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Solution Architect Test

The Solution Architect Test evaluates a candidate's ability to design and implement complex technical solutions. It assesses knowledge of system design principles, microservices architecture, and technical aptitude through scenario-based MCQs. The test focuses on cloud architecture, scalability, API design, security, and infrastructure management, ensuring candidates can create robust and efficient solutions for enterprise-level challenges.

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Test duration:  ~ 30 mins
Difficulty level:  Moderate
Availability:  Available as custom test
  • 4 Technical Aptitude MCQs
  • 4 microservices MCQs
  • 7 System Design MCQs
Covered skills:
Cloud Architecture
System Design Principles
Microservices Architecture
API Design and Management
Scalability and Performance Optimization
Security and Compliance
Infrastructure as Code
Containerization and Orchestration
Database Design and Management
Network Architecture
Cost Optimization Strategies
Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity
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Use the Solution Architect Assessment Test to shortlist qualified candidates

The Solution Architect Test helps recruiters and hiring managers identify qualified candidates from a pool of resumes, and helps in taking objective hiring decisions. It reduces the administrative overhead of interviewing too many candidates and saves time by filtering out unqualified candidates at the first step of the hiring process.

The test screens for the following skills that hiring managers look for in candidates:

  • Capable of designing scalable cloud architecture
  • Proficient in decomposing applications into microservices
  • Skilled in creating detailed system design documentation
  • Competent in API design and management practices
  • Experienced in optimizing system performance and scalability
  • Knowledgeable in implementing security best practices
  • Versed in compliance with industry standards
  • Expert in using Infrastructure as Code for deployment automation
  • Adept in container orchestration and management
  • Experienced in database schema design and optimization
  • Proficient in architecting efficient network solutions
  • Able to identify and implement cost optimization strategies
  • Capable of crafting robust disaster recovery plans
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We have a very high focus on the quality of questions that test for on-the-job skills. Every question is non-googleable and we have a very high bar for the level of subject matter experts we onboard to create these questions. We have crawlers to check if any of the questions are leaked online. If/ when a question gets leaked, we get an alert. We change the question for you & let you know.

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These are just a small sample from our library of 15,000+ questions. The actual questions on this Solution Architect Test will be non-googleable.

🧐 Question


What does the following pseudo code print?


Fibonacci codes
Time Complexity
Pseudo Code
Here are three pseudocodes for calculating the Nth Fibonacci number. Which of the following statements about these codes are true?
A: Time complexity/efficiency of CODE 1, CODE 2, CODE 3 is the same.
B: CODE 2 is more space-efficient than CODE 3.
C: CODE 3 is more space-efficient than CODE 2.
D: CODE 2 is more time-efficient than CODE 1.
E: CODE 3 is more time-efficient than CODE 1.


Palindrome Test cases
Go through the following faulty palindrome detection pseudocode and test cases. For which of the test cases would the code return true?
A: a
B: aba
C: aaa
D: aac


Rewards Activities Order
Database Connection
A new popular app tracks the activities performed by its users and grants them rewards based on each individual's total activities performed in a year. This data is maintained in a database table (activitesinfo), with the following columns: userid, totalactivities, reward. This year, due to fundraising activity, the company has decided to further reward its users by enhancing the reward as per the following formula: If reward < = 4000, increase it by 2%, If 4000 < reward <= 8000, increase it by 4%, If reward > 8000, increase it by 6%.
The tech team has written three different scripts to calculate increment for each slab, each script is to run as a separate transaction. Here are the three scripts:
Script 1:
For users with reward <= 4000, set reward = reward * 1.02

Script 2:
For users with reward > 4000 and reward <= 8000, set reward = reward * 1.04

Script 3:
For users with reward > 8000, set reward = reward * 1.06
Each script is to be executed separately. Which of the following options will update the rewards as expected:
A: Execute Script 1 followed by Script 2 followed by Script 3
B: Execute Script 2 followed by Script 3; Script 1 running concurrently throughout
C: Execute Script 3 followed by Script 2; Script 1 running concurrently throughout
D: Execute Script 3 followed by Script 2 followed by Script 1
E: Execute Script 2 followed by Script 3 followed by Script 1


Transactions spanning multiple services
Which of the following are responsible for handling transactions spanning multiple services?


