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Digital Marketing Test

The digital marketing test evaluates a candidate's ability in SEO, inbound marketing, email-marketing, distribution channels, paid ads, analytics and end-user insight using real-life scenario based questions.

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Test duration:  40 mins
Difficulty level:  Moderate
Availability:  Ready to use
  • 5 Content Marketing MCQs
  • 5 Search Engine Optimization MCQs
  • 4 Google Analytics MCQs
  • 5 Google AdWords MCQs
  • 4 Email Marketing MCQs
  • 5 Verbal Reasoning MCQs
Covered skills:
Social Media Marketing
Search Engine Optimization
Search Engine Marketing
Ecommerce Marketing
Google Paid Ads
Google Analytics
Email Marketing
Mobile Marketing
Ad Servers
Social Media Analytics
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Use the Digital Marketing Assessment Test to shortlist qualified candidates

The Digital Marketing Test helps recruiters and hiring managers identify qualified candidates from a pool of resumes, and helps in taking objective hiring decisions. It reduces the administrative overhead of interviewing too many candidates and saves time by filtering out unqualified candidates at the first step of the hiring process.

The test screens for the following skills that hiring managers look for in candidates:

  • Creating effective content marketing strategies
  • Optimizing websites for search engine visibility
  • Analyzing data and generating insights using Google Analytics
  • Creating and managing Google AdWords campaigns
  • Designing and implementing successful email marketing campaigns
  • Applying logical and critical thinking skills for verbal reasoning
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These are just a small sample from our library of 15,000+ questions. The actual questions on this Digital Marketing Test will be non-googleable.

๐Ÿง Question


ClassicRead's Digital Outreach
Digital Marketing
Content Monetization
Value Proposition
Despite recently modernizing their website for e-commerce, ClassicRead Publishers, esteemed for their classic literature, struggle to resonate with the younger audience. The following insights have been noted:

1. Customer Segmentation Data: While 60% of their audience is aged 40 and above, there's an untapped 30% aged 20-35, consuming content mainly digitally.
2. Market Analysis: E-books and audiobooks, especially via subscription models like Audible, are on the rise.
3. Brand USP: ClassicReadโ€™s editions shine with scholarly annotations, an edge not offered by generic free versions or mainstream platforms like Audible.
4. Digital Presence: Their modern website, though enriched, isn't pulling in the younger crowd. Their social media traction is also modest.
5. ROI Concerns: Further digital endeavors must promise solid ROI, considering the fierce digital content competition.

Desiring to magnetize younger readers and maximize their annotation USP, which strategy should ClassicRead champion next?
A: Introduce a referral program on their website for annotated e-books, incentivizing youth to share and purchase.
B: Join forces with leading e-book platforms, but make annotated versions solely available through a ClassicRead app, which is actively promoted on platforms popular among the youth.
C: Design a ClassicRead app that offers e-books and audiobooks with a feature highlighting and sharing favorite annotations, backed by partnerships with popular online book clubs.
D: Organize periodic online webinars with literature enthusiasts analyzing book annotations, with exclusive e-book offers for attendees.
E: Develop virtual reality experiences of classic literature settings, where annotations are discussed in an immersive environment.
F: Collaborate with schools and universities to integrate ClassicRead's annotated e-books into the curriculum, thereby targeting the youth directly.


Omni-Channel Harmony
Omni-Channel Marketing
Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)
Customer Segmentation
ShopElite Fashions has recently expanded its e-commerce platform, while still operating its flagship physical stores. The brand is eager to unify customer experiences across channels. Here are the current challenges and insights:

1. Channel Preferences: The brand's physical stores are popular for the older clientele due to tactile buying experiences and personal customer service. In contrast, younger customers lean heavily on e-commerce due to its convenience.
2. Purchase Behavior: The in-store shopping experience leads to infrequent, but high-ticket purchases. E-commerce witnesses frequent but lower-ticket transactions.
3. Feedback: Both segments feel the rewards and incentives are skewed towards the other group.
4. Communication Channels: Email campaigns have a high open rate among older clientele, whereas younger customers engage more with the brand on social media.
5. Cross-channel engagement: Only 10% of customers have shopped on both channels.

