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OpenCV Test

The OpenCV Test evaluates a candidate's knowledge and understanding of image processing and computer vision concepts. It includes multiple-choice questions to assess knowledge of topics such as image filtering, feature detection, object recognition, and image enhancement.

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Test duration:  ~ 40 mins
Difficulty level:  Moderate
Availability:  Available as custom test
  • 5 Image Processing MCQs
  • 5 Computer Vision MCQs
  • 5 OpenCV MCQs
Covered skills:
Image Processing
Computer Vision
Feature Detection
Object Recognition
Image Filtering
Image Enhancement
Image Segmentation
Camera Calibration
Image Stitching
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Adaface skill assessments measure on-the-job skills of candidates, providing employers with an accurate tool for screening potential hires.

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Use the OpenCV Assessment Test to shortlist qualified candidates

The OpenCV Test helps recruiters and hiring managers identify qualified candidates from a pool of resumes, and helps in taking objective hiring decisions. It reduces the administrative overhead of interviewing too many candidates and saves time by filtering out unqualified candidates at the first step of the hiring process.

The test screens for the following skills that hiring managers look for in candidates:

  • Ability to manipulate and process images using OpenCV libraries
  • Knowledge of computer vision techniques and algorithms
  • Understanding of feature detection and object recognition
  • Proficiency in image filtering and enhancement techniques
  • Familiarity with image segmentation and camera calibration
  • Experience in image stitching and panorama creation
  • Ability to optimize image processing algorithms for performance
  • Understanding of color spaces and image histograms
  • Knowledge of contour detection and shape analysis
  • Proficiency in applying morphological operations to images
  • Ability to handle image noise and artifacts
  • Understanding of perspective transformation and homography
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Screen candidates with the highest quality questions

We have a very high focus on the quality of questions that test for on-the-job skills. Every question is non-googleable and we have a very high bar for the level of subject matter experts we onboard to create these questions. We have crawlers to check if any of the questions are leaked online. If/ when a question gets leaked, we get an alert. We change the question for you & let you know.

How we design questions

These are just a small sample from our library of 15,000+ questions. The actual questions on this OpenCV Test will be non-googleable.

🧐 Question


Feature Fusion
Convolutional Neural Networks
Object Detection
Feature Extraction
Multi-Modal Learning
Consider a complex object detection scenario where an autonomous vehicle needs to detect pedestrians under challenging environmental conditions. You have access to three sensor modalities: RGB camera, thermal infrared, and depth sensor. Your goal is to design a multi-modal neural network architecture that can effectively fuse features from these different sensor inputs to improve pedestrian detection accuracy, particularly in low-visibility scenarios such as night-time or foggy conditions.

Given the following architectural considerations:

- Input dimensions: RGB (224x224x3), Thermal (224x224x1), Depth (224x224x1)
- Baseline single-modal mAP (mean Average Precision) for pedestrian detection:
    - RGB: 68.5%
    - Thermal: 72.3%
    - Depth: 59.7%

Which fusion strategy and network architecture would most likely provide the optimal performance improvement and feature representation?
A: Early Fusion CNN with concatenation of raw input channels followed by shared convolutional layers
B: Late Fusion Ensemble method using separate backbones with weighted majority voting
C: Squeeze-and-Excitation based fusion with channel-adaptive feature recalibration across modalities
D: Feature-level fusion with channel-wise adaptive attention and residual skip connections
E: Parallel multi-stream network with independent feature extractors and a cross-modal transformer fusion mechanism


Object Detection Models
Object detection
Evaluation metrics
Data augmentation
You trained a Faster R-CNN model on a custom object detection dataset that is both small and imbalanced. Some classes rarely appear, making fair evaluation challenging. You consider: (1) using data augmentation (e.g., random cropping, rotation, photometric distortions) to improve generalization, and (2) adopting class-weighted or specialized metrics to better measure performance on rare classes. Which approach simultaneously enhances generalization to new samples and ensures a more balanced, fair performance assessment across minority classes?
A: Using mAP as the sole evaluation metric
B: Employing weighted AP metrics to highlight minority classes
C: Applying random cropping, rotation, and distortions
D: Increasing anchor sizes only for frequent classes
E: Using Class Weighted IoU
F: Combining data augmentation with a class-weighted metric (e.g., Weighted AP)


