SQL Basics: This skill covers the knowledge and understanding of SQL syntax, commands, and functions used in querying and manipulating data in DB2. It is crucial to measure this skill to evaluate the candidate's proficiency in writing and optimizing SQL queries.
Database Design: This skill encompasses the ability to design an efficient and well-structured database schema in DB2, including defining tables, relationships, and data types. Measuring this skill helps assess the candidate's expertise in creating a database schema that meets the requirements and ensures data integrity and performance.
Data Manipulation: This skill focuses on the candidate's knowledge and experience in performing data manipulation operations in DB2, such as inserting, updating, and deleting records. Evaluating this skill is crucial as it reflects the candidate's ability to effectively handle and manipulate data within a DB2 database.
Table Creation: This skill pertains to the candidate's proficiency in creating and managing database tables in DB2, including defining columns, constraints, and indexes. Measuring this skill is important to ensure that the candidate can accurately create tables that align with the data model and optimize query performance.
Indexes and Constraints: This skill covers the understanding and utilization of indexes and constraints in DB2. It is essential to measure this skill to assess the candidate's knowledge of maintaining data integrity, improving query performance, and managing database constraints.
Joins and Subqueries: This skill refers to the ability to utilize joins and subqueries effectively in DB2 to retrieve and manipulate data from multiple tables. Measuring this skill helps evaluate the candidate's proficiency in writing complex queries and extracting meaningful insights from interconnected data.
Stored Procedures: This skill involves the knowledge and experience of creating and using stored procedures in DB2. It is important to measure this skill as stored procedures can enhance performance, maintain consistency, and encapsulate complex business logic within the database.
Triggers: This skill encompasses the understanding and implementation of triggers in DB2, which enable automatic execution of predefined actions in response to specific events or changes in the database. Measuring this skill is essential to assess the candidate's ability to implement data validation, enforce business rules, and maintain data integrity using triggers.
Concurrency and Locking: This skill focuses on the candidate's familiarity with the concepts of concurrency control and locking mechanisms in DB2. Evaluating this skill helps gauge the candidate's knowledge of managing concurrent transactions, avoiding data inconsistency, and ensuring data integrity in multi-user environments.
Performance Tuning: This skill involves the ability to optimize the performance of DB2 databases by tuning various aspects, including query optimization, index usage, and database configuration. Measuring this skill is crucial to assess the candidate's expertise in identifying and resolving performance bottlenecks to improve overall system efficiency.
Backup and Recovery: This skill covers the knowledge and experience of implementing backup and recovery strategies for DB2 databases to ensure data protection and minimize data loss. Evaluating this skill helps determine the candidate's ability to design and execute backup plans, implement recovery procedures, and mitigate the impact of potential data disasters.