Building Content with JSX: Building Content with JSX means creating user interface components in React using JSX syntax. JSX is a syntax extension for JavaScript that allows you to write HTML-like code in your JavaScript files. This skill should be measured in the test to assess a candidate's ability to understand and use JSX to create dynamic and reusable UI components.
Communicating with Props: Communicating with Props involves passing data from one component to another in React. Props are a way to pass information from a parent component to its child component. This skill should be measured in the test to evaluate a candidate's ability to design and implement a component hierarchy that effectively communicates data between components.
Class-Based Components: Class-Based Components are a way to define and create reusable components in React. They are implemented as JavaScript classes that extend the base React Component class. This skill should be measured in the test to assess a candidate's understanding of class-based component syntax and their ability to create and manage component state using class methods.
React State: React State refers to the state management system provided by React. State allows components to hold and manage their own data, which can be updated and rendered automatically in response to changes. This skill should be measured in the test to evaluate a candidate's understanding of state management in React and their ability to create dynamic and interactive UI components that respond to user actions and data changes.
Lifecycle Methods: Lifecycle Methods in React are special methods that are automatically called at specific points during a component's lifecycle, such as when it is mounted or updated. They provide hooks for performing tasks like fetching data, subscribing to events, or updating the component's state. This skill should be measured in the test to assess a candidate's familiarity with the lifecycle methods in React and their ability to utilize them effectively to control and manage component behavior.
Handling User Input with Forms and Events: Handling User Input with Forms and Events involves capturing and processing user input in React. This skill should be measured in the test to evaluate a candidate's ability to create controlled form components, handle form submissions, and respond to user events such as clicks, key presses, and mouse movements.
Making API Requests with React: Making API Requests with React involves fetching data from external APIs and integrating it into React components. This skill should be measured in the test to assess a candidate's knowledge of using tools like the Fetch API or Axios to make asynchronous requests, handle responses, and update component state with the retrieved data.
Building Lists of Records: Building Lists of Records in React refers to rendering dynamic lists of items based on data. This skill should be measured in the test to evaluate a candidate's ability to map over an array of data, generate dynamic list components, and render them efficiently in React.
Using Refs for DOM Access: Using Refs for DOM Access allows direct access to the underlying DOM elements in React components. Refs provide a way to interact with the DOM imperatively, such as obtaining the value of an input field or triggering a focus event. This skill should be measured in the test to assess a candidate's understanding of refs and their ability to use them effectively for DOM manipulation and access.
Understanding Hooks in React: Understanding Hooks in React is about utilizing the Hooks feature introduced in React to write functional components with state and lifecycle features. Hooks provide a way to use React features like state and lifecycle methods in functional components, making them more easy to write, understand, and test. This skill should be measured in the test to evaluate a candidate's familiarity with Hooks and their ability to leverage them to build functional, stateful components in React.
Component and Route Navigation: Component and Route Navigation in React involves managing the navigation and routing within a React application. This skill should be measured in the test to assess a candidate's understanding of React Router or other routing libraries, and their ability to navigate between different components or routes based on user interactions or programmatic logic.
Deploying a React App: Deploying a React App means making a React application available to users by deploying it to a hosting platform or server. This skill should be measured in the test to evaluate a candidate's knowledge of the deployment process for React applications, including build optimization, environment configuration, and deployment strategies.
Integrating React with State management libraries: Integrating React with state management libraries involves using libraries like Redux or MobX to manage the global state of a React application. This skill should be measured in the test to assess a candidate's familiarity with state management concepts and their ability to integrate and utilize state management libraries in React applications to manage complex data flows and shared state.
Handling Authentication with React: Handling Authentication with React involves implementing user authentication and authorization in a React application. This skill should be measured in the test to evaluate a candidate's ability to implement authentication flows, handle user sessions, protect routes, and securely manage user credentials and authentication tokens within a React application.
Using the Context System with React: Using the Context System with React allows sharing data or state between components without passing props through every level of the component tree. Context provides a way to access a value or state from any component within the context tree. This skill should be measured in the test to assess a candidate's understanding of the Context API in React and their ability to utilize it to share data and manage application-wide state in a more efficient and scalable way.