In light of the above, as ShopElite's CMO, which of the following would be MOST important part of a strategy to harmonize the omni-channel experience?
A: Introduce in-store tech experiences, such as augmented reality mirrors, targeting younger clientele to give them a taste of both online and offline world.
B: Diversify communication channels
C: Roll out a tiered loyalty program, where points can be accrued from both online and offline purchases, and benefits increase with cross-channel shopping behaviors, encouraging integration.
D: Launch a series of promotional campaigns, offering heavy discounts online to attract the older clientele and in-store events for the younger audience.
E: Rebalance the product offerings, focusing on exclusive online-only and in-store-only ranges to compel customers to engage with both channels.


Content Marketing and Email Campaigns
Email Marketing
Conversion Optimization
Your company has recently launched a new product, and as a content marketer, you have been asked to utilize email marketing to increase awareness and conversions. After carefully analyzing the email open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates of your initial email campaigns, you notice a trend: emails with longer, in-depth content have higher open rates, but lower conversion rates, whereas emails with shorter, concise content have lower open rates but higher conversion rates. Which of the following would be the best approach to optimize your future email campaigns?
A: Continue sending longer, in-depth emails to maintain high open rates
B: Switch to shorter, concise emails to improve conversion rates
C: Send a mix of longer, in-depth emails and shorter, concise emails
D: Send longer, in-depth emails to engaged subscribers and shorter, concise emails to less engaged subscribers
E: Experiment with different email formats and content lengths to find the optimal balance
F: Focus on improving the email subject lines and preview text to increase both open rates and conversion rates


Content Marketing Metrics
Data Analysis
You are the content manager for a growing e-commerce startup. You've been tasked with developing a content marketing strategy to increase brand awareness and drive more sales. To measure the success of your content marketing efforts, you decide to monitor several key performance indicators (KPIs). Which of the following KPIs would be most valuable in assessing the effectiveness of your content marketing strategy?
A: Website traffic, social media followers, and email newsletter subscribers
B: Time spent on page, bounce rate, and click-through rate
C: Website traffic, conversion rate, and customer acquisition cost
D: Number of blog posts published, email open rate, and social media post engagement
E: Social media followers, number of blog posts published, and customer acquisition cost
F: Email newsletter subscribers, bounce rate, and number of blog posts published


Switching to a dynamic website
Sam has an ecommerce startup. With the recent growth, they are looking to convert the website from a static website to a dynamic website. What are the additional SEO considerations they would have to implement?
A: good internal link structure
B: more keywords for better SEO
C: dynamic XML site generation
D: dynamic image generation 
E: dynamic title and description generation 
F: mobile friendly pages
G: higher page speed


SEO and Image Optimization
Image Optimization
Alt Text
Page Load Speed
You are an SEO analyst for a website that relies heavily on high-quality images. Although these images enhance the user experience, you've observed that they're significantly slowing down the website's load speed. What would be the best way to optimize these images for SEO without compromising the user experience?
A: Remove images to improve page load speed.
B: Use smaller images with lower quality to reduce page load time.
C: Implement lazy loading, optimize image file sizes without losing quality, and use descriptive alt text.
D: Use only one high-quality image per webpage to minimize load time.
E: Include all images in the website's sitemap to help search engines index them faster.
F: Add descriptive alt text for all images.


Tee sizing options
Your friend Bojack has an e-commerce store which sells premium cotton tees. He is hoping to use SEO to increase sales. The same tee is sold in small, medium & large sizes. The urls are as follows:


What recommendations would you give to Bojack?
A: Create a base page for white tee, individual size pages (/small, /medium, /large) should be linked from this base page

B: Change the sizes to parameters & ensure canonical URL for parameterized URLs is set to the base URL

C: Create more pages with customizations to increase coverage (e.g. 

D: URL structure looks correct, Bojack should focus on link building only for the base page

E: Write unique content for the /small, /medium, /large pages, focused on the sizing of the tee


Traffic data
Below we are given the traffic data for a few URLs of
Which of the following are correct?

A: Low bounce rate of might be because of relevant content in the page
B: has lowest bounce rate solely because of lowest page load time
C: bounce rate is high due to high page load time
D: bounce rate is high because it has a lot of irrelevant content
E: Heavy image in the first fold can increase page load time
F: Incorrect canonical URL can increase page load time


Complex GDPR Compliance
Email Segmentation
Data Protection Rights
As the Email Marketing Lead of a multinational company, you manage campaigns targeting subscribers from various regions including the European Union. You decide to send a product update email only to subscribers who have used the product in the past year. To do so, you need to use customer usage data stored in your company's database. 

