Deployment: Deployment in the context of Oracle Apps Technical refers to the process of installing, configuring, and managing applications on production servers. It involves the setup and optimization of server resources and software to ensure smooth and efficient functioning of the Oracle Apps Technical system.
Ports: Ports in Oracle Apps Technical refer to the communication endpoints through which data is exchanged between different systems or applications. Testing knowledge of ports is essential as it ensures that the Oracle Apps Technical system can effectively send and receive data over the network.
Load Balancer: A Load Balancer is a device or software component that evenly distributes incoming network traffic across multiple servers to optimize resource utilization and improve system performance. Assessing load balancer knowledge is important to ensure the scalability and fault-tolerance of the Oracle Apps Technical system under high traffic loads.
Directory System: A Directory System is a centralized database that stores and manages information about network resources, such as users, groups, and devices. Measuring knowledge of directory systems is essential to evaluate the candidate's ability to configure and manage user access and permissions within the Oracle Apps Technical system.
Authorization: Authorization in Oracle Apps Technical refers to the process of granting or denying access rights to users based on their roles and responsibilities. Assessing authorization skills is crucial to ensure that only authorized users can access sensitive data and perform specific actions within the Oracle Apps Technical system.
System Security: System Security in Oracle Apps Technical refers to the implementation of measures to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the system and its data. Evaluating system security skills is vital to identify potential vulnerabilities and ensure that appropriate security controls are in place within the Oracle Apps Technical system.
Oracle Planning and Budgeting Cloud: Oracle Planning and Budgeting Cloud is a cloud-based financial planning and budgeting solution offered by Oracle. Testing knowledge of Oracle Planning and Budgeting Cloud is important for recruiters to assess the candidate's familiarity with this specific tool and their ability to utilize it effectively within the Oracle Apps Technical system.
Reporting: Reporting in Oracle Apps Technical refers to the generation and delivery of customized reports to fulfill business intelligence and data analysis requirements. Assessing reporting skills is crucial to ensure that the candidate can effectively extract and present relevant information from the Oracle Apps Technical system.
Messaging: Messaging in Oracle Apps Technical refers to the communication between different components or systems using messages. Evaluating messaging skills is important to assess the candidate's understanding of message formats, protocols, and transport mechanisms required for seamless integration and data exchange within the Oracle Apps Technical system.
Access Control: Access Control in Oracle Apps Technical refers to the management of user permissions and privileges to restrict or grant access to specific resources or functionality. Measuring access control skills is necessary to ensure that the candidate can implement a robust security framework and manage user access effectively within the Oracle Apps Technical system.