JavaScript Fundamentals: JavaScript Fundamentals skill covers the basic concepts of the JavaScript programming language such as variables, data types, functions, and control flow. It is essential to measure this skill in the test as it forms the foundation for understanding and writing JavaScript code effectively.
ES6 Syntax: ES6 Syntax skill includes the advanced features and syntax introduced in ECMAScript 6, such as arrow functions, template literals, destructuring, and spread operators. Measuring this skill is crucial as it ensures candidates are up-to-date with modern JavaScript developments and can write more concise and efficient code.
Async/Await in JS: The Async/Await in JS skill focuses on asynchronous programming in JavaScript using the keywords async and await. It is important to assess this skill as it enables developers to write clearer and more maintainable code that deals with asynchronous operations like making API calls or working with Promises.
HTML/CSS Basics: HTML/CSS Basics skill covers the fundamental concepts and syntax of HTML and CSS, including tags, attributes, selectors, and basic styling. Measuring this skill ensures candidates have a solid foundation in creating and styling webpages, an essential requirement for front-end development.
DOM Handling with JS: The DOM Handling with JS skill focuses on manipulating the Document Object Model using JavaScript. This skill is essential to assess as it demonstrates the candidate's ability to interact and modify webpage elements dynamically, enhancing user experience and interactivity.
PHP Syntax: PHP Syntax skill includes the knowledge of basic PHP syntax, variables, functions, and control structures. Measuring this skill is important as it ensures candidates can write PHP code correctly and effectively, which is crucial for server-side web development.
PHP OOPs: PHP OOPs skill covers the object-oriented programming concepts in PHP, such as classes, objects, inheritance, and polymorphism. Assessing this skill is crucial as it indicates candidates' ability to design and implement scalable and reusable code using object-oriented principles.
SQL CRUD operations: SQL CRUD operations skill involves performing Create, Read, Update, and Delete operations on databases using SQL queries. Measuring this skill is significant as it demonstrates candidates' ability to interact with databases, a fundamental aspect of back-end development.
SQL Joins and Indexes: SQL Joins and Indexes skill focuses on writing optimized SQL queries involving table joins and proper use of indexes. This skill is important to assess as it indicates candidates' ability to design efficient database queries, resulting in improved performance and data retrieval.
Coding: Coding skill encompasses the candidate's overall ability to write clean, efficient, and well-structured code in the given programming languages. This skill is vital to assess as it reflects the candidate's practical programming skills and their ability to solve real-world problems effectively.