One of your subscribers, an EU citizen, had opted out of usage-based email marketing a few months ago, but they have been an active user of the product. 

Keeping the GDPR guidelines in mind, select the best course of action:
A: Exclude this subscriber from your product update email because they opted out of usage-based email marketing.
B: Include this subscriber in your product update email because they are an active user of the product.
C: Contact this subscriber to get explicit consent to receive the product update email.
D: Include this subscriber in your product update email because the product updates are crucial for a good user experience.
E: Delete this subscriber's usage data from your database because they opted out of usage-based email marketing.
F: Send a general product update email to this subscriber, excluding specific usage-based information.


Implementing Drip Campaigns
Drip Campaigns
Subscriber Engagement
Email Automation
You're an email marketing manager for an online course platform. The platform offers various courses on different topics. Recently, you've decided to implement a drip campaign strategy to nurture potential customers who've shown interest in certain courses, but have yet to make a purchase.

Which of the following approaches would be the most effective way to structure your drip campaign?
A: Send daily emails about the benefits of the course they've shown interest in.
B: Send an email every two days, alternating between different courses available on the platform.
C: Send weekly emails with testimonials from students who've completed the course they're interested in.
D: Send an initial email about the course they've shown interest in, followed by periodic emails that provide value related to the course topic.
E: Send an email only when there's a discount on the course they're interested in.
F: Send a daily reminder about the course they've shown interest in until they make a purchase.


Optimizing Personalization Strategy
Email Personalization
Subscriber Engagement
You're an email marketer for a large retail company. Your current email strategy involves sending the same weekly newsletters to all subscribers. Despite these newsletters being packed with quality content and attractive offers, the engagement rates have been underwhelming.

In response to this, you're considering adopting a personalization strategy. Which of the following options best reflects a robust personalization strategy that could improve engagement?
A: Sending birthday and holiday greetings to each subscriber.
B: Segmenting the subscribers based on their geographical location and sending location-specific offers.
C: Segregating subscribers based on their past purchases and sending product recommendations accordingly.
D: Allowing subscribers to choose the type of content they wish to receive.
E: Segmenting subscribers based on their engagement levels (open rates, click-through rates) and tailoring the content accordingly.
F: Sending personalized product recommendations based on the browsing behavior of each subscriber on your website.


Claims for a new drug Xylanex
Critical Thinking
Evaluating Arguments
Identifying Assumptions
A pharmaceutical company claims that their new drug, Xylanex, is highly effective in treating a specific medical condition. They provide statistical data from a clinical trial to support their claim. However, a group of scientists has raised concerns about the validity of the study design and potential bias in the data collection process. They argue that the results may be inflated and not truly representative of the drug's effectiveness.

Which of the following assumptions is necessary to support the pharmaceutical company's claim?
A: The clinical trial participants were randomly selected and representative of the target population.
B: The scientists raising concerns have a conflict of interest and are biased against the pharmaceutical company.
C: The statistical analysis of the clinical trial data was conducted by independent experts.
D: The medical condition being treated by Xylanex is widespread and affects a large number of individuals.
E: The pharmaceutical company has a proven track record of developing effective drugs for similar medical conditions.


Emma's cafe business
Emma's cafe has been operating successfully for the last 6 years. Profits have been growing every year, with this year (2020) being their best year so far. As a thank you, Emma treated her staff to a meal at a Michelin star restaurant. 
Below are 3 statements about Emma, her staff and her cafe. Can you help us decide whether the 3 statements are "True", "Probably True", "Insufficient Data to Say True or False", "Probably False", or "False".

1. Emma's staff members are happy.
2. Emma's cafe did well in 2016.
3. Emma is rich.

A: True
B: False
C: Probably True
D: Probably False
E: Insufficient Data


Ivory's new startup
Statement: Ivory started a new startup. We know for a fact that almost all startups fail within the first 2 years. 
Conclusion: Ivory's startup will fail.
Does the conclusion follow from the statement?


Missing element
Which of the following figures do you think would complete the pattern shown below?