Image Stitching using SIFT and RANSAC
Image Stitching
Feature Detection
Feature Matching
You are given two images of a scene taken from different viewpoints, and you want to stitch them together using SIFT feature detection and RANSAC-based homography estimation. You have the following code:
What is the correct way to match the SIFT features between the two images?
A: matches = cv2.BFMatcher(cv2.NORM_L1).knnMatch(des1, des2, k=2)
B: matches = cv2.BFMatcher(cv2.NORM_L2).match(des1, des2)
C: matches = cv2.FlannBasedMatcher().knnMatch(des1, des2, k=2)
D: matches = cv2.DescriptorMatcher_create(cv2.DESCRIPTOR_MATCHER_BRUTEFORCE).match(des1, des2)
E: matches = cv2.DescriptorMatcher_create(cv2.DESCRIPTOR_MATCHER_FLANNBASED).knnMatch(des1, des2, k=2)
F: matches = cv2.ORB_create().match(des1, des2)


Object Tracking using Kalman Filter
Object Tracking
Kalman Filter
Object Detection
Computer Vision
You are given a video sequence of a moving object, and you want to track the object's position and velocity using a Kalman filter. You have the following code:
What is the correct way to detect the object's position in the frame?
A: object_position = cv2.findChessboardCorners(frame, (7, 7))
B: object_position = cv2.detectMinEigenValAndRichterTerm(frame)
C: object_position = cv2.HOGDescriptor().compute(frame)
D: object_position = cv2.goodFeaturesToTrack(frame, 100, 0.01, 10)
E: object_position =, (int(frame.shape[1] / 2), int(frame.shape[0] / 2)), 5, (0, 255, 0), -1)
🧐 QuestionπŸ”§ Skill


Feature Fusion
Convolutional Neural Networks
Object Detection
Feature Extraction
Multi-Modal Learning

2 mins

Computer Vision


Object Detection Models
Object detection
Evaluation metrics
Data augmentation

2 mins

Computer Vision


Image Stitching using SIFT and RANSAC
Image Stitching
Feature Detection
Feature Matching

3 mins



Object Tracking using Kalman Filter
Object Tracking
Kalman Filter
Object Detection
Computer Vision

3 mins

🧐 QuestionπŸ”§ SkillπŸ’ͺ DifficultyβŒ› Time
Feature Fusion
Convolutional Neural Networks
Object Detection
Feature Extraction
Multi-Modal Learning
Computer Vision
Medium2 mins
Object Detection Models
Object detection
Evaluation metrics
Data augmentation
Computer Vision
Medium2 mins
Image Stitching using SIFT and RANSAC
Image Stitching
Feature Detection
Feature Matching
Medium3 mins
Object Tracking using Kalman Filter
Object Tracking
Kalman Filter
Object Detection
Computer Vision
Hard3 mins

Test candidates on core OpenCV Hiring Test topics

Image Processing: Image processing involves manipulating or altering digital images to improve their quality or extract meaningful information from them. This skill is measured in the test to assess the candidate's ability to apply various techniques and algorithms to process images effectively.

Computer Vision: Computer vision is the field of study that focuses on enabling computers to understand and interpret visual information from digital images or videos. Measuring this skill in the test helps evaluate the candidate's understanding of computer vision concepts and their proficiency in applying computer vision algorithms to analyze visual data.

Feature Detection: Feature detection refers to the process of identifying and locating specific features or patterns within an image. This skill is measured to gauge the candidate's ability to identify and extract relevant features from images, which is crucial for tasks like image recognition, tracking, and matching.

Object Recognition: Object recognition involves recognizing and classifying objects or specific patterns within an image or video. Measuring this skill in the test helps assess the candidate's knowledge of object recognition algorithms and their ability to utilize such techniques for tasks like object detection, classification, and localization.

Image Filtering: Image filtering pertains to the process of enhancing or altering images by applying various filters or convolutional operations. This skill is measured to evaluate the candidate's proficiency in performing image filtering operations using different filters like blur, sharpen, edge detection, etc., and understanding their impact on image quality and appearance.

Image Enhancement: Image enhancement involves improving the visual quality or information content of an image to make it more visually appealing or suitable for further analysis. Measuring this skill in the test helps ascertain the candidate's ability to apply appropriate enhancement techniques, such as contrast adjustment, noise reduction, and histogram equalization, to enhance image details and overall quality.

