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Keras Test

The Keras Test evaluates a candidate's proficiency in using the Keras framework along with Python programming for deep learning tasks. It covers fundamentals of Keras and deep learning models, including neural network architecture, model evaluation, and tuning. Scenario-based MCQs assess theoretical knowledge, while coding questions evaluate practical programming skills.

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Test duration:  ~ 40 mins
Difficulty level:  Moderate
Availability:  Available as custom test
  • 4 Keras MCQs
  • 4 Python MCQs
  • 4 Deep Learning MCQs
  • 1 Python Coding Question
Covered skills:
Keras fundamentals
Python programming
Deep learning models
Neural network architecture
Model evaluation and tuning
Activation functions
Optimization algorithms
Convolutional Neural Networks
Recurrent Neural Networks
Data preprocessing for neural networks
Transfer learning
Model deployment
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Use the Keras Assessment Test to shortlist qualified candidates

The Keras Test helps recruiters and hiring managers identify qualified candidates from a pool of resumes, and helps in taking objective hiring decisions. It reduces the administrative overhead of interviewing too many candidates and saves time by filtering out unqualified candidates at the first step of the hiring process.

The test screens for the following skills that hiring managers look for in candidates:

  • Able to understand and implement basic syntax and functions of Python.
  • Able to construct and manage neural network models using Keras.
  • Able to preprocess data effectively for better model performance.
  • Capable of designing various neural network architectures in Keras.
  • Able to configure and use different layers and activation functions in Keras.
  • Able to compile and train Keras models efficiently.
  • Able to integrate Keras with NumPy and TensorFlow for enhanced functionality.
  • Knowledgeable in constructing and managing Convolutional Neural Networks.
  • Skilled in creating and handling Recurrent Neural Networks.
  • Able to evaluate and optimize machine learning models for improved performance.
  • Possesses a strong understanding of deep learning concepts and applications.
  • Proficient in basic Python programming fundamentals.
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We have a very high focus on the quality of questions that test for on-the-job skills. Every question is non-googleable and we have a very high bar for the level of subject matter experts we onboard to create these questions. We have crawlers to check if any of the questions are leaked online. If/ when a question gets leaked, we get an alert. We change the question for you & let you know.

How we design questions

These are just a small sample from our library of 15,000+ questions. The actual questions on this Keras Test will be non-googleable.

🧐 Question


ZeroDivisionError and IndexError
What will the following Python code output?


File Handling
The function high_sess should compute the highest number of events per session of each user in the database by reading a comma-separated value input file of session data. The result should be returned from the function as a dictionary. The first column of each line in the input file is expected to contain the user’s name represented as a string. The second column is expected to contain an integer representing the events in a session. Here is an example input file:
Your program should ignore a non-conforming line like this one.
The resulting return value for this file should be the following dictionary: { 'Stark':12, 'Black':25, 'Tony':10, 'Widow':14 }
What should replace the CODE TO FILL line to complete the function?


Max Code
Below are code lines to create a Python function. Ignoring indentation, what lines should be used and in what order for the following function to be complete:


Recursive Function
Consider the following Python code:
In the above code, recursive_search is a function that takes a dictionary (data) and a target key (target) as arguments. It searches for the target key within the dictionary, which could potentially have nested dictionaries and lists as values, and returns the value associated with the target key. If the target key is not found, it returns None.

nested_dict is a dictionary that contains multiple levels of nested dictionaries and lists. The recursive_search function is then called with nested_dict as the data and 'target_key' as the target.

What will the output be after executing the above code?


Stacking problem
What does the below function ‘fun’ does?
A: Sum of digits of the number passed to fun.
B: Number of digits of the number passed to fun.
C: 0 if the number passed to fun is divisible by 10. 1 otherwise.
D: Sum of all digits number passed to fun except for the last digit.


Changed decision boundary
We have trained a model on a linearly separable training set to classify the data points into 2 sets (binary classification). Our intern recently labelled some new data points which are all correctly classified by the model. All of the new data points lie far away from the decision boundary. We added these new data points and re-trained our model- our decision boundary changed. Which of these models do you think we could be working with?
The 2 data sources use SQL Server and have a 3-character CompanyCode column. Both data sources contain an ORDER BY clause to sort the data by CompanyCode in ascending order. 