Missing element
Which of the following figures do you think would complete the pattern shown below?
๐Ÿง Question๐Ÿ”ง Skill


ClassicRead's Digital Outreach
Digital Marketing
Content Monetization
Value Proposition

2 mins

Marketing Strategy


Omni-Channel Harmony
Omni-Channel Marketing
Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)
Customer Segmentation

2 mins

Marketing Strategy


Content Marketing and Email Campaigns
Email Marketing
Conversion Optimization

2 mins

Content Marketing


Content Marketing Metrics
Data Analysis

2 mins

Content Marketing


Switching to a dynamic website

2 mins

Search Engine Optimization


SEO and Image Optimization
Image Optimization
Alt Text
Page Load Speed

2 mins

Search Engine Optimization


Tee sizing options

2 mins

Search Engine Optimization


Traffic data

2 mins

Search Engine Optimization


Complex GDPR Compliance
Email Segmentation
Data Protection Rights

2 mins

Email Marketing


Implementing Drip Campaigns
Drip Campaigns
Subscriber Engagement
Email Automation

2 mins

Email Marketing


Optimizing Personalization Strategy
Email Personalization
Subscriber Engagement

2 mins

Email Marketing


Claims for a new drug Xylanex
Critical Thinking
Evaluating Arguments
Identifying Assumptions

2 mins

Critical Thinking


Emma's cafe business

2 mins

Critical Thinking


Ivory's new startup

2 mins

Critical Thinking


Missing element

2 mins

Abstract Reasoning


Missing element

2 mins

Abstract Reasoning
๐Ÿง Question๐Ÿ”ง Skill๐Ÿ’ช DifficultyโŒ› Time
ClassicRead's Digital Outreach
Digital Marketing
Content Monetization
Value Proposition
Marketing Strategy
Medium2 mins
Omni-Channel Harmony
Omni-Channel Marketing
Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)
Customer Segmentation
Marketing Strategy
Medium2 mins
Content Marketing and Email Campaigns
Email Marketing
Conversion Optimization
Content Marketing
Medium2 mins
Content Marketing Metrics
Data Analysis
Content Marketing
Medium2 mins
Switching to a dynamic website
Search Engine Optimization
Medium2 mins
SEO and Image Optimization
Image Optimization
Alt Text
Page Load Speed
Search Engine Optimization
Medium2 mins
Tee sizing options
Search Engine Optimization
Medium2 mins
Traffic data
Search Engine Optimization
Medium2 mins
Complex GDPR Compliance
Email Segmentation
Data Protection Rights
Email Marketing
Medium2 mins
Implementing Drip Campaigns
Drip Campaigns
Subscriber Engagement
Email Automation
Email Marketing
Medium2 mins
Optimizing Personalization Strategy
Email Personalization
Subscriber Engagement
Email Marketing
Medium2 mins
Claims for a new drug Xylanex
Critical Thinking
Evaluating Arguments
Identifying Assumptions
Critical Thinking
Medium2 mins
Emma's cafe business
Critical Thinking
Medium2 mins
Ivory's new startup
Critical Thinking
Medium2 mins
Missing element
Abstract Reasoning
Medium2 mins
Missing element
Abstract Reasoning
Easy2 mins

Test candidates on core Digital Marketing Hiring Test topics

Social Media Marketing: Social Media Marketing is the practice of using social media platforms to promote products or services. This skill should be measured in the test to assess a candidate's ability to develop strategies, manage social media accounts, and engage with online communities.

Search Engine Optimization: Search Engine Optimization involves optimizing websites to increase their visibility and ranking on search engine results pages. It is important to measure this skill in the test to evaluate a candidate's knowledge of keyword research, on-page optimization, and backlink building techniques.

Search Engine Marketing: Search Engine Marketing refers to the practice of using paid advertisements to increase website visibility on search engine results pages. Measuring this skill in the test helps in assessing a candidate's proficiency in creating and optimizing search ads, managing bidding strategies, and analyzing advertising performance.

Ecommerce Marketing: Ecommerce Marketing focuses on strategies and techniques to promote and sell products or services online. This skill should be measured in the test to evaluate a candidate's understanding of online marketplaces, product listing optimization, customer targeting, and conversion rate optimization.

Google Paid Ads: Google Paid Ads involve creating and managing advertisements on Google's advertising platform, Google Ads. Measuring this skill in the test helps in assessing a candidate's knowledge of ad creation, ad targeting, budget management, and performance tracking.

Google Analytics: Google Analytics is a web analytics tool that tracks and reports website traffic and user behavior. Measuring this skill in the test helps in evaluating a candidate's ability to set up and analyze Google Analytics data, create custom reports, and extract insights to drive marketing strategies.

