Intermediate/B2) test?

The test covers Verbs, Grammar, Vocabulary, Reading Comprehension, Listening Comprehension, Writing Skills, Speaking Skills, Culture & Society, Literature, History, and Current Events.

Can I test Spanish and Writing skills together in a test?

Yes, you can combine Spanish proficiency and Writing skills. This combination is recommended for roles that require both. Check our Spanish (Upper Intermediate/B2) test.

Can I combine multiple skills into one custom assessment?

Yes, absolutely. Custom assessments are set up based on your job description, and will include questions on all must-have skills you specify. Here's a quick guide on how you can request a custom test.

How do I interpret test scores?

The primary thing to keep in mind is that an assessment is an elimination tool, not a selection tool. A skills assessment is optimized to help you eliminate candidates who are not technically qualified for the role, it is not optimized to help you find the best candidate for the role. So the ideal way to use an assessment is to decide a threshold score (typically 55%, we help you benchmark) and invite all candidates who score above the threshold for the next rounds of interview.

Does every candidate get the same questions?

Yes, it makes it much easier for you to compare candidates. Options for MCQ questions and the order of questions are randomized. We have anti-cheating/ proctoring features in place. In our enterprise plan, we also have the option to create multiple versions of the same assessment with questions of similar difficulty levels.

What is the cost of using this test?

You can check out our pricing plans.

I just moved to a paid plan. How can I request a custom assessment?

Here is a quick guide on how to request a custom assessment on Adaface.

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