Retry and Load balancing
Consider a microservices architecture with three services: Service A, Service B, and Service C. Service A communicates with Service B and C using HTTP. To improve scalability and resilience, the following changes have been made:

1. Introduced a load balancer for Service B and C
2. Implemented a retry mechanism for Service A's communication with Service B and C, with exponential backoff strategy
Given the changes, which of the following statements are true? (Choose 2)

A: The architecture now supports horizontal scaling for Service B and C
B: The retry mechanism will ensure zero downtime for Service A
C: The load balancer will ensure requests to Service B and C are evenly distributed
D: The architecture will automatically recover from failure in Service B and C
E: The retry mechanism with exponential backoff will prevent overwhelming Service B and C during temporary failures


Optimal Data Replication and Consistency in Distributed Systems
Data Consistency
Load Balancing
Fault Tolerance
Consider a distributed e-commerce platform designed to handle high traffic volumes and ensure data consistency across its services. The platform uses a distributed database that replicates data across multiple nodes to increase availability and performance. To balance the load, it employs a load balancer that distributes user requests evenly across these nodes. The system is designed to tolerate the failure of up to two nodes without affecting the platform's overall availability.

Given the critical requirement for strong consistency to prevent issues such as overselling of products, the system uses a consensus algorithm for replication. The database is configured with a replication factor of 5, meaning each piece of data is stored on 5 nodes. For read and write operations to be considered successful, they must be acknowledged by a majority of the nodes involved in the operation.

Assuming all nodes have equal hardware resources and network latency between nodes is negligible, which of the following configurations would best meet the platform's requirements for high availability, performance, and strong consistency?
A: Reads require acknowledgment from 2 nodes, and writes require acknowledgment from 4 nodes.
B: Reads and writes both require acknowledgment from 3 nodes.
C: Reads require acknowledgment from 3 nodes, and writes require acknowledgment from 2 nodes.
D: Reads and writes both require acknowledgment from 4 nodes.
E: Reads require acknowledgment from 1 node, and writes require acknowledgment from 5 nodes.
F: Reads and writes both require acknowledgment from 5 nodes.


Real-time Vehicle Tracking for Logistics Company
Data Storage
Real-time Updates
TransitTrack is a logistics company that needs to store real-time location data (latitude, longitude) of their vehicles as they move across the city. The system should be optimized for fast read and write operations to provide real-time tracking. TransitTrack can tolerate occasional data loss since the vehicle locations are updated frequently. Which of the following data storage solutions should TransitTrack implement for their vehicle tracking system?
A: Utilize a relational database management system (RDBMS) like PostgreSQL with a table indexed on the vehicle_id column for efficient data insertion and retrieval.
B: Implement an in-memory cache like Redis to store the vehicle location data, with the vehicle_id as the key and the latitude-longitude pair as the value.
C: Use a document-oriented database like MongoDB to store the vehicle location data as GeoJSON documents, enabling geospatial querying capabilities.
D: Develop a custom in-memory data structure using a spatial indexing technique like an R-tree to store and query the vehicle location data efficiently.
E: Use a time-series database like InfluxDB to store the vehicle location data along with timestamps, allowing for efficient querying and analysis of historical location data.


Session stickiness with ELB
Johnny Bravo is setting up a new e-commerce store for men's clothing. He set up session stickiness with ELB. But he does not want ELB to manage the cookie, he wants the application to manage the cookie. When the server instance, which is bound to a cookie, crashes what do you expect will happen?
A: ELB will throw an error due to cookie unavailability
B: The response will have a cookie but stickiness will be deleted
C: The session will be sticky and ELB will route requests to another server as ELB keeps replicating the Cookie
D: The session will not be sticky until a new cookie is inserted


Updating UI after Encoding
UI Design
Imagine you’re a developer at Songbird Inc, working on a music editing app for mobile devices. The app allows users to edit audio clips and export them in various audio formats. Once a user finishes editing a clip, they can choose an output format and initiate the encoding process. This encoding process can take a while depending on the chosen format and the length of the clip. Because it’s a mobile app, you want to avoid freezing the UI while encoding is in progress.

