JavaScript Basics: JavaScript Basics refers to the fundamental knowledge and understanding of the JavaScript programming language. It includes concepts such as variables, data types, operators, conditionals, loops, functions, and basic syntax. This skill is measured in the test to assess the candidate's foundational knowledge of JavaScript, which is essential for any JavaScript developer role.
JS ES6: JS ES6 (ECMAScript 2015) refers to the latest version of the JavaScript language. It includes new features and syntax improvements, such as arrow functions, classes, modules, template literals, destructuring, and spread syntax. This skill is measured in the test to evaluate the candidate's proficiency in using the modern and more efficient features of JavaScript.
JS OOPs: JS OOPs (Object-Oriented Programming) refers to the paradigm of organizing and structuring code using objects and classes. It involves concepts such as encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism. This skill is measured in the test to assess the candidate's ability to design and implement object-oriented solutions in JavaScript, which is widely used in web development.
Handling APIs: Handling APIs involves the ability to interact with and consume Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). It includes making HTTP requests, parsing JSON data, handling authentication, and processing responses. This skill is measured in the test to evaluate the candidate's knowledge and practical experience in integrating web applications with external services through API interactions.
Asynchronous Node.js and promises: Asynchronous Node.js refers to the ability to write asynchronous code using Node.js, a JavaScript runtime environment. It involves using callbacks, promises, and async/await to handle asynchronous operations efficiently. This skill is measured in the test to assess the candidate's proficiency in writing non-blocking and scalable JavaScript code in a Node.js environment.
Building components with JSX: Building components with JSX involves creating reusable UI components using the JSX syntax, which is an extension to JavaScript commonly used in React applications. It includes concepts such as component composition, props, and state management. This skill is measured in the test to evaluate the candidate's ability to develop modular and reusable UI components using JSX in conjunction with JavaScript.
React Component Lifecycle: React Component Lifecycle refers to the different stages and methods involved in the lifecycle of a React component, such as mounting, updating, and unmounting. It includes methods like componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate, and componentWillUnmount. This skill is measured in the test to assess the candidate's understanding and practical knowledge of how React components behave and interact with the DOM during their lifecycle.
React Hooks and functional components: React Hooks and functional components refer to the new feature introduced in React 16.8 that allows developers to use state and other React features without writing a class. It involves using hooks such as useState, useEffect, useContext, and useRef. This skill is measured in the test to evaluate the candidate's proficiency in using hooks and functional components to build scalable and maintainable React applications.
CSS Box model: CSS Box model refers to the concept of how elements are rendered and structured in CSS. It includes properties such as width, height, padding, margin, and border. This skill is measured in the test to assess the candidate's understanding of how elements are sized, positioned, and spaced in CSS, which is crucial for creating visually appealing and responsive web layouts.
Flexbox and Grid layouts: Flexbox and Grid layouts are CSS layout models that provide flexible and powerful ways to arrange elements in a web page. Flexbox is a one-dimensional layout, while Grid is a two-dimensional layout. This skill is measured in the test to evaluate the candidate's ability to create complex and responsive web layouts using these modern CSS layout techniques.
Responsive CSS: Responsive CSS refers to the practice of creating web pages that can adapt and adjust to different screen sizes and devices. It involves using media queries, flexible units (such as percentages and viewport units), and CSS frameworks like Bootstrap. This skill is measured in the test to assess the candidate's capability to develop web applications that provide a seamless and optimized user experience across various devices.
JavaScript Programming: JavaScript Programming refers to the overall ability to write clean, efficient, and maintainable JavaScript code. It includes concepts such as code organization, error handling, debugging, performance optimization, and code documentation. This skill is measured in the test to evaluate the candidate's overall proficiency and competence in JavaScript programming, which is essential for any web development role.