Teylor wants to make sure that the Merge Join transformation works without additional transformations. What would you recommend?
A: Perceptron
C: Logistic regression
D: Guassion discriminant analysis


CNN Architecture Tuning
Convolutional Neural Networks
Hyperparameter Optimization
You are fine-tuning a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for image classification. The network architecture is as follows:
The model is trained using the following parameters:

- Batch size: 64
- Learning rate: 0.001
- Optimizer: Adam
- Loss function: Categorical cross-entropy

After several training epochs, you observe that the training accuracy is high, but the validation accuracy plateaus and is significantly lower. This suggests possible overfitting. Which of the following adjustments would most effectively mitigate this issue without overly compromising the model's performance?
A: Increase the batch size to 128
B: Add dropout layers with a dropout rate of 0.5 after each MaxPooling2D layer
C: Replace Adam optimizer with SGD (Stochastic Gradient Descent)
D: Decrease the number of filters in each Conv2D layer by half
E: Increase the learning rate to 0.01
F: Reduce the size of the Dense layer to 64 units


CNN for Imbalanced Image Dataset
Convolutional Neural Networks
Imbalanced Datasets
You are fine-tuning a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for an image classification task where the dataset is highly imbalanced. The majority class comprises 70% of the data. The initial model setup and subsequent experiments yield the following observations:

**Initial Setup:**

- CNN architecture: 6 convolutional layers with increasing filter sizes, followed by 2 fully connected layers.
- Activation function: ReLU
- No class-weighting or data augmentation.
- Results: High overall accuracy, but poor precision and recall for minority classes.

**Experiment 1:**

- Changes: Implement class-weighting to penalize mistakes on minority classes more heavily.
- Results: Improved precision and recall for minority classes, but overall accuracy slightly decreased.

**Experiment 2:**

- Changes: Add dropout layers with a rate of 0.5 after each convolutional layer.
- Results: Overall accuracy decreased, and no significant change in precision and recall for minority classes.

Given these outcomes, what is the most effective strategy to further improve the model's performance specifically for the minority classes without compromising the overall accuracy?
A: Increase the dropout rate to 0.7
B: Further fine-tune class-weighting parameters
C: Increase the number of filters in the convolutional layers
D: Add batch normalization layers after each convolutional layer
E: Use a different activation function like LeakyReLU
F: Implement more aggressive data augmentation on the minority class
🧐 Question🔧 Skill


ZeroDivisionError and IndexError

2 mins



File Handling

2 mins



Max Code

2 mins



Recursive Function

3 mins



Stacking problem

4 mins



Changed decision boundary

2 mins

Deep Learning


CNN Architecture Tuning
Convolutional Neural Networks
Hyperparameter Optimization

3 mins

Deep Learning


CNN for Imbalanced Image Dataset
Convolutional Neural Networks
Imbalanced Datasets

3 mins

Deep Learning
🧐 Question🔧 Skill💪 Difficulty⌛ Time
ZeroDivisionError and IndexError
Medium2 mins
File Handling
Medium2 mins
Max Code
Medium2 mins
Recursive Function
Medium3 mins
Stacking problem
Medium4 mins
Changed decision boundary
Deep Learning
Medium2 mins
CNN Architecture Tuning
Convolutional Neural Networks
Hyperparameter Optimization
Deep Learning
Medium3 mins
CNN for Imbalanced Image Dataset
Convolutional Neural Networks
Imbalanced Datasets
Deep Learning
Medium3 mins

Test candidates on core Keras Hiring Test topics

Keras Fundamentals: Keras is a high-level neural networks API, written in Python and capable of running on top of TensorFlow, CNTK, or Theano. Understanding the fundamentals of Keras is critical for developing efficient and scalable machine learning models quickly. This skill ensures that candidates can leverage Keras to build, train, and evaluate deep learning models.

Neural Network Architectures: Neural network architectures define the structure and design of neural networks, affecting their performance and capabilities. Proficiency in this area ensures candidates can design models tailored to specific tasks and datasets. This skill measures the ability to create and modify layers, define activation functions, and implement various network topologies.

Model Building in Keras: Building models in Keras involves stacking layers to create a desired architecture and configuring the model for training. This skill is essential for translating theoretical knowledge into practical implementations. It emphasizes the candidate's ability to use Keras' functional and sequential APIs for model creation.

Data Preprocessing: Data preprocessing involves cleaning and transforming raw data into a suitable format for training neural networks. This step is critical to enhancing model accuracy and performance. Knowledge in this area ensures candidates can handle missing values, normalize data, and perform other preparation tasks.

Layers and Activation Functions: Layers and activation functions are the building blocks of neural networks, determining how data flows and gets transformed in the model. Proficiency in this area allows candidates to design complex models by choosing appropriate layer types and activation functions. Understanding their role is crucial for optimizing neural network performance.

Model Compilation and Training: Model compilation is the process of choosing the optimizer, loss function, and metrics, followed by training the model on data. This skill measures the candidate's ability to fine-tune the learning process and evaluate performance. It ensures they understand how to set up and execute the training process effectively.