What’s the most appropriate approach to notify the user when the encoding is complete and the exported file is ready?
A: Directly modify the UI elements from within the encoding logic. When encoding finishes, the encoding system can directly tell the UI components to update themselves with the new information (e.g., change a button text to “Export Complete”).
B: Separate the UI update logic from the encoding process. The encoding system should trigger a custom event (e.g., “EncodingFinishedEvent”) upon completion. UI components can listen for this event and update themselves accordingly when it’s received.
C:  Have the UI code continuously check on the encoding status with a loop (often referred to as busy waiting or polling). The loop would keep checking a flag or variable set by the encoding system until the encoding is complete. Once complete, the UI can update itself.
D:  Introduce a central message queue or event bus. The encoding system can publish a message to the message queue upon finishing the task. Separate UI update logic would be subscribed to the queue, listening for relevant messages. When it receives the message about encoding completion, it can update the UI.
E: Let the encoding logic return a callback function to the UI layer when it’s initiated. Once encoding is finished, the encoding system calls back this function, allowing the UI to update itself.
🧐 Question🔧 Skill



2 mins

Technical Aptitude


Fibonacci codes
Time Complexity
Pseudo Code

2 mins

Technical Aptitude


Palindrome Test cases

2 mins

Technical Aptitude


Rewards Activities Order
Database Connection

3 mins

Technical Aptitude


Transactions spanning multiple services

2 mins



Retry and Load balancing

2 mins



Optimal Data Replication and Consistency in Distributed Systems
Data Consistency
Load Balancing
Fault Tolerance

2 mins

System Design


Real-time Vehicle Tracking for Logistics Company
Data Storage
Real-time Updates

2 mins

System Design


Session stickiness with ELB

2 mins

System Design


Updating UI after Encoding
UI Design

2 mins

System Design
🧐 Question🔧 Skill💪 Difficulty⌛ Time
Technical Aptitude
Medium2 mins
Fibonacci codes
Time Complexity
Pseudo Code
Technical Aptitude
Hard2 mins
Palindrome Test cases
Technical Aptitude
Hard2 mins
Rewards Activities Order
Database Connection
Technical Aptitude
Medium3 mins
Transactions spanning multiple services
Medium2 mins
Retry and Load balancing
Medium2 mins
Optimal Data Replication and Consistency in Distributed Systems
Data Consistency
Load Balancing
Fault Tolerance
System Design
Medium2 mins
Real-time Vehicle Tracking for Logistics Company
Data Storage
Real-time Updates
System Design
Easy2 mins
Session stickiness with ELB
System Design
Medium2 mins
Updating UI after Encoding
UI Design
System Design
Medium2 mins

Test candidates on core Solution Architect Hiring Test topics

Cloud Architecture: Cloud Architecture involves designing and managing scalable, flexible, and resilient IT infrastructure on cloud platforms. It's pivotal for leveraging cloud resources effectively and optimizing costs. For modern applications, understanding cloud architecture ensures efficient deployment and operations.

System Design Principles: System Design Principles encompass the methodologies and guidelines for creating robust and efficient systems. Mastery of these principles is essential for building scalable and maintainable architectures. They help in making informed decisions about system components and interactions.

Microservices Architecture: Microservices Architecture is an approach where applications are composed of small, independent services that communicate over APIs. It enhances agility and scalability, making it crucial for complex, large-scale applications. This skill is fundamental for evolving modern software architectures.

API Design and Management: API Design and Management involves creating and overseeing interfaces for interaction between different software systems. Proper design ensures clarity, security, and performance. Managing APIs effectively is key to maintaining the integrity and functionality of interconnected services.

Scalability and Performance Optimization: Scalability and Performance Optimization focus on ensuring systems can handle growth and perform efficiently under varying loads. This requires a deep understanding of resource allocation and optimization techniques. It's critical for maintaining user satisfaction and operational efficiency.

Security and Compliance: Security and Compliance involve implementing measures to protect data and systems against threats and ensuring adherence to regulatory standards. This is vital for safeguarding sensitive information and maintaining organizational trust. Stringent security measures are imperative in today's digital landscape.

Infrastructure as Code: Infrastructure as Code (IaC) refers to managing and provisioning computing infrastructure through machine-readable definition files, rather than physical hardware configuration. IaC enhances consistency and repeatability in infrastructure management. It is integral to DevOps practices and automation.

