SAP MM Basics: SAP MM Basics covers the fundamental concepts and principles of SAP Material Management module. It explores the basic functionality of procurement, material planning, and inventory management, providing a solid foundation for professionals working with SAP MM.
Purchasing: Purchasing in SAP MM involves the procurement of goods and services. It includes creating purchase requisitions, requesting and comparing quotations, creating purchase orders, and managing the entire procurement process. In this test, measuring Purchasing skills helps assess a candidate's ability to effectively handle purchasing tasks within the SAP MM system.
Inventory Management: Inventory Management in SAP MM focuses on the efficient handling, tracking, and control of stock items. It involves processes such as goods receipt, goods issue, stock transfer, and stock adjustments. Measuring Inventory Management skills helps determine a candidate's proficiency in managing inventory effectively and accurately.
Material Requirements Planning: Material Requirements Planning (MRP) is a planning tool in SAP MM that helps ensure that the right materials are available at the right time. It involves analyzing demand, planning procurement, and scheduling deliveries. Assessing MRP skills allows recruiters to evaluate a candidate's ability to optimize material availability and maintain a streamlined supply chain.
Vendor Evaluation: Vendor Evaluation in SAP MM enables organizations to assess and rate their suppliers based on various criteria such as service quality, delivery performance, and pricing. It helps ensure effective vendor selection and management. Measuring Vendor Evaluation skills helps determine a candidate's understanding of evaluating vendors and selecting the most suitable ones for the organization.
Master Data Management: Master Data Management involves managing key data elements, such as material master, vendor master, and purchasing info records, to ensure data integrity and consistency in SAP MM. Assessing Master Data Management skills helps evaluate a candidate's ability to maintain accurate and up-to-date master data, which is crucial for successful MM processes.
Invoice Verification: Invoice Verification in SAP MM involves the verification and processing of vendor invoices against purchase orders and goods receipts. It ensures accurate payment to vendors and allows organizations to maintain a reliable financial system. Measuring Invoice Verification skills helps assess a candidate's proficiency in efficiently managing invoice verification processes within the SAP MM system.
Logistics Invoice Verification: Logistics Invoice Verification is a sub-module within SAP MM that focuses on verifying invoices related to logistics services, such as transportation and warehousing. It involves checking and validating invoices for logistics-related activities. Assessing Logistics Invoice Verification skills helps evaluate a candidate's understanding of the logistics invoice verification process and their ability to effectively manage logistics-related invoices in the SAP MM system.
Release Strategy: Release Strategy in SAP MM enables organizations to define and execute approval workflows for various procurement processes. It ensures proper authorization and control throughout the procurement cycle. Measuring Release Strategy skills helps assess a candidate's knowledge of designing and implementing release strategies to streamline procurement processes in SAP MM.
Pricing Procedure: Pricing Procedure in SAP MM determines how the prices of materials and services are calculated during procurement. It involves defining conditions, condition types, and access sequences. Assessing Pricing Procedure skills helps evaluate a candidate's proficiency in configuring and managing pricing procedures to ensure accurate calculation and determination of procurement prices.
Stock Transport Order: Stock Transport Order (STO) in SAP MM allows organizations to transfer materials between different locations within their supply chain. It involves creating and managing STOs, tracking stock transfers, and ensuring timely delivery of materials. Measuring Stock Transport Order skills helps assess a candidate's ability to handle intercompany stock transfers and maintain proper stock movement in SAP MM.
Physical Inventory: Physical Inventory in SAP MM involves conducting periodic stock counts to reconcile physical inventory quantities with the system's recorded quantities. It helps ensure inventory accuracy and identify any discrepancies or losses. Assessing Physical Inventory skills helps evaluate a candidate's understanding of planning and executing physical inventory processes in SAP MM to maintain accurate stock records and prevent inventory variances.