Python Programming Basics: Python is the primary programming language used with Keras and other machine learning frameworks. A strong grasp of Python basics is essential for implementing machine learning solutions. This skill guarantees that candidates can write and understand code for data manipulation, model building, and other tasks.

NumPy and TensorFlow Integration: NumPy is a fundamental package for scientific computing in Python, while TensorFlow is an end-to-end open-source platform for machine learning. Integrating these tools is crucial for efficient model building and data manipulation. This skill evaluates the candidate's ability to leverage these libraries in conjunction with Keras.

Convolutional Neural Networks: Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are specialized neural networks for processing data with a grid-like structure, such as images. Mastery of CNNs is vital for tasks in computer vision and image processing. This skill assesses the knowledge of convolution operations, pooling layers, and CNN architectures.

Recurrent Neural Networks: Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) are designed for sequential data, making them suitable for time-series analysis, natural language processing, and more. Understanding RNNs ensures candidates can handle tasks that involve data sequences. Proficiency in this area includes knowledge of LSTM and GRU units, which solve common issues in RNNs.

Model Evaluation and Optimization: Model evaluation involves techniques to assess the performance of a trained model, while optimization focuses on improving it. This skill is crucial to ensure that models generalize well to new data and perform optimally. It includes knowledge of metrics, validation techniques, and optimization algorithms.

Deep Learning Concepts: Deep learning concepts encompass the theoretical foundations behind neural networks and their learning processes. This understanding is essential for building and interpreting complex models. The skill measures the candidate's grasp of foundational ideas such as backpropagation, learning rates, and overfitting.

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Have questions about the Keras Hiring Test?

What roles can I use the Keras Assessment Test for?

Here are few roles for which we recommend this test:

  • Machine Learning Engineer
  • AI Specialist
  • Data Scientist
  • Deep Learning Engineer
  • Data Analyst
  • Software Engineer
  • Research Scientist
  • AI Consultant
  • Python Developer
  • Quantitative Analyst
Can I combine Python Test with Keras questions?

Yes, recruiters can request a single custom test with multiple skills. For details on how we assess Python skills, refer to our Python Online Test.

How to use Keras Test - keras-test in my hiring process?

Use our assessment as a pre-screening tool in early recruitment stages. Add a test link to your job post or directly invite candidates via email to find skilled candidates faster.

What are the main tests for Deep Learning?
Do you have any anti-cheating or proctoring features in place?

We have the following anti-cheating features in place:

  • Non-googleable questions
  • IP proctoring
  • Screen proctoring
  • Web proctoring
  • Webcam proctoring
  • Plagiarism detection
  • Secure browser
  • Copy paste protection

Read more about the proctoring features.

What experience level can I use this test for?

Each Adaface assessment is customized to your job description/ ideal candidate persona (our subject matter experts will pick the right questions for your assessment from our library of 10000+ questions). This assessment can be customized for any experience level.

I'm a candidate. Can I try a practice test?

No. Unfortunately, we do not support practice tests at the moment. However, you can use our sample questions for practice.

Can I get a free trial?

Yes, you can sign up for free and preview this test.

What is Keras Test - keras-test?

The Keras Test assesses candidates on Keras, Python, and Deep Learning skills. It is used by recruiters to gauge a candidate's expertise in Keras and related technologies, aiding in hiring informed decisions for roles requiring these skills.

What topics are evaluated in the Keras Test?

The Keras Test covers Keras fundamentals, neural network architectures, data preprocessing, layers & activation functions, model compilation, and training, among other topics.

Can I test Keras and TensorFlow together in a test?

Yes, you can test Keras and TensorFlow together to assess combined proficiency. Check out our TensorFlow Test for more details.

Can I combine multiple skills into one custom assessment?

Yes, absolutely. Custom assessments are set up based on your job description, and will include questions on all must-have skills you specify. Here's a quick guide on how you can request a custom test.

How do I interpret test scores?

The primary thing to keep in mind is that an assessment is an elimination tool, not a selection tool. A skills assessment is optimized to help you eliminate candidates who are not technically qualified for the role, it is not optimized to help you find the best candidate for the role. So the ideal way to use an assessment is to decide a threshold score (typically 55%, we help you benchmark) and invite all candidates who score above the threshold for the next rounds of interview.

Does every candidate get the same questions?

Yes, it makes it much easier for you to compare candidates. Options for MCQ questions and the order of questions are randomized. We have anti-cheating/ proctoring features in place. In our enterprise plan, we also have the option to create multiple versions of the same assessment with questions of similar difficulty levels.

What is the cost of using this test?

You can check out our pricing plans.

I just moved to a paid plan. How can I request a custom assessment?

Here is a quick guide on how to request a custom assessment on Adaface.

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