Styling and Configuring Next.JS components: This skill evaluates the ability to style and configure components in Next.js, a popular framework for building React applications. It tests knowledge of CSS-in-JS libraries, component styling methods, and how to leverage Next.js specific features for styling.
React Fundamentals: This skill measures the understanding of basic React concepts and principles such as components, props, state, and lifecycle methods. It assesses the ability to build React applications and utilize commonly used React patterns.
React Hooks: React Hooks are a feature introduced in React 16.8 that allows the use of state and other React features without writing class components. This skill evaluates the proficiency in using hooks like useState, useEffect, and custom hooks to manage state and side effects in a functional component.
JavaScript ES6 Fundamentals: ES6 (ECMAScript 2015) is a major update to the JavaScript language that introduces new features and syntax enhancements. This skill assesses the understanding of ES6 concepts such as arrow functions, destructuring, spread syntax, modules, and more.
Next.JS Routing: Next.js provides routing capabilities out of the box, allowing for easy navigation between pages. This skill evaluates the knowledge of Next.js routing mechanisms, dynamic routing, nested routes, and how to handle routing-related tasks in a Next.js application.
Server-Side Rendering: Server-Side Rendering (SSR) is a technique that allows React components to be rendered on the server and sent to the client as HTML. This skill measures the ability to implement SSR using Next.js and understand the benefits and considerations of server-side rendering.
API Integration: This skill evaluates the ability to integrate APIs into a Next.js application. It tests knowledge of making HTTP requests, handling API responses, authentication/authorization, and data manipulation using Next.js tools and libraries.
State Management: In complex React applications, state management becomes crucial for managing the application's global state. This skill assesses the understanding of different state management approaches like Redux, Context API, and how to implement them in Next.js.
Data Fetching: Fetching data from external APIs is a common task in modern web development. This skill measures the ability to fetch and consume data using various approaches, such as server-side rendering, SWR (stale-while-revalidate), and client-side data fetching with Next.js.
HTML/CSS Fundamentals: This skill tests basic knowledge of HTML and CSS, including understanding of HTML tags, CSS selectors, box model, layout techniques, and responsive design principles.
JavaScript Coding: This skill evaluates proficiency in JavaScript coding. It tests knowledge of JavaScript syntax, data types, control flow, loops, functions, and common coding patterns.