JavaScript Basics: JavaScript Basics covers the fundamental concepts and syntax of the JavaScript programming language. It includes topics such as variables, data types, operators, control flow, and functions. This skill is essential to assess as it forms the foundation of any JavaScript development.
JS ES6: JS ES6 refers to ECMAScript 2015, which introduced several new features and improvements to JavaScript. It includes concepts such as arrow functions, template literals, destructuring, and modules. Assessing this skill ensures that candidates are familiar with modern JavaScript syntax and can utilize its advanced capabilities.
JS OOPs: JS OOPs stands for JavaScript Object-Oriented Programming. It involves understanding and applying object-oriented principles such as encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism in JavaScript. This skill is important as it allows developers to write more organized and reusable code, ultimately enhancing code efficiency and maintainability.
Handling APIs: Handling APIs involves using JavaScript to interact with Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) and fetch data from external sources. It includes concepts such as making HTTP requests, handling responses, and working with JSON data. This skill is crucial as it demonstrates a candidate's ability to integrate third-party services and retrieve information from external resources.
Vue Component Lifecycle: Vue Component Lifecycle refers to the sequence of events that occur during the lifespan of a Vue.js component. This includes creation, mounting, updating, and destruction phases. Understanding the component lifecycle allows developers to effectively manage and manipulate component data and behavior, ensuring smooth rendering and interaction.
Designing Components and handling events in Vue: Designing Components and handling events in Vue involves creating reusable and structured Vue.js components, as well as handling user interactions and events within those components. This skill is important as it assesses a candidate's ability to design modular and interactive user interfaces using Vue.js, which is widely used in modern web development.
CSS Box model: CSS Box model refers to the fundamental concept of how elements are structured and sized in CSS. It includes understanding the properties such as margin, padding, border, and content size. Assessing this skill ensures that candidates have a solid understanding of CSS layout and can accurately control the spacing and dimensions of elements on a webpage.
Flexbox and Grid layouts: Flexbox and Grid layouts are CSS features that provide powerful and flexible ways to create responsive and dynamic layouts in web design. Assessing this skill ensures candidates can effectively utilize these layout systems to create visually appealing and responsive webpages across different devices and screen sizes.
Responsive CSS: Responsive CSS involves designing and implementing webpages that adapt and respond to different screen sizes and resolutions. It includes techniques such as media queries, fluid grids, and flexible images. Assessing this skill determines a candidate's ability to create responsive and mobile-friendly websites, which is essential in today's multi-device and mobile-focused world.
JavaScript Programming: JavaScript Programming assesses a candidate's overall proficiency in writing clean, efficient, and functional JavaScript code. It includes understanding advanced concepts, best practices, and problem-solving skills. This skill is crucial as it evaluates a candidate's ability to build complex JavaScript applications and solve real-world programming challenges.