Email Marketing: Email Marketing is the practice of sending targeted promotional messages to a group of individuals via email. Measuring this skill in the test helps in assessing a candidate's knowledge of email campaign planning, list segmentation, copywriting, and performance tracking.

Mobile Marketing: Mobile Marketing involves reaching and engaging with target audiences through mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. Measuring this skill in the test helps in evaluating a candidate's understanding of mobile advertising platforms, app marketing, responsive design, and mobile user experience optimization.

Ad Servers: Ad Servers are software platforms that store, manage, and serve online advertisements to websites or apps. Measuring this skill in the test helps in assessing a candidate's proficiency in ad server setup and configuration, ad trafficking, targeting options, and ad performance monitoring.

Social Media Analytics: Social Media Analytics is the process of collecting and analyzing data from social media platforms to understand audience behavior and measure the effectiveness of social media marketing efforts. Measuring this skill in the test helps in evaluating a candidate's ability to use analytics tools, interpret social media data, and derive actionable insights for campaign optimization.

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Have questions about the Digital Marketing Hiring Test?

What roles can I use the Digital Marketing Assessment Test for?

Here are few roles for which we recommend this test:

  • Digital Marketing Specialist
  • Content Marketer
  • SEO Specialist
  • Social Media Manager
  • Email Marketing Specialist
  • Digital Marketing Analyst
  • E-commerce Manager
  • Digital Advertising Specialist
  • Marketing Manager
  • Marketing Coordinator
  • Facebook Marketing Specialist
Can I combine Digital Marketing Test with Content Strategy questions?

Yes, recruiters can request a custom test that includes Content Strategy questions. Learn more about assessing Content Strategy skills with our Content Strategy Test.

How to use Digital Marketing Test in my hiring process?

We recommend using this test as a pre-screening tool. Add a link to the assessment in your job post or directly invite candidates via email. It's designed to identify skilled candidates early in the process.

What are the main Marketing Assessment tests?
Do you have any anti-cheating or proctoring features in place?

We have the following anti-cheating features in place:

  • Non-googleable questions
  • IP proctoring
  • Screen proctoring
  • Web proctoring
  • Webcam proctoring
  • Plagiarism detection
  • Secure browser
  • Copy paste protection

Read more about the proctoring features.

What experience level can I use this test for?

Each Adaface assessment is customized to your job description/ ideal candidate persona (our subject matter experts will pick the right questions for your assessment from our library of 10000+ questions). This assessment can be customized for any experience level.

I'm a candidate. Can I try a practice test?

No. Unfortunately, we do not support practice tests at the moment. However, you can use our sample questions for practice.

Can I get a free trial?

Yes, you can sign up for free and preview this test.

What is Digital Marketing Test?

The Digital Marketing Test is designed to assess candidates' skills in various areas of digital marketing. Recruiters use it to identify suitable candidates for roles that require expertise in online marketing strategies.

What skills are evaluated in the Digital Marketing Test?

This test evaluates skills in Social Media Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Search Engine Marketing, Ecommerce Marketing, Google Paid Ads, Google Analytics, Email Marketing, Mobile Marketing, Ad Servers, and Social Media Analytics.

Can I test Digital Marketing and SEO together in a test?

Yes, it is recommended to test these skills together for a comprehensive skills assessment. Check out our SEO Test for more information.

Can I combine multiple skills into one custom assessment?

Yes, absolutely. Custom assessments are set up based on your job description, and will include questions on all must-have skills you specify. Here's a quick guide on how you can request a custom test.

How do I interpret test scores?

The primary thing to keep in mind is that an assessment is an elimination tool, not a selection tool. A skills assessment is optimized to help you eliminate candidates who are not technically qualified for the role, it is not optimized to help you find the best candidate for the role. So the ideal way to use an assessment is to decide a threshold score (typically 55%, we help you benchmark) and invite all candidates who score above the threshold for the next rounds of interview.

Does every candidate get the same questions?

Yes, it makes it much easier for you to compare candidates. Options for MCQ questions and the order of questions are randomized. We have anti-cheating/ proctoring features in place. In our enterprise plan, we also have the option to create multiple versions of the same assessment with questions of similar difficulty levels.

What is the cost of using this test?

You can check out our pricing plans.

I just moved to a paid plan. How can I request a custom assessment?

Here is a quick guide on how to request a custom assessment on Adaface.

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