Image Segmentation: Image segmentation refers to the process of partitioning or dividing an image into meaningful regions or segments based on specific criteria or image properties. Measuring this skill in the test allows the assessment of the candidate's capability to apply algorithms and techniques for image segmentation, which is essential for tasks like object recognition, scene understanding, and image editing.

Camera Calibration: Camera calibration involves estimating the camera parameters that enable mapping of 3D points to their corresponding 2D image coordinates. This skill is measured in the test to evaluate the candidate's understanding of camera calibration techniques and their ability to calibrate cameras for tasks like 3D reconstruction, pose estimation, and augmented reality.

Image Stitching: Image stitching is the process of combining multiple overlapping images to create a single panoramic image. Measuring this skill in the test helps assess the candidate's knowledge of image stitching algorithms and their ability to accurately align and blend multiple images to produce seamless panoramas.

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Have questions about the OpenCV Hiring Test?

What roles can I use the OpenCV Assessment Test for?

Here are few roles for which we recommend this test:

  • Computer Vision Engineer
  • Image Processing Engineer
  • Data Scientist
  • Machine Learning Engineer
  • Software Developer
  • Research Scientist
Can I combine the OpenCV Test with another test?

Yes, recruiters can request a custom test that combines skills. For example, you might combine the OpenCV Test with the Computer Vision Test to get a deeper assessment of the candidate's capabilities.

How to use the OpenCV Test in my hiring process?

Use the OpenCV Test at the pre-screening stage of your recruitment. Include the test link in your job post or send it directly to candidates via email. This process helps you identify highly skilled candidates early.

What are the main computer vision tests?
Do you have any anti-cheating or proctoring features in place?

We have the following anti-cheating features in place:

  • Non-googleable questions
  • IP proctoring
  • Screen proctoring
  • Web proctoring
  • Webcam proctoring
  • Plagiarism detection
  • Secure browser
  • Copy paste protection

Read more about the proctoring features.

What experience level can I use this test for?

Each Adaface assessment is customized to your job description/ ideal candidate persona (our subject matter experts will pick the right questions for your assessment from our library of 10000+ questions). This assessment can be customized for any experience level.

I'm a candidate. Can I try a practice test?

No. Unfortunately, we do not support practice tests at the moment. However, you can use our sample questions for practice.

Can I get a free trial?

Yes, you can sign up for free and preview this test.

What is OpenCV Test?

The OpenCV Test is designed to assess a candidate's skills in image processing and computer vision using OpenCV. Recruiters use it to evaluate a candidate’s expertise in feature detection, object recognition, image filtering, and more.

What topics are evaluated in the OpenCV Test?

The OpenCV Test covers skills such as Image Processing, Computer Vision, Feature Detection, Object Recognition, Image Filtering, Image Enhancement, Image Segmentation, Camera Calibration, and Image Stitching. It also assesses senior roles on topics like pattern matching algorithms, geometric transformations, and real-time image processing systems.

Can I test image processing and computer vision together in a test?

Yes, you can combine skills in a single test. We recommend combining the OpenCV Test with the Computer Vision Test to get a thorough assessment.

Can I combine multiple skills into one custom assessment?

Yes, absolutely. Custom assessments are set up based on your job description, and will include questions on all must-have skills you specify. Here's a quick guide on how you can request a custom test.

How do I interpret test scores?

The primary thing to keep in mind is that an assessment is an elimination tool, not a selection tool. A skills assessment is optimized to help you eliminate candidates who are not technically qualified for the role, it is not optimized to help you find the best candidate for the role. So the ideal way to use an assessment is to decide a threshold score (typically 55%, we help you benchmark) and invite all candidates who score above the threshold for the next rounds of interview.

Does every candidate get the same questions?

Yes, it makes it much easier for you to compare candidates. Options for MCQ questions and the order of questions are randomized. We have anti-cheating/ proctoring features in place. In our enterprise plan, we also have the option to create multiple versions of the same assessment with questions of similar difficulty levels.

What is the cost of using this test?

You can check out our pricing plans.

I just moved to a paid plan. How can I request a custom assessment?

Here is a quick guide on how to request a custom assessment on Adaface.

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