Containerization and Orchestration: Containerization packages applications and their dependencies into isolated units, ensuring consistency across environments. Orchestration tools, like Kubernetes, manage these containers at scale. This skill is necessary for deploying and managing cloud-native applications efficiently.

Database Design and Management: Database Design and Management involves structuring data storage solutions for optimal performance, scalability, and security. Proper database design is crucial for effective data retrieval and manipulation. Managing databases efficiently is vital for maintaining data integrity and availability.

Network Architecture: Network Architecture defines the layout and structure of a network, ensuring efficient and secure data communications. Understanding network architecture is critical for designing systems that are both robust and secure. It plays a crucial role in overall system performance.

Cost Optimization Strategies: Cost Optimization Strategies focus on reducing expenses while maintaining or enhancing performance. This involves analyzing and adjusting resource usage for maximum efficiency. Efficient cost management is key to sustaining operations within budgetary constraints.

Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity: Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity ensure that systems can recover from failures and continue operating with minimal disruption. Implementing these strategies mitigates risk and ensures organizational resilience. This is essential for maintaining service availability and data integrity in adverse conditions.

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Have questions about the Solution Architect Hiring Test?

What roles can I use the Solution Architect Assessment Test for?

Here are few roles for which we recommend this test:

  • Solution Architect
  • Enterprise Architect
  • Cloud Architect
  • Technical Architect
  • Systems Architect
  • Software Architect
  • Infrastructure Architect
  • Data Architect
  • Security Architect
  • Integration Architect
Can I combine Solution Architect Test with Google Cloud Platform (GCP) questions?

Yes, recruiters can request a custom test that includes both Solution Architect skills and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) questions. For more details, you can check our GCP Test.

How to use the Solution Architect Test in my hiring process?

Use the Solution Architect Test at the early stages of recruitment. Add a link to the test in your job posting or send invites directly via email. This helps you identify the most skilled candidates quickly.

What are the main System Design assessments?

We offer several tests in the System Design category, including:

Do you have any anti-cheating or proctoring features in place?

We have the following anti-cheating features in place:

  • Non-googleable questions
  • IP proctoring
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Read more about the proctoring features.

What experience level can I use this test for?

Each Adaface assessment is customized to your job description/ ideal candidate persona (our subject matter experts will pick the right questions for your assessment from our library of 10000+ questions). This assessment can be customized for any experience level.

I'm a candidate. Can I try a practice test?

No. Unfortunately, we do not support practice tests at the moment. However, you can use our sample questions for practice.

Can I get a free trial?

Yes, you can sign up for free and preview this test.

What is Solution Architect Test?

The Solution Architect Test evaluates a candidate's skills in areas such as Cloud Architecture, System Design, and Microservices. It's used by recruiters to identify candidates who are proficient in architectural design and implementation.

What kind of questions are used to evaluate senior candidates in the Solution Architect Test?

The Solution Architect Test includes MCQs on technical aptitude, microservices, and system design, as well as coding questions. Skills assessed for senior roles include orchestrating containers with Kubernetes, designing fault-tolerant architectures, and optimizing cloud costs.

Can I test Solution Architect and Network Engineer skills together in a test?

Yes, you can test both Solution Architect and Network Engineer skills together. This combination is ideal for roles that require both cloud architecture and robust networking knowledge. Check out the Network Engineer Test for more details.

Can I combine multiple skills into one custom assessment?

Yes, absolutely. Custom assessments are set up based on your job description, and will include questions on all must-have skills you specify. Here's a quick guide on how you can request a custom test.

How do I interpret test scores?

The primary thing to keep in mind is that an assessment is an elimination tool, not a selection tool. A skills assessment is optimized to help you eliminate candidates who are not technically qualified for the role, it is not optimized to help you find the best candidate for the role. So the ideal way to use an assessment is to decide a threshold score (typically 55%, we help you benchmark) and invite all candidates who score above the threshold for the next rounds of interview.

Does every candidate get the same questions?

Yes, it makes it much easier for you to compare candidates. Options for MCQ questions and the order of questions are randomized. We have anti-cheating/ proctoring features in place. In our enterprise plan, we also have the option to create multiple versions of the same assessment with questions of similar difficulty levels.

What is the cost of using this test?

You can check out our pricing plans.

I just moved to a paid plan. How can I request a custom assessment?

Here is a quick guide on how to request a custom assessment on Adaface.

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