BCAT Function: The BCAT function in IBM RPG 400 is used to concatenate two or more character strings together. It takes multiple character expressions as input and returns a single character expression. This skill is important to measure in the test as it demonstrates the candidate's ability to manipulate character data in RPG 400.
ICOPY Directives: ICOPY directives in IBM RPG 400 are used to copy values from one data structure to another. They allow for quick and efficient copying of data within the program. Measuring this skill in the test is crucial as it assesses the candidate's understanding of data manipulation and efficiency in RPG 400 programming.
EXFMT Operation: The EXFMT operation in IBM RPG 400 is used to display and format screens or printer files. It allows for interactive prompting and input validation. Including this skill in the test is important to evaluate the candidate's ability to create user-friendly interfaces in RPG 400 applications.
Commands: Commands in IBM RPG 400 are used to control the flow of the program and perform various actions. They include conditional statements, looping constructs, and input/output operations. Assessing this skill in the test is essential to gauge the candidate's proficiency in using RPG 400 commands to control program execution.
Keywords: Keywords in IBM RPG 400 are predefined terms that have special meaning when used in the program. They provide specific functionality and are essential for programming in RPG 400. Measuring this skill in the test helps determine the candidate's familiarity with important keywords and their ability to effectively utilize them in RPG 400 programming.