Ruby Basics: Ruby Basics cover the fundamental concepts and syntax of the Ruby programming language. It includes topics such as variables, data types, operators, loops, and conditionals. This skill is measured in the test to assess the candidate's understanding of the core building blocks of Ruby.
Data Types: Data Types in Ruby determine the kind of values that variables can hold. It includes numeric types, strings, arrays, hashes, and booleans. Measuring this skill helps evaluate the candidate's capability to work with different data structures and manipulate data effectively.
Control Flow: Control Flow in Ruby involves the flow of program execution based on conditions and decisions. It includes concepts like if statements, case statements, and loops. Measuring this skill helps gauge the candidate's ability to control the logic and flow of their program accurately.
Methods: Methods in Ruby are reusable blocks of code that perform specific tasks. They enhance code organization, readability, and maintainability. Measuring this skill allows recruiters to assess the candidate's proficiency in creating and using methods to modularize their code and improve efficiency.
Classes and Objects: Classes and Objects form the foundation of object-oriented programming in Ruby. They allow for the creation of blueprints (classes) that define the behavior and attributes of objects. Measuring this skill helps identify candidates who can design and implement well-structured and reusable code using object-oriented principles.
Exceptions: Exceptions in Ruby allow for handling and managing errors and exceptional situations during program execution. They provide a way to gracefully handle unexpected scenarios. Measuring this skill helps evaluate a candidate's ability to write robust and resilient code by handling exceptions effectively.
Modules: Modules in Ruby are containers for groups of methods, constants, and classes. They provide a way to share functionality across different classes without using inheritance. Measuring this skill helps assess the candidate's understanding of code reuse, encapsulation, and separation of concerns using modules.
File Handling: File Handling in Ruby involves reading from and writing to files. It includes operations like opening, closing, reading, and writing data to files. Measuring this skill allows recruiters to evaluate a candidate's ability to work with file systems, manipulate file data, and perform file-related operations effectively.
Regular Expressions: Regular Expressions in Ruby are powerful patterns used for matching and manipulating text. They offer a concise and flexible way to perform string matching and replacement operations. Measuring this skill helps identify candidates who can leverage regular expressions to handle complex text-based tasks and validate input data efficiently.
Database Connectivity: Database Connectivity in Ruby involves integrating Ruby applications with databases to store, retrieve, and manipulate data. It includes concepts like connecting to databases, executing SQL queries, and handling data results. Measuring this skill helps assess a candidate's ability to work with databases, perform CRUD operations, and